Why you can't Lvl up Nurse?

STT Member Posts: 41

Hello and welcome in:

We all know the killer: The Nurse.


It's disabled for some technical issues atm

But !

Why we can't lvl up her in Bloodweb access?

I ask because you should be able to do such a simple thing like this no?

It's like you are restricted to don't lvl up and to gain her specific perks on other killers!

Take it logical sense before you type comments.


  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Nurse? 🤔

  • spinodemdem
    spinodemdem Member Posts: 56

    Who is "Nurse"? sounds like another barefoot flying woman kiler

    though being serious,i got her perks a long time ago so i dont really mind,and I dont like playing against sweaty nurses.

  • spinodemdem
    spinodemdem Member Posts: 56

    Well,spirit does has cut legs and her main body is flying,so i though of that

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Probably just the unfortunate way the kill switch feature works. I assume they would have needed to push out an update for the game to disable her while still letting you access her bloodweb and that's probably a mix of them not liking to do updates too frequently and having to go through certification for consoles. It seems they wanted to remove her ASAP so the kill switch was just the simplest and quickest option.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    Pretty much this. It's much easier to just make the character unavailable globally.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    I wish we could have community mods like Steam workshop.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762
  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Ah, the ignorant comment that sounds right, but only to those who don't have a clue.

    The killswitch disables the character completely; it's not designed with any particular scenario in mind other than to disable the character or perk completely because of an unknown problem.

    Problem with the blood-web... killswitch.

    Problem with the animations or lobby... kill switch.

    Problem elsewhere... killswitch.

    To fine-tune the kill-switching so it only disables particular aspects (i.e. you can select nurse and go through the blood-web but just cannot hit 'Ready') would require more specific coding to achieve just that, and to what end? None. Because the goal is to fix the problem ASAP and restore full functionality, rather than investing time allowing half-way measures in the interim.

    In short, kill switches disable a feature completely and indiscriminately. We know the reason for it on this occasion, but there may be another reason the next time.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You could assume the most common reason to disable a killer being something to do within a match and not the menuing system to select that character.

    You are making it seem we want every conceivable option kill switchable. If there's a match breaking bug you prevent the character from being played. If there's a bug that crashes the game in the menu, you disable it completely.

    Besides, menu bugs don't seem to reach the level of kill switch considering the Frankenstein of a character you can make right now with Cheryl.

    No, its not difficult to disable the search for match button when killer == Nurse. Consider that switching killers in lobby is not possible prevents any circumventing.

    Its just an oversight on a new feature that was used for the first time. Improvements can always be made.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581

    "Improvements can always be made.''

    BHVR? Improvements?

    You ask for far too much. They only know how to make something worse, in one way or another.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    You could assume the most common reason to disable a killer being something to do within a match and not the menuing system to select that character.

    No, you can't. I'd love to know where you got this idea from. Bugs can literally exist anywhere in a system.

    You are making it seem we want every conceivable option kill switchable.

    No, I'm saying (with 20+ years as a software developer) that the more specific you want the option to kill-switch something, the more effort has to go into building that.

    Basically, you can build a single generic kill-switch that disables everything! You can't select Nurse, you can't play Nurse, you can't go to her selection screen, etc, etc, etc. Everything is controlled from a single value. Very difficult to get it wrong.

    Or, as you would like, you want to be able to disable specific features, e.g. you can access her menu/profile screen, but you can't start a game. That would require building a list of all possible options, and allowing them to be toggled individually, whilst also maintaining them any time new updates come about.

    That second option is more effort than it's worth, particularly when the target is to undo the kill-switch in its entirety.

    I'm not making out that you want every conceivable option kill-switchable. I'm saying that to make any option kill-switchable (i.e. aside from everything) is more work.

    Besides, menu bugs don't seem to reach the level of kill switch considering the Frankenstein of a character you can make right now with Cheryl.

    Again, how would you know this? A bug could exist anywhere, and there's literally nothing stopping a bug being introduced that could crash the game every time you enter the menu for a particular character and destroys the files on disc that it'd require you to reinstall, etc. Unless you're a software dev, I daresay you have no basis to claim anything you're trying to claim. You might want to look up 'hubris'

    No, its not difficult to disable the search for match button when killer == Nurse. Consider that switching killers in lobby is not possible prevents any circumventing.

    I agree, but that's not a kill-switch. That's a specific software update, which is a separate thing altogether and requires users to download the update for it to take effect.

    A kill-switch is a remote feature-flag system that determines whether a feature should be enabled or not, i.e. so it works without code updates because the flag is toggled at a remote server.

    Its just an oversight on a new feature that was used for the first time. Improvements can always be made.

    No, it's design.

    What are your credentials btw?

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Its bs to say you can't grey out the search for match if a specific killer is selected. A two tier kill switch is not outside the realm of possibilties. Yes, disabling a charater outright is the easiest method. I disagree that a method of just preventing a character from joining a lobby is as complicated as you put it.

    Like I've said, this is a system they put in place quickly. It can be made better in time.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Its bs to say you can't grey out the search for match if a specific killer is selected.

    No-one said that can't be done. In fact, I literally said, "I agree, but that's not a kill-switch."

    Seems like you're less interested in reading and understanding, and more interested in arguing a point from a position of relative ignorance on the matter. Good luck with that.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    How is that not a kill switch? Perks and offerings can be killed switch but still show up in webs. Nurse could be killed switch and still have the ability to spend blood points. It all depends on the system they put in place.

