General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 9
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

Hey everyone. So I decided that I would like to give Demogorgon a go, and would like to hear your opinions. What builds are good, and why? Portal placement, general tactics and strategies?

Thank you all in advance. :)

EDIT: I would appreciate serious replies. Thank you!

Post edited by HoG_Nagato on

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  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I hope you bought him before November of 2021.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I don't know exactly when I bought him, but he's definetly dusty. He's only on level 10.🥴

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    STBFL is a good perk for him, since you can shred the obsession with relative ease.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Ah yes my time to shine! Okay so firstly perks. My standard build is stbfl, corrupt, bbq, and shadowborn. But unless you arent a shadowborn addict i wouldnt use it, instead put on maybe plaything, or pop. Your general strategy will be to get decent portal set up at gens early for later and get really good at shreds, then when the time comes use your portals with bbq to head to gens people are on, or are near. Make sure you try to keep consistent pressure, and though addons arent necessary, i would suggest rat liver and tail, black heart, barbs glasses, and mews guts. Other than that all you need to do is learn how to abuse shreds to get easy hits at jungle gyms and shack, and when to prioritize accordingly with stbfl. You can also bring hexes like ruin and devour and protect them with portals, or with make your choice teleport back to the basement and get a free down. Demo has infinite potential and is a ton of fun, but if you want a more in depth explanation i stream lol id be happy to show anyone.

  • Member Posts: 972

    STBFL is Demos BEST perk since it's easy for demo to land a M2 hit instead. My build that I enjoy using, BBQ, Corrupt, STBFL, and 4th perk is somewhat free. There's a fun basement build i use sometimes with demo. Make Your Choice, Territorial Imperative, Agitation, and either Mad Grip or Iron Grasp with Deer Lung and Rotten Pumpkin. Put 2 portals one at bottom and top of stairs always travel to the top portal the bottom one is just there for back up if the top portal is removed. Play it right and you'll always be camping basement even w/o being near it.

    When charging up your shred you need to listen to Demo, the moment it starts making that hissing sound is when you can lunge with your shred if you need that quick short shred. Demo also has a car tech that lets demo shred around the car hood if you angle it right.

    I'll leave a 14min vid of a demo guide. It's a little out of date, but it still mostly hold true today he doesn't really go over add ons in the guide.

    Complete Demogorgon Guide - Dead by Daylight - Bronx

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    edited February 2022

    Save The Best For Last is a great Perk when you just started playing Demogorgon and haven't gotten that good with his Shred yet. Once you've gotten consistent at using Demogorgon's Shred in and out of loops, I'd say remove it from your build and use a different Perk.

    For the remaining Perks, it depends on how you like to play Demogorgon.

    If you like something more chase oriented, Barbecue And Chili, Enduring, Corrupt Intervention and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance are great. Barbecue And Chili and Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance keep you in chases with their info, Corrupt Intervention helps your early game and Enduring makes shredding Survivors under Pallets even more rewarding than it already is.

    If you like more map control, Corrupt Intervention, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch and No Way Out is a great build aswell. Corrupt allows you to set up Portals between the 3-gen you will want to protect, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch will give you info and block gens while getting you No Way Out stacks, which will come in handy during late game.

    For Add-ons, I've made a tier list a few month ago

    My opinions haven't changed much. Only Add-ons I'd change would be swapping Barb's Glasses with Lifeguard Whistle

    If you're looking at practicing Demogorgon's Shred, Pyrus' video on it is a great guide with lots of information. It's a bit outdated tho.

  • Member Posts: 10,240

    Don't use the portals unless you have abundant time. Use his shred for anti-loop, specifically with Black Heart and Barb's Glasses.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I've been playing a lot of Demo lately, and I'll second what others have said regarding STBFL being almost a must-run perk on him, and Barb's Glasses being a must-run add-on.

