Why is everyone quitting this game?

People are quitting the game rapidly because they think there are cheaters but they just got rid of stretched resolution which people from epic games are hackers but I don't really understand.

Let's just say that we need a major and a very massive bug fix so people would play it more. But who knows, people think that it's unbalanced and they should fix the whole game and I was gonna say that this game needs a massive bug fix if they wanna play again. People are quitting because of the whole situation with bugs if I'm correct.


  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 924

    It's not just bug fixes all of DBD needs to be rebuilt and over hauled. When this game was first built the devs expected maybe 4-6 killers max. Now it's like what 27 killers, they're building a mansion on a small broken foundation.

  • ObservantOfTime
    ObservantOfTime Member Posts: 209

    Since September 2021, the playercount has been nosediving. What changed that month? Oh right, SBMM was introduced. Correlation is not necessarily causation, but it does make me wonder.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,621

    The MMR, the imbalance making killer a pain to play at higher ranks, the cheaters, the boons.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,904

    What the post above said also it's so imbalanced it's not fun.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,898

    This is part of it, but when a game is running well, the burnout loss will be offset by new players coming in.

  • Vyne456
    Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

    What? I didn't even say that after all. It's according to my friends out there who doesn't even play anymore dead by daylight because it's the bugs and I'm not being offensive, but it's just the matter of fact.

  • debtstroke
    debtstroke Member Posts: 2

    hackers just held two games of mine hostage. First person went on a fake hook after the end game collapse. So I had no choice but to exit my game and take a penalty. Thanks behavior! Great job guys with the penalty’s for disconnecting. Too bad you cannot control hackers. Second person had endless firecrackers and permanently blinded me. So I have another disconnection penalty… I’m going over to destiny 2. Screw this game

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I play a lot less than I used to, but I still play for like an hour a day or so. Usually just to do a daily and make a little tome progress. Slowly inching towards P3 L50 all perks on every killer so far. I'm a killer main because I find survivor pretty boring. SWF is too easy and solo queue's main problem is people constantly disconnecting or killing themselves on hook when they get found first. For the killer side, too many strong survivor sided maps coupled with 3 and 4 stacks all piling on second chance perks and a circle of healing. You have to get through way too many health states compared to how long it takes gens to get done

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Because it's a boring game unless you're playing killer or in a swf , survivor and killer are both rinse and repeat play styles, swf is only fun because you can talk to friends while you play other than that it's boring too because you're doing the same thing over and over again, I've got 11,000 hours in this game and I play it maybe 1-3 times a week anymore because after a couple matches I'm bored I'm ready for a new game to play, you can only do the same thing so much before it gets old. If they really want to bring players back come out with the new game modes we were promised 3 years ago

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited February 2022

    Honestly I think its due to mmr and cheaters Also ngl dbd isn't a type of game to play for extended periods of time like the most I can do before going on auto pilot om the survivor side is 16 matches and 25 for killer lol

    Also new games have been coming out

  • MoraFlex
    MoraFlex Member Posts: 67


    If I look back on my first few games that I really loved, it was never about a meta or anything like that. I was just driving around in GTA Sa and enjoying the vibe. Why does everything have to be meta now? It's not even fun to win with the stuff: "Oh wow. I won with the strongest perks, who would have thought?" or "Oh damn, I couldn't win the round despite my meta" - Sounds like you can only lose, you either don't enjoy a win or mind a lose.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,904
    edited February 2022

    I said the post above mine which said "this game doesnt really reward you for getting better" and its imbalanced. It was answering the question in the title.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    3 things;

    1. Cheaters have become a problem, that anyone with common sense knows how easy it is to start fighting against now.
    2. The game is going into a very Survivor sided direction where playing Killer is too stressful, unfun, and for very little reward. While Killer is the role that not only brings in most of the players, but the needed role to keep the game afloat at all. (1 Killer leaving = 4 survivors waiting longer in que, survivors start peeling out because friends leave out of boredom, and solo survivor is just as bad with new mmr system - not getting into all of it).
    3. Growing toxicity till it's at a point that's just down right ridiculous. With nothing being done about it, not even an effort to encourage good behavior or sportsmanship.

