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Killers are far too weak, can't change my mind

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but right now it feels like playing the Killer is like saying, "I WANT TO LOSE THE NEXT 40 GAMES IN A ROW!" On loud speaker.

Honestly, that's how it feels at times. Made only worse by SWF players. The teamwork, coordination, everything makes it far too easy for Survivors to dominate.

I know I know, y'all are gonna say: "You suck, get good lolz noob."

But I've been playing since Ghostface was launched, and it's just getting worse and worse to play as a killer. I have to deal with Boons, fast as hell healing, fast as hell gen popping, and keep track of four different survivors who are likely using coms to keep track of me so I don't know theres three on a gen and next thing I know is Pop, Pop, Pop, escape.

Honestly, I can run perks like Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, Ruin, and so on to only slow them down so much. But when you got a team that can bully you so easily, what is the point in trying?

Hell, I popped into a Twitch streamer after a game to tell em they did good, and all I heard was him and his three friends trash talking me left and right saying I need to uninstall. Bro, y'all got decisive strike, borrowed time, two of you had tool boxes with brand new parts, one had a medit and a flash light. Every time I got someone down, all three were body blocking so the third could get a flashlight save.

How are killers supposed to feel strong in this game with this kind of stuff? I'm doing the best I can and it seems like no combination of perks, killer, or map makes it any bit easier.

Im honestly thinking of just dropping the game for good. Every time I start I game all I can think of is, oh great. Here's another SWF trash talking me on Twitch again.

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  • Member Posts: 19

    Addressing the streamers stacks toxicity: We're all in purgatory here, they're just sharing the experience lol.

    But don't worry, I know you say you've played for a long time. But instead of looking at these 4 stacks as toxic, and try and remember every play they make that hurts you. Then you can read it before it happens when a new team tries it. Either way, keep your head up and good luck <3

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    There is a killer that is as strong as survivors, beside that, yes.

    Average power of killers are ridiculously lackluster.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I find that medicine is sometimes needed for killer. Always remember though, a spoonful of sugar hurts when it’s jammed in your eye.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    I'm not gonna lie. I've been getting 3ks and 4ks a lot lately. But that's with using strong killers like Blight and Artist with strong add-ons and meta perks, and the matches are still close. I should be getting 1ks or 2ks in those matches, but survivors want to do dumb stuff like be altruistic when I have NOED, which gives me a 4k.

    Imagine if I played weaker killers like Freddy or Deathslinger. I wouldn't stand a chance. Oh wait, I don't have to imagine because I've lost so many times with them after their nerfs, I no longer want to play them.

    The rarity of unbeatable survivor teams is irrelevant; the problem is that the game's balance allows them to exist.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Here's the thing the game is sided by experience and skill. If the Killer has more of that then it looks like it's Killer sided. If the Survivors have more of that then it's Survivor sided.

    Now I'm not talking about maps because we know how heavily sided those maps are.

    I played a Survivor game a hour ago where the Killer had Pain Resonance and it was obviously clear after first hook when I jumped off a Gen to set up a rescue when the Gen popped right after I let go. The rest of my team didn't know what they were doing because Gens were getting blocked all game. This was vs a really good Nemi player, he used his zombois as moving radar dishes and used BBQ like a pro able to set up perfect angles on people. Needless to say it was a 4K even though looping him was easy enough just he kept pressure up easily.

    If all three of us had the experience and skills them it would be a different story.

  • Member Posts: 56

    ehh,i still got a 2k at rpd,against a hacking dwight as hag

    i feel like the game is balanced if you can get a tie against a hacker who doesnt even try to hide it

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Idk, but my experience is over a 2k average running only Trapper.

    My current love.

    But ofcourse he suffers verse Swf, and boons as well. The truth is this game favors experience. But if you are not having fun, perhaps gaining that experience is not worth it for you.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    I will be honest, from my experience this sounds like a you problem.

    Came back a few days ago to the game and in about 15-20 no slowdown perk Billy matches I'm still yet to get a 0k/1k.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    Yea Players have to inflate their egos... it's sad but true

    And be on display for anyone to watch

    But like others have said... don't let that bother you

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    The only thing i hear on loud speaker is killer players crying their ass off on this forum. Never seen any playerbase being so whiny while performance its all about their own skill level.

  • Member Posts: 531

    why even post a discussion thing if your mind cant be changed seems pretty much like a waste of time

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, it depends on what tier survivor you face as what tier killer. If you play a D tier killer and face B tier survivors and consistently winning, you're really good with that D tier killer.

    Its not that killers are too weak, it's that people expect a different balance. You should not be facing survivors who eat Plague for breakfast when you're playing Ghostface. They are a different tier. If you can keep up with A tier survivors with a C tier killer, that means you are really good at that killer.

  • Yep, couldn’t agree more.

    The game is in a seriously bad state. I mean it’s always been bad, but we’ve sunk into an even newer, more disgusting, revolting badness of bad.

