Core problem of condemned meter


I think overall the changes they are planning to make to the Onryo are very good, i do however have some problems with the way they addressed the condemned meter mechanic:

Currently, a survivor can choose to be effected by condemned or not. If you dont interact with TVs, your condemned meter is extremely unlikely to ever reach its maximum, since the nearby teleport doesnt build up the meter enough. The changes BHVR made imply that the survivor is interacting with TVs in the first place, which is not something they have to do. Its sort of like old plague: If survivors play in a certain way, you suddenly have no power. Id much rather like to see changes to how much condemned is building up when Onryo teleports, then how much is passively gained or removed. That would make it so every survivor, no matter the playstyle, must interact with the TVs, providing passive slowdown.


  • thenegativone
    thenegativone Member Posts: 254

    I agree...every time i faced her the only time i needed to worry with a tape is if i chose to

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It is possible to use condemned effectively but only when using the ring drawing. It's nearly a mandatory add-on if you want any hope of getting a condemned kill in a match and it's very very unlikely to happen early in the match if at all even with the add-on.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    It really depends on the killer's pressure. Because if they can teleport to that area where you are working on gens, you do need to pick up tapes.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,177

    Condem bars act as a soft slowdown for Sadako, not something to fast remove a survivor. Fully Condem survivor gets killed is totally fault survivor, as they ignore it for too long, not being controlled by Sadako.

    But problem is Sadako teleport to a TV without any survivor nearby can be super wasteful to her resource. If the range to get Condem increased from 16 to 24m, make the Condem rate has higher chance to be increased.

    Or TV re-turned on should be faster.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I have yet to get a single survivor condemned. Tv's just respawn to slowly and survivors can remove it easily. I had one game where two survivors didn't even get a condemned ring for half the game because they just ignored tv's and i didn't manage to teleport near them.

  • Princeharlequinhq
    Princeharlequinhq Member Posts: 74

    I had one, while he was inside the exit gate, and then left. It's the most useless mechanic I've seen them add in a while. I genuinely was asking myself why they even went through the hassle of coding it if it wasn't going to have a meaningful impact. I don't think it should be so oppressive that it happens frequently throughout the match, but it should have a decent chance of actually occurring. I would have almost preferred a reworked version of Demo's power, with him being out of the game and all, where you get a shred like, super quick, creepy crawl attack at a survivor. As it stands, there is little incentive to play her and very little reward.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2022

    I did manage to condemn and kill two survivors in one game, but that was the only time out of a handful of games I managed to condemn anyone.

    When you teleport to a TV and turn it off, can a survivor still use it to get rid of their tape? I ask because in the game where I did condemn two survivors, I teleported every chance I got. Don't know if this kept them from reducing their meter or if it was just the amount I was teleporting that kept their meters high.

  • CrashMADDS13
    CrashMADDS13 Member Posts: 302

    In 8 games, i got 2 condem mini Moris. I got them by aggressively chasing survivors toward active tvs

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    It really should be 24. Either that, or make her terror radius 16 meters to match it. Give us the cake, Behavior, you can't eat it too. Watch them calories, son.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    idk…a lot of these players can’t handle/get frustrated dealing with Pinhead. A lot of them never go for the box, then DC out of anger with all the chains and hex plaything. What’s going to happen when they realize they can get killed without any hook states? Countless times I couldn’t get to the correct tv because my team (unknowingly & unintentionally) kept looping the killer around/near the tv. I died twice yesterday because I couldn’t get to my tv. Other instances the large time gap really helped me manage between doing tapes, saves, bones, & gens while the killer was floating around my needed tv.

    I recognize she definitely needs more work in that area, it’s just that whenever this game gives the casuals more objectives- they dont\ respond well and DC/ragequit like little babies. Making the game less enjoyable for us loyal players. My experience yesterday was nothing, I personally can handle it. But our epic store/Gamepass base? Hell no they feel entitled.