    They fix these, and then boom. Game starts growing again.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,953

    What do you base that statement on? Have you seen the source code? Is it unable to support so many Killers?

    I highly doubt building construction is an applicable analogy.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957

    the terrible grind, the terrible community and the very stale meta

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    It's just not fun atm.

    Every single match someone is getting tunneled / camped at 5 gens / unbalanced matchmaking / OP survivor perks / boring killers (nemesis, artist, trickster are among the least fun to face)

    people just reached the boiling point as the game has been consistently frustrating for quite some time now

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,953

    Long running game design issues going unaddressed

    such as?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited February 2022

    The biggest issue right now is MMR. Second biggest issue is still Circle of Healing.

    Funnily enough, both are causing the exact same issue. More and more killers either are or feel like they need to tunnel and camp every single game because kills are the only thing MMR cares about and Circle of Healing makes almost any sort of splitting of pressure not work ever. Either that or people are playing Plague... who is the least fun killer to play against in the entire game in my opinion. I realize that I've started playing her but I also hate camping, tunneling, and killers with insta downs... and Plague is basically the only killer who still functions without having to do any of that.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Honestly there’s just nothing interesting happening in the game at the moment. And many games like dying light 2 and Elden ring have come out

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,721

    Covid is settled down so people will have a lot less time to play and will lower the numbers a bit.

    A bunch of new hype games are out. Dying Light 2, Elden Ring, Horizon, etc. Some streamers are bailing on DBD for a while to play Elden Ring and other games so that will take some players away.

    I'm sure some just have general burnout or need a break which is where the new hype games come in. DBD is getting old after all.

    New chapter has very little hype around it so it won't be pulling in a lot of people.

    Cheater Problem and MMR which people don't care much for. This is a big one they should work on sooner rather then later.

    I'm assuming the next big release besides chapters is the grind fix/MMR changes which they've talked about for a bit. Depending on if/how that's done you'll see some people come back.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Well I haven't been playing cause I lost Xbox Gold....

    But the reasons why people are leaving are already listed so yea

    Veteran players are leaving due: To nothing changing about the core gameplay (setting perks aside for a moment... I'll come back to them)

    Maps and they way they are made

    Perks and they way that they are addressed (see I did say I'd come back to them)

    Toxicity... is at it's worst

    Plus there are other games that can be played

    New(er) players are leaving due: To the grind

    Everything being price tagged (BP, Shards and Auric Cells)

  • A_Gamers_Dead_Body
    A_Gamers_Dead_Body Member Posts: 127

    Stop exaggerating. People have been saying what you are saying for years and its never true, just personal opinions due to that person not enjoy a certain aspect of the game. Dead By daylight is available through Steam, Epic Games Store, Playstation, Switch, Xbox, Mobile......this is one of the most popular games worldwide, yes worldwide.

    Just because you aren't enjoying it right now doesn't mean there isn't someone downloading it as you speak. Stop with the doomsday posts, they do nothing but make you look like a disgruntled player.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited February 2022

    Gave ya an upvote because I agree with you.

    Now for my personal experience, I left a month after SBMM because I did not enjoy it. I popped back the week of Halloween and tried again. I lasted five matches and uninstalled again. It's not even burnout for me, DbD was always just a side game. But since SBMM, it's not been fun as Killer. And it isn't like I stomped survivors before SBMM, or regularly got 4ks. Hell, DbD being a side game and with rank resets every month, I never achieved red rank, either.

    I totally get burnout, though. Like you, I played Overwatch. Hell, I started in closed Beta and played all the way through Halloween Terror 2021. Then I just had to stop. Complete burnout. I went back this week for the Reaper event and enjoyed myself again.

    But for DbD, that hasn't been the case. Not since SBMM.

  • A_Gamers_Dead_Body
    A_Gamers_Dead_Body Member Posts: 127

    Or maybe stop looking at steam charts to dictate whether or not a game is dying, here's a thought; Steam isnt the only platform where games are played.

