It never ceases to amaze me...
how players in this game are so delusional and protective of their own actions even when they are flat out wrong.
<For context>
Just had a match against a Hillbilly, first survivor goes down (Claudette) she dc's. So I am thinking, phew ok lets "try" to make this work, if for anything at least for the points. Sounds fair, right?
So there is Ace, Bill and me (David)... Ace runs him for what seems like a fairly good amount of time. I can see his icon not getting injured, so I pop my first gen. Still not injured... move on to the second gen, at this point he gets injured and I manage to get a second gen done. Ace is finally downed and hooked. I am right by him, so I go and save him, and the Hillbilly completely ignores me and goes for Ace. So at this point he wants Ace out, so I quickly start another gen, and finish it. Still no word on Bill's whereabouts by the way.
Ace gets hooked again. Same scenario happens. I manage to take a hit for him, but still wasn't enough. This time he goes down faster as there were no more resources in the surrounding area. Ace is dead.
Hillbilly starts to chase me, but then leaves me as his tinkerer procc'd. Bill goes down immediately. Now I am thinking the game is over. There is no way we can do 2 generators without at least one of us being able to waste his time.
In post chat, the Bill player has the audacity to blame Ace for apparently running the killer? and saying that he was on a gen with him and went down because he was a "potato". Meanwhile I am looking at his perks and noticed he had Sprint Burst and Spine Chill together. So when I proceed to ask how he blames Ace when he got us 3 generators, and ask what he did, he tells me he had been trying to do a gen. So basically he had been sprinting away the entire time, waiting for his SB to come back, re-started that same gen, rinse repeat. 😂
3v1 matches are already challenging as they are. I think it's insane that some people still have no idea what an actual potato is in this game. Maybe because they themselves are one. lol
Toxic capitol G gamers being capitol G gamers.
Fudge em
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Imagine how good at the game Bill would be if Spine Chill didn't exist.
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I love when horrible ######### players have the audacity to speak in end game chat.