    Like layers of an onion falling away as the core becomes more exposed. It stinks big time and causes further tears to flow.

    The developers need to sink their hands deep into the mess and muck, destroy suffocating game design clogs, and finally fix this f*ck!

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    There is no comparable skill between killers and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    There is actually.

    Mindgame Skill vs Mindgame Skill

    Running Loops Vs Chasing Loops

    Heck even Skills able to play certain Killers, I play alot of Vommy Mommy so my skills playing as her allows me to have skills to handle her so that alone is good comparable skill between Survivors and Killers. Just because most Survivors just do a hold W or M1 meta that didn't mean they don't have skills or you can compare both sides skills.

    Just like my example I used of the Nemi match, he had more skill and knowledge on how to chase through loops and not get fooled by 360 spins, which I have good skills using just not a expert at it but enough to get away from the Killer or keep them busy for a few Gens.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Skill caps of those things aren't high, just play safe and that's it.

  • Member Posts: 167

    It's impossible to win a game casually with any killer other than Nurse, Blight or Spirit with disgusting add ons. Any other killer needs the strongest most META perks money can buy to even stand a chance against super passive "second chance" survivor perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    All killers are strong, some are too strong in fact. Just because one or more escaped doesn't mean "Killers are far too weak". You can't win every game. An organized SWF will always be harder to beat.

  • Member Posts: 70

    This post SCREAMS entitled survivor main. If you think Clown is strong.....I don't even know what to tell you. The issue is swfs are too strong and killers like Clown at high MMR are abhorrent to play as.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    So for you to think the game is fine you need to play a killer that just bypasses everything or one that exploits to bypass everything.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited February 2022

    My build with Blight - Perks: Brutal Strength, Fire-up, BBQ and Chill, Bamboozle . Add-ons - Adrenaline Vial, Blighted Crow

    90 percent of my games are at least a 3k. I also do not tunnel anyone out of the game.

    Blight is absolutely the strongest killer in DBD, a bit stronger than nurse and a lot stronger than spirit. If you're playing Blight with strong perks and add-ons, and you're not performing well, well I hate to break it to you, but you have not mastered Blight. But to be fair, it's hard to be really good at Blight. But it's not hard to be above average with Blight (when compared to other killers) Because you can use his mobility and then play him like an M1 killer.

    I really really feel like Blight should be a 4.4 m/s killer. He'd still be insanely strong, but he would be weaker for people who can't use his power to land hits. Bad Blight players who can't rush are doing well if they understand the basics of M1 gameplay, which should not be the case for a killer with as strong a power as Blight.

  • Member Posts: 974

    if you want to have fun you can't play half the game. GREAT

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    "Everything is far too easy for survivors to dominate"

    So do you not think there is anything the killer can do to dominate? Because that is so incorrect.

    Your post honestly sounds like a lot of complaining because you had bad matches. You provide 0 evidence of what YOU yourself did, to even begin to give you proper feedback. Simply saying "Killers are weak because survivors bring these things" is not enough.

  • Member Posts: 70
  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I am totally sure scooching up to an object and looking down to remove collision was heavily discussed during Blights development.

  • Member Posts: 70

    My mistake, thought you were referring to Nurses ability to go through walls. Please learn how to put detail into comments

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Just face camp as Bubba with NOED. Free kills and mmr if you are not a great killer, everyone's doing it.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Well mainly because they are toxic js killers get nerfed because survivors cry that their OP and get nerfed so blame survivor babies that lose and go to polls to see if they need to be nerfed

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    No, I am not going to blame survivor mains for the developer's game design philosophy...

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    No, you wouldn't hate to break it to me. It always fills y'all with joy to put someone down, especially when they don't deserve it.

    Perhaps it's because I'm on console, or because the game's hitboxes that interact with his power are just bad, but I feel like I can't get that much better with Blight, aside from doing the crazier slide techs and stuff that probably won't work on smart survivors anyway. I can't just flick tech my way to being more "skillful", as many have done. I have do it legit.

    Blight is not more powerful than Nurse, because her power is literally noclipping. No other killer compares. And Blight being 110% would just gatekeep the killer even more than he already is. Those people who say his power is "simple", or "easy" to use/master are talking out their behinds.

    You guys who claim you play killer but you want such ridiculous survivor sided changes are either 1) survivor mains in killer's clothing or 2) willing fools. You would see this game become much harder for everyone else (not including the casuals) because you think someone who's good with a certain killer can't be beat, yet they do get beat again and again and again.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I really wish they showed MMR cause I just don't understand how some people can say X killer is fine cause I 3k/4k all the time with them. I know I'm not the best killer in the game but it feels painfully obvious that most killer's aren't good.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Because I'm on steam I can show you my steam stats

    (The Blight) Survivors hit with Lethal Rush:


  • Member Posts: 1,243

    Not all killers are weak but I agree half of them are,or require an insane amount of skill and effort to do good with.

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