  • Wiggles_Diggles
    Wiggles_Diggles Member Posts: 180

    Simply put burnout. A break is a really good thing and I encourage people who have played for a while to do so. I just got back from about a year long break and been having a lot of fun with the game

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    The reason I stopped (for the time being) is that we haven’t gotten any major gameplay updates outside of events that can just be ignored, no LTM system and the only content comes with killers, perks, and maps

    The balance is so poor that maps can make perks broken (some maps perks are bad while others are good depending on what the perks are), balance of perks is slow and we have an abundance of perks that are practically useless still, and we still have killers that get buffed/nerfed to the point where they are either OP, UP, or extremely unfun to face or play and are put into the “we’ll get to it eventually” folder

    alot of unneeded changes happen (Dream pallet nerf happened for no reason) while things that have been too strong have been too strong for too long (alchem ring literally rewards you for hitting people with lethal rush by allowing you to remove the space between you and the survivor you hit instantly and ig this is balanced)

    breakable walks and how dead dawg got an infinite for breaking the wrong one before, these have still been a problem with balance forever now as they just cause more problems with maps that are already balance problems, and are just unneeded in the first place, maps don’t need breakable walls, just don’t make loops that could do that

    Rant Over

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Only one word, sbmm

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    To me, the worst elements currently in the game are the following:

    -SBMMR, making every match a sweatfest & also being so poorly designed. You're rewarded solely for escaping or getting kills. And it introduces a competitive system to a non-competitive game.

    -Boons. Specially CoH, but to me it's more about the boons in general. I loved the idea of totems for survivors, but the execution is awful to say the least.

    -The most recent killers being absolutely insufferable and annoying to verse. Pinhead is, in my opinion, the most unfun killer ever added into the game. Nemesis and Artist closely follow. I don't mind Trickster as much but I know he's highly unpopular, too, and I can see why.

    -Bugs and bullshit hitboxes + ping related stuff. I've played a lot of online games and none of them suffered as from many bugs & bullshit hitboxes as DBD. And the servers are #########.

    -Hackers. Haven't personally ran into any but I know there are many out there, these days.

    -None of the above being addressed. Slow updates, slow patches. This game needs to be updated & patched more often, specially regarding bugs. It's nuts that a killer can be disabled for WEEKS because the devs are waiting for a new "mandatory" patch to be released to fix them.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well. I've stopped playing and I can say I am relieved now... the game's toxicity has increased a lot in the last year and I mean in every kind of ranking in general so that's a negative point.

    Another negative point is... hacking. Hackers were very hard to find in the game but now they don't even try to hide it, meaning how little to ... the only time I saw someone hacking was when I had started playing, a Dwight suddenly flyed when he was in the dying state and went above the exit gate who was closed at the time being.

    Another negative point: Many core issues not being addressed. Prestige doesn't feel rewarding. Ultra rare addons doesn't feel worth of their value. Grind is excesively high... that can be addressed by simply erasing one tier of the perks (and no, saying spaghetti code is not a magic word to erase all the problems, they have a problem and they need to address it).

    Flashlights exploits: Yeah, I know, flashlights are hard to use but if you do know how to use them well, you will start to understand that there are times from where you can blind a killer and the killer can't defend against it... locker saves as an example... if it's used to annoy the killer and even though they'll run out of batteries it's not fun for the killer to be trapped in that situation. Also, some weird flashlight saves that shouldn't have occurred otherwise, if you know how to use flashlights, you will know about those situation where you can blind a killer even if they're facing a wall...

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well. I've stopped playing and I can say I am relieved now... the game's toxicity has increased a lot in the last year and I mean in every kind of ranking in general so that's a negative point.

    Another negative point is... hacking. Hackers were very hard to find in the game but now they don't even try to hide it, meaning how little to ... the only time I saw someone hacking was when I had started playing, a Dwight suddenly flyed when he was in the dying state and went above the exit gate who was closed at the time being.

    Another negative point: Many core issues not being addressed. Prestige doesn't feel rewarding. Ultra rare addons doesn't feel worth of their value. Grind is excesively high... that can be addressed by simply erasing one tier of the perks (and no, saying spaghetti code is not a magic word to erase all the problems, they have a problem and they need to address it).

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited March 2022

    I have played the game since launch and other games exist

    Nothing personal really, just how it be

    Billy Main Forever