    I've just started using the Leprose Lichen add-on, and it's given me insane value every time I've run it. I'll set up an initial portal when I spawn in, set a second shortly afterwards, and then go from there. Using a quick portal at the start of the match becomes a mini-Lethal Pursuer, and afterwards, it becomes an on-command BBQ, except it's map-wide and only one second less for the aura-reading when you emerge from the portal (and that doesn't count what you get to see while actually using the portal). I've set portals super-close to one another and used them simply to get info on where survivors are after a hook, or after someone's dead to find my next target.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Personally I think STBFL is overrated on him. He has shred which is useful in some way on a majority of loops and can be used for nearly every attack. If you're M1ing survivors enough times to get significant value out of STBFL it's because you're neglecting your Shred.

    Just because he can stack it up doesn't mean he should.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Devour hope,Undying,STBFL,BBQ

    Barb's Glasses,Rat Liver

    RPD Badge

    my usual build for demo

    i love when RPD hides my totems so i can get all the value out of devour hope,and even if they do get a hex,it's undying,i know that there are lots of good loops,but the abandoned god LIVER helps me to counter them

  • Member Posts: 531

    literally just practice his shred as much as possible and learn how early you can shred because SOOOO many people underestimate how quickly you can shred

  • Member Posts: 531

    also practice holding your shred to bait dh

  • Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for all your feedback so far guys, i really appreciate it!

    But i havent seen so many tips regarding his portals so far. Any more help about that?

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    His portals give killer instinct only when you've been through them at least once, and you're holding shred fully charged.

    Ideally you want to place them very near to gens to get the detection (which is a tiny range) but behind a wall or something so they don't immediately see it to close it.

    However, they are loud, and they can clearly hear you coming out of them despite the undetectable status, so unless you're running the silent emerge add on, or the increased killer instinct range, don't expect too much info from the portal without them being sealed regularly. That is, however, still some useful stalling if they feel the need to seal portals before working on the gens.

    I have run killer instinct without charging shred + bigger detection range and slower sealing and it was surprisingly effective info all match.

    In general though, just place them near gens you think you'll need to get between and don't fuss too much over killer instint. Consider saving charges if you think it's going to go to endgame so you can place them near the gate switches. 1v1 with portals in detection range of the switches is basically a free win.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    COMPLETELY unrelated but every time someone says the words "with relative ease" I think of the DK rap

  • Member Posts: 670

    Place the portal next to the gen. If a survivor is fixing that gen, you'll know if you activate the Shred.

    Another tip about Shred is that the longer you hold it, the farther Demogorgon will go.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Thank you all very much again, I'll try my best to make use of all of your tips.

    See you in the fog!

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2022

    There's only one build for demo, Mad Demo in all it's glory!

    1. Mad Grit
    2. Agitation
    3. Iron Grasp
    4. STBfL

    Your roar after basic attack (doesn't matter successful or not) can be heard all over the map, so use it to your advantage by inflicting deep psychological trauma to all survivors, who encounter you by downing a survivor and turning into a blender when you have somebody on your shoulder. Don't go for hooks instantly, try chasing other survivors when transporting your live backpack.

    The whole point of this build is just more to have fun rather than being effective, so enjoy 😎 And being called a hacker at low MMR is priceless!

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Portal placement depends on your build. If you're not running any info Perks, placing them under gens is the best idea.

    If you're running info Perks, something like Tinkerer, placing Portals between gens would be the best idea

  • Member Posts: 273

    Try using the two iridescent add-ons together and spreading out portals around the map near gens, it's REALLY strong.

    Other than that what people have said, STBFL is good on him, I use that, BBQ, Tinkerer and then whatever else I feel like that day.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Why don't you just play Twins instead? They're like Demogorgon on crack! And the best part is you don't even need to run STBFL on them...

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Demogorgon doesn't need STBFL and he doesn't get hit by DS whenever he uses his Power

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    The two Iris together is like legit cheating. Just place a portal somewhere, another portal 5m away, teleport back and just go hunting down the pior survivors hiding behind some low wall/big bush nearby, not knowing that they are fully visible to you.

