Why do they think I have to fairplay if they make mistakes???

Heyy, everyone.

I had a game, where it was pretty unlucky for Dwighty. The game started, I rushed to a gen and saw it was touched. I saw no scratch marks or sounds of running. I checked the locker and found Dwight. He got hooked and I wanted to go to the other survivors. I was gone for 5s and they unhooked him. I gone back as Tier1 Myers and downed Dwight again cuz they stayed to get Dwight healed. I picked up Dwight again to provocate a ds and nothing happend and he got hooked again. I ran away again for few secs and saw scratch marks in the direction of dwights hook. They tried again to heal him and I downed him again. I hooked him again instantly and he was dead. I feeled kinda bad for him but in fact im the killer and have to "please the entity". This was the endgame chat. Do I have to play fair even if they make THIS kind of mistakes?

(Sry for bad english, not my native language :3)


  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    You do not need to play "fair" ever, do it at your own discretion. That being said, a killer who prides themselves on playing nice would never BT check to begin with tbh. So, I have a feeling you do not really care about that.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    You don't. Poor Dwight! I always try to play killer with both sides' fun in mind. Same with survivor. I'll even let the killer kill me sometimes if he played badly.

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    why do you succumb to their rulebook? you're not in the game to give the survivors a hug and a kiss brother. do anything and everything you need to do for the win, and DO NOT feel bad about it regardless of what they say

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Honestly at this point, just disable the post-game chat if you're playing killer. It doesn't matter how you play, the survivors will taunt you and insult you. Play fair and nice? ''GG EZ baby killer''. Tunnel and Camp? ''You're trash at this game, nice tunnel and camp''.

    Fact is most survivor mains do not actually care for YOUR experience as the killer, thus I, as a killer main, do not CARE for the survivors enjoyment. I will tunnel and camp immediately if it's beneficial for me. I played for a good 2-3 years as a killer with the ''nice'' mentality where I wanted the survivors to have fun in the game, but then I realised, I was forfeiting my own enjoyment of the game to do so, and not a single survivor ever thanked me for it.

  • kombativo
    kombativo Member Posts: 183
    edited February 2022

    It does not matter what other people say if you hooked 3 times the dweet rip for him and its not your fault they go Unhook and heal the dwight whitout BT a side the first time they do it they prob will change place its their fault they didint moved