    Yes the current system doesn't support that. Doesn't mean a future system couldn't.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    le sigh...

    What effect does a perk or offering have outside from actual gameplay? Nothing. It's literally just a picture. And it's exceptionally unlikely, bordering on almost impossible, for a picture to break an application.

    Unlike an actual animated character that itself requires several additional libraries of code to render and display, just when you select them. Also their own unique blood-webs, etc.

    You cannot compare the two, and the fact that you think they're the same demonstrates you have little understanding of how to build any application of any degree of sophistication.

    So to explain to you how that's not a kill-switch would be a waste of time, because I've already explained this.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    You misunderstand the issue here. Everybody and their cats know how the kill switch works, or close.

    The question, if you need it spelled out, is why a kill-switch cannot be set to simply refuse "Ready" to be pressed, allowing to invest blood-points in the Nurse's web.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590


    "You misunderstand the issue here. Everyone and their cats know how a hammer works, or close.

    The question is, why can't you use a hammer to screw in nails

    I love it. It reminds me of a joke someone wrote of what people thing writing code is like with regards to drones... the code was literally:

    if (goingToCrashIntoEachOther) { dont() }


  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    I don't think the analogy is correct, but I laughed at the line of code. 🤣


    The joke put aside, if that line is in an object/context and dont() is one of its method taking the perception of the environment to calculate a safe maneuver to avoid collision, it's perfectly fine.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Nurse got outplayed by Lisa Garland

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619
    edited March 2022

    Bugs may exist anywhere in a system but here the most common issue these kill-switches are used to is for the purpose of a match (map, killer, ...). So this idea of his isn't far fetched at all.

    Adding a flag to disable allowing to queue with the character is more effort, yes, but it should be pretty negligible, especially given the mechanic already exists. We aren't speaking about designing an algorithm or a new subsystem here. It's just one more for the killer. Heck, if instead of a boolean they use an int, they can even bitmask it. Pretty trivial isn't it?

    Your second suggestion about the possibility of having a bug anywhere is extremely unlikely. It's borderline science-fiction. Have you checked that word, "hubris", yourself? Do you realize how condescending you sound in that reply?

    I'm sorry but here again it doesn't require an update of the program. What that person describes is exactly what a kill-switch is. It only requires having a context loaded, for an example, when the game is starting and connecting to the game's server and applying the (hopefully named) flags. Given the engine is UE4, it's practically built-in.

    You could say it's a design oversight.

    Credential should be irrelevant against facts and logic. Making this statement doesn't help your case. Ever heard of the authority fallacy?

    If you want credentials, here are some. I'm a computer scientist with 40+ years of experience (I've started in 1981). And all this is would mean exactly zilch if I wasn't able to get broad-enough view of a suggestion to see its merits and instead focused on irrelevant details to, apparently, try to discredit it.

    Post edited by drsoontm on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    It's probably just to make it easier for BHVR, and there's nothing wrong with that. Instead of disabling the ready button for a specific killer, you just disable the killer. At least that's what I would've done if I were a game developer.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Its because of changes to addons you might start spending bp on a pre patch addons that then get completely altered and then they might have to refund the bp because an addon was deleted.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Bugs may exist anywhere in a system but here the most common issue these kill-switches are used to is for the purpose of a match (map, killer, ...). So this idea of his isn't far fetched at all.

    Where's your evidence for this?

    Also, software isn't written with 'common purpose' in mind. You either support a thing, or you don't support it. You either write the code to do the thing, or you don't. Simple as. You need to stop conflating paradigms.

    Adding a flag to disable allowing to queue with the character is more effort, yes, but it should be pretty negligible, especially given the mechanic already exists.

    The effort to add that is negligible, yes. But it opens up the doors to a multitude of other potential problems.

    We aren't speaking about designing an algorithm or a new subsystem here. It's just one more for the killer.

    And it won't stop there once you tread down this path.

    Your second suggestion about the possibility of having a bug anywhere is extremely unlikely. It's borderline science-fiction.

    And you know this just because you say so, eh?

    Given the engine is UE4, it's practically built-in.

    You could say it's a design oversight.

    Ah, the rookie knowledge... just because I've got a bunch of tools in my workshop now makes me a master artisan I suppose? After all, I've got a drill, hammer, impact driver, power saw, etc. How can I not be an expert carpenter. I've got all the tools the professionals use!

    Credential should be irrelevant against facts and logic.


    Not when the "facts" are in dispute, or the logic based on flawed premises. Credentials absolutely matter, it's a demonstration of credibility that you understand how what your saying works in reality, instead of only in your own imagination.

    I'm a computer scientist with 40+ years of experience (I've started in 1981)

    Experience of what, exactly? Computer Science is a fairly wide field, I should know, I have a BSc Degree in it.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,619

    I've got a master's degree. Specialized in system development. I've worked in the fields of cryptography, data compression, picture compression (Fourier-based), sound compression (Wavelet-based with psychoacoustics), low-level network system, kernel development, driver development, games ... 40 years is a long time and I'm interested in a lot of things.

    Again, all of this doesn't matter one bit. Your inability to understand is perplexing.

    At this point I have two hypothesis. You are either a text-book Dunning-Kruger, or you are simply an teenage amateur trolling looking for attention. The drivel and misplaced arrogance are similar so I really cannot decide.

    You'll get no more attention for me, you are clearly not worth it.