    When I P3ed my Demo-boi I had about 12 of this combo and I used it up before hitting that prestige button. That twelve games were so much fun... but also kinda mean and semi-toxic, because there is literally no counter play but rushing gens and hoping for the best.... but it never worked out.

  • Member Posts: 9

    I'm still hoping to get STBFL in my bloodweb, but the entity is saying nope. :(

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    That’s absolutely the opposite of how I play Demo. I use the portals as radar, it essentially lets him create a 3- or 4-gen game with a much broader map area than normal. If the survivors ignore the portals you can patrol gens very efficiently even if they are split somewhat. And if they actively remove tunnels it takes them 10 seconds to remove a tunnel that you can replace in only 2 seconds which is still a net slowdown in your favor.

    The portals are great in the macro game. Ignoring them isn’t as efficient as taking advantage of them.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Sounds broken to me, I hope BHVR gets on to fixing Demogorgon soon so he's more in line with the twins!

  • Member Posts: 10,240

    You don't have time to set up like that. If you do, the survivors are giving you that luxury. You can set up portals on a bunch of gens, but survivors will destroy them or ignore them. The time spent setting up portals could have got you early downs instead.

  • Member Posts: 57

    STBFL is definitely his best perk. I've been having a good time with stbfl, dms, pain res and bbq. Remember to set up your portals around if you're in a big map so you get more value from your bbq aura reading. For smaller maps, don't use your portals so much because your teleport sound might give a clue for the survivors to run away, and then in that case you would be better off just walking to them. Also, remember that shreding your obsession can help you save stbfl stacks. As for add-ons, barb's glass and blackened heart are my favorites, but he also has a lot of other nice add-ons that I would give a try every here and there

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited February 2022

    Again, if survivors destroy them it takes them 10 seconds to do it and you only 2 seconds to replace it. That's a net gain for you. If they keep destroying your portals it's like getting a mini Pop every time you set a Portal. If they ignore portals then you spent 2 seconds setting up a radar station and portal to the gen.

    You can play how you like, this is how I play him. I just played him last night even and got a 4k and a 3k with hatch, so it works for me. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 9

    The amount of feedback on this thread is insane, I really appreciate it!

    I find it insanely hard to time my shred right. I sometimes end up doing a normal attack instead of the shred. :(

  • Member Posts: 988
    edited February 2022

    Honestly my strategy with portals is to use them as a general way to travel from area to area instead of anything strategic. As soon as I have control of my character I'll place one wherever I started and then try to put down 2-3 more as I start my initial patrol around the map. Then after you hook your first survivor teleport to whichever is closest to the survivors that BBQ revealed. At that point you can commit to down the survivor you're chasing, or you can teleport back to he hook fairly quickly if you need more pressure.

    Also EDIT:

    I advise AGIANST placing portals next to gens if you're using them for map pressure. A survivor cleansing a portal then repairing a generator will hurt you a lot more than it will hurt them, especially if you're running pop or need to prevent that generator from being done for pressure. Maximum portal value is going to come from them staying up so you get access to way more map pressure, something Demogorgon desperately needs in order to win.

  • Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2022

    Ah yes, my bread and butter build that I literally almost never lose with. I've gone against very good SwFs (not the altruistic messing around kind), and this build never fails me.

    STBFL (A given)

    Corrupt Intervention (Also a given)

    Pop or Ruin

    BBQ (Or thrilling tremors if you don't care about BP)


    Barb's Glasses (good for pallet breaking)

    Black Heart (Useful for when you want to hit the obsession with shred to save STBFL stacks, you'll save stacks and you'll get the same effect of 3 stacks of STBFL)

    Optional Addons:

    Mew's Guts (Good for flying off of high structures with shred to make distance)

    Life Guard Whistle (Good for totem defending)

    Leprose Lichen (Obviously good, gives you 3 seconds to see all survivors after coming out of a portal).

    If you're starting to learn him, I suggest watching ScottJund's video on how to play him. It's a pretty good guide imo.

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