SBMM is confusing

I know its a dead horse I am just hoping the devs will listen to us if we talk about it enough, doubtful. So I play killer a lot and a little bit of survivor. My issue is their defined skill for up and down ranking. It is skillful to get kills and to escape, end of story. This I feel is wrong. DBD has more moving parts than escape good and kill good. Its like dumbing down a computer to an "input output machine" there is much more to it. By the dev's definition it is skillful to camp with leatherface, billy, shape, huntress, Doc, etc. (killers good at punishing saves or simply prohibiting them from doing so.) and only get two hooks rather than 10 hooks to kill two people. Whereas it is not skillful to stall the game for a while hook everyone twice and end up with no kills (obviously not peak performance but it has merit)

Also on the lore front hooking a bunch and not getting kills plays into the whole hope thing that dbd is around... just saying.

However more issues come with the survivors I face, I am at high MMR (from what I can tell because you can't see your mmr) and about 15-20% of the games are the sweaty swf that I should be going against. The issue is the other 80-85%; it is always boosted gen rushers. I'm not saying it as an insult it is what it is (maybe swf maybe not?), but they get the gens done in like 2 min or something but they can't last in chases at all. gens get done then I down them all and kill them. This is NOT the sbmm working, I may be knocking them down but they shouldn't be there in the first place. Holding m1 with fast gen perks isn't skill (not that I am condemning the playstyle you do you) it shouldn't be rewarded as skill, Skill is being able to not die immediately when the killer finds you. So if you can genrush like a boss and run the killer 17 gens then more power to you. As well as its supposed to be a team game, so if you go out of your way to heal/unhook others than it should be rewarded.

The game defines skill as camping and gen rushing rather than hooking, gens, healing, saving, etc. This is a problem. This isn't a "misconception" it is common sense.

As a side note to the mods/devs; if you remove this from the forum or ban me for speaking out (kind of like removing cosmetics) I will go to every available forum, gaming journal, youtuber and person that will listen and complain about the censorship. Maybe it won't do much but bad publicity is bad publicity.


  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You can't know if it is wrong or not because SBMM doesn't even work and doesn't show rating neither, MMR might have actually reasonable number.