What's the point of bloodlust?

Ok so I play killer for the most part and I don't understand why bloodlust exists. most killers kill it by using their power, and killers that don't get it killed by breaking pallets or being stunned by them. I don't get why the mechanic exists because to use it I have to not break the pallet which most of the time is a terrible idea. I never get value out of the thing honestly. I can't remember the last time I got to tier 3. It just seems useless to me.
It was for a different game than we have now. There used to be infinites where survivors could just run around and you could never catch them This could stall the game forever if it was only one or two survivors left.
Now we have the same situation - but you can break the pallet - and that fixes everything. They've tried a test and disabled bloodlust, but that brought up another issue with the W meta.
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To give survivors more to complain about.
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As an equalizer for newer killers against competent survivors. If mmr worked, we wouldn't need it anymore. But it doesn't. So we do.
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There would still be infinites for some killers without at least Bloodlust I. II and III just reward bad killers though, and should be removed.
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It's to reward killers for going for chases instead of camping, especially when lots of tiles are notorious for creating very safe loops once the pallet is dropped.
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Because I've gotta zoom.
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It’s a band aid fix for BHVR’s horrible map design
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lol. It rewards Killers for going for chases, thats a first. The Killers who go for chases are usually those who dont need Bloodlust that much aka those who are actually good at the game.
The original idea was to help with the terrible Map Design which existed back in the early days of DBD. Talking about real inifinites here, where the Killer was not able to catch a Survivor at any point. However, it became a hand-holding mechanic for bad Killers and is also used at Tiles and Loops where it is not needed at all.
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Why does it matter? If you ever reach tier 3 then you have already lost the game assuming the survivors are doing the gens.
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It's a bandaid for bad map design. It's normally not needed it most cases, but they insist on indoor maps every so often, which is where issues come up that only bloodlust can solve. There are many instances where you'll gain bloodlust on an indoor map just from closing the initial distance and there's no better path you can take.
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Originally, my understanding is that it was introduced because there were tiles on most maps that made catching survivors completely impossible for the majority of the cast.
Now, my take is that while it probably doesn't need to exist for that anymore, it serves as the third branch of the mechanics that ensure no chase will last forever. Killers move faster than survivors by default, windows block after three vaults in the same chase, and killers get gradually faster the longer you run them, so you will get hit.
Never really bought the take that it rewards bad killers with value, personally. If you get to Bloodlust III before you get a hit... that's not value, that's just not having the exact same chase for the whole match, which is probably a good thing for the sake of everyone's fun.
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I keep seeing “bandaid” but assuming they keep making new maps over time Bloodlust is a hedge against ones that accidentally include infinite loops or practically infinite loops. It at least allows a killer to eventually catch a survivor who keeps running to one of those loops over and over.
There’s a lot fewer of these loops in the game now than there used to be but even now there’s probably a couple of super strong loops that something like Bloodlust might help with. Hypothetically they could probably take it out, but there’s not particular benefit to the game one way or another to do it and as a way to protect against possible future map issues it could be something worth keeping.
Also having Bloodlust in the game does hypothetically open up a design space the devs haven’t explored much yet by having perks which interact with it. Right now I think Beast of Fury is the only perk which does anything with Bloodlust and it’s almost totally useless since it just gives you stealth during a chase. (Note to whoever designed Beast of Fury and Furtive Chase - stealth is great between chases, but worthless during a chase.) They could revamp Beast of Fury and maybe Furtive Chase plus add another perk or two that actually buff the killer’s Bloodlust in various other ways besides stealth. For instance, make perks that
- Reduce the time it takes for Bloodlust levels to increase by 2/3/4 second
- Increase the speed boost from Bloodlust by 2/3/4% per increment
- See the killer instinct of nearby survivors for 4/5/6 seconds when Bloodlust triggers
- Reduce stun times and vault times by 40/50/60% during Bloodlust and don’t remove Bloodlust on a stun or missed attack
(I’m just making up numbers as placeholders above but all of those parameters could be tweaked up or down for balance.)
So personally I think rather than get rid of Bloodlust as a mechanic “because it’s not needed” they should think of it as a game mechanic that could possibly be leveraged into some new perks.
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it's an outdated mechanic that isn't really causing enough issues to warrant changing
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bloodlust ends too soon, look at the wall the survivor went around? bloodlust gone
break the pallet? gone
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I keep telling myself, ‘Don’t feed the troll, don’t feed the troll...’
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Bloodlust is kind of outdated now. Most new Killers literally dont need it anymore, its mostly just there for weaker older Killers to somehow have a chance. There are however still rare occasions where sometimes even on a blight bloodlust CAN do something.
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Its a tool designed for Killers to prevent forever chases vs. talented survivors.
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u get it a bit extra speed so survivors dead hard into the next concrete jungle and loop you around it for another 3 mins
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Bandaid fix for bad map design.
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It exists so the devs don't have to fix extremely broken tile setups.