What if Hexes couldn't be destroyed first 2 minutes of a game?

Since more than often they just spawn next to a survivor and get insta cleansed So at least you would get some value from them.
Would be great - you would have 2 minutes before your hexes are broken then :-)
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I'd allow a simple 60seconds, I still dont get why I can have multiple perks gone and cleansed in less than 20 seconds.
Iv lost 3 totems in 19seconds before, so I feel your pain.
But tbh I'd rather corrupt tier 1 be base (solves the issue of survivors all spawning and working on separate gens) and then turn corrupt into a hex protection perk (lights all totems and blocks them for 120seconds, once the timer ends all totems that was previously dull return back to that state.)
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If they can't be destroyed in for 120 seconds then they should be nerfed accordingly.
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Don't bring hexes to the game if you can't stand the risk of them getting broken
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Yeah because you can control the rng of the totem spawns that 90% spawn right in front of the survivors.
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I never run hexes when I play killer because they get cleansed immediately. If anything is unbalanced, it's the totem system for sure. Survivors get unlimited boons while killers get their hexes cleansed or blessed over immediately.
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I'd be fine with a perk being like a corrupt to protect totems at start but not basekit.
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Don't bring them then just like he said.
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They'd be completely busted. Hook survivor on your hex and camp to win. The whole point of hexes is a risk/reward loadout.
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Wouldn't help unless you made the protection unreasonably long. Once one survivor knows, assume they all know and that it's gonna go down the second that timer is up. They'll also likely deduce what hex you're using and play around it to avoid giving value. the only way to guarantee value is to give the totem such a level of protection that there would be no real point to them being hex perks.
TLDR, the risk is to be accepted or you shouldn't use hexes.
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Instead of having Hex Undying replace a hex totem that you cleanse, why not simply have it block any other hex totems while it is active? That way, you can find other hexes and learn where they are, but there's no chance of you breaking them until undying goes away. They would be blocked similarly to pentimento or plaything.
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I am sorry, you really think that you can find a Survivor, win the chase, down them, pick them up, carry them to a hook, hook them, AND camp them to DEATH...
...in 120 seconds?!
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You do not need to camp them to death by 2 minutes, you need to hook them by 2 minutes. And yes, I believe I could do that rather consistently. It depends on the spawn, but it is not much different than Basement, realistically.
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So why are you still using Hexes and wasting perk slots if survivors insta cleansed them?
I know why.
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They would be actually strong.
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This is how high risk high reward works. Sometimes you have great value, sometimes you won't. This is how hex totems works. If you don't like it, don't bring them. We don't have one type perks. So i am sure you can find some perks you like.
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Not needed, none of hexes are strong enough to worth using for 20 seconds uptime.
120seconds is fine, it's not like hex perks kill you instantly.
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I've been using my totem cleansing build (which is basically just Small Game) in solo queue and the time it takes to cleanse all five totems can literally cause us to lose the game because now we don't have enough time to get the gens done.
I feel like a change like this, e.g. an uncleansable Ruin for two whole minutes, would plunge solo queue even deeper than it already is.
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You are cleansing five totems solo and not using counterforce, I just think it's the problem.
And I think time it takes to cleanse all five totems have nothing to do with ruin staying up for 2 minutes.
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Because Hex perks in theory offer a wild variety of fun and different playstyles. Sadly you can't experience or explore this alternative playstyles, because Hex totems have a rather silly half-life of 30s.
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Idk if making them uncleansable is a good solution, even if it is just to be a welfare value for bringing hex.
I do think however limiting the spawn of it to not be on the other side of the map of you is a better idea since atleast that gives you the option to defend it or atleast exchange it for a hit.
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Yeah? Bubba can do this. One survivor died, you still have your hex totem and you have 3 survivors now. Hex totems are alright, they does not need change.
But totem spawns should fix, they should be hidden better.
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Devs: Thank for the idea now lets fix with a bandaid perk that protect your hexes for 2 mins. SPOILER: It will be for the 6th anniversary new killer
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I like the idea, but 2 minutes is too long. Maybe 45 seconds to start and test from there.
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Same, it could be something like 60 seconds.
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Yep, you just know they run Undying too then get salty that they only have 2 perks.
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3 perks
You lose tptem lock protection.
Then undying.
Then the hex.
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This could be a neat buff to Corrupt Intervention.
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What? No. But I can chase them, down them, and hook them. I usually have two hooks before Corrupt Intervention is done. There would be zero reason to not take Ruin in the proposed scenario. Every game would be a free win with Ruin/Agitation/Corrupt.
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Totems belong to survivors now, just accept that.
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I feel like 45-60 seconds would be enough for Hex Perks to be useful while not being too oppressive. 2 minutes of invincible Ruin or Devour Hope seems way to nutty
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Oh boy! Can't wait for BHVR to look at this and be like "what if we did this... but in a perk?"
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Then by minute 3 I have already killed 1-2 survivors with Devour Hope
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That means you're really good to get 3 hooks in under 3 minutes.
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Games don't last longer than 4-6 minutes lol what
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I'd love that be a separate perk than redoing corrupt. Just make it a new Killer Perk that let's say is a Worshiper of the Entity and channels it's power through himself. He be like a semi human/spider monster and instead of Entity claws it would be thick webs that block all totems for 120s and shows them all as lit totems until it goes away.
This would keep Boons I'm check and protect Hexes for 2 mins.
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I definetly see it becoming a perk in the future considering hexes are so vulnerable even with undying.
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that's the whole point of why he said that, genius
btw that never actually happens