Does anyone enjoy playing DBD in its current state?



  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I still enjoy DBD actually. But ever since Tricksters release, it has not been as enjoyable as it used to be.

  • NathyP11
    NathyP11 Member Posts: 121

    I agree the unbalance was still there but the squads wasn't always. Now you have to run pretty much a set build on each killer to compete.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    The issue I think the Devs have in maintaining balance in this game is that it's not a case of Killer Vs Survivor, as you have Killer, SWF and Solo Q that all need to be balanced - if you buff Killer to balance against SWF, you disproportionately nerf Solo Q.

    I feel like there a lots of small QoL changes they could make that would buff Solo Q without buffing SWF at all, and then Killer could be buffed/Survivor overall could be nerfed and it would be a more balanced game overall.

    For example, the big advantage SWF has over Solo is comms and map awareness. Wouldn't it be easy enough to add a small icon on the survivor portrait to indicate what they are currently doing (i.e. on a gen, being chased, in a locker, healing someone) so the team has a bit more info on what their teammates are currently doing? There's never going to be the same level of coordination as with a SWF group but it would definitely be helpful.

    Additionally, there could be some way of flagging to your teammates that you are intending to go for the hook rescue, or intending to create a distraction, so everyone knows. So much of Solo Q is just doing what you think you should be in complete ignorance of what everyone else on your team is doing, so it makes any sort of teamwork completely accidental most of the time.

    I also think there could be some nerfs to some killer perks that disproportionately affect Solo Q - just for example, I think Franklin's Demise is pretty unfair as far as killer perks go, because typically if you lose your item it's not that easy to recover it whereas in SWF you can tell one of your teammates to pick it up and bring it back to you. Fairer would be disable the use of an item for X amount of time rather than drop it completely for example.

    Equally, there could then be some nerfs or reworks to perks that are seen as unfair by killers when SWF use them, but are close to useless for Solo Q - can't think of any examples off the top of my head but we're in that weird situation where the meta is stale because the moment a perk is seen as viable for Survivor, it gets abused by SWF to the point it gets nerfed and then it's no longer viable for anyone which means the meta never changes.

    Regarding something like CoH which seems to be a big complaint from Killers, what if it had charges, or a duration after which point it reverts to being a dull totem or breaks?

    Just some random thoughts. I still have fun playing this game but appreciate it's not been for as long as some of you, but I do think there are some ways to even things around for all sides to make for a more fun experience. Forcing killers to camp/tunnel isn't fun for anyone and if a game isn't fun, what is it even for?

  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    The focus should be on tiles and gen speed tbh. Mmr will continue to be mmr but fixing the game unbalances will be good for the game

  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    Not true simply because otz and Scott jund say you don't go against a swf every game and that the game is pretty balanced if you just look at your mistakes and get good

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384


    * Scott stop playing and he told on the video that he was boring of playing Allways the same,even worse after MMR release.

    * Otz is just a streamer that never blame devs for their awful work, never complain about Bugs, never give feedback on fogs whisperers discord because he is affraid of loosing his status as True or Dowsey did, so please, do not use that coward as example of nothing. He can say whatever he wants, is a person with zero credibility for me since he choosed auric cells instead of improving the Game :) same as I told about my spanish Fogs, both of them are cowards with zero credibility so...

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    I still love the game to death despite the flaws of the game :)

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    Yes to an extent, but only in moderation when I'm playing with Mad Grit/Agitation and dodge tons of lobbies until I get a squad that doesn't look like mega-sweats, or when I'm playing Blight (my main) and going for crazy scoot surfs and 180s.

    Otherwise it feels like hell, and it's the reason I went from 2 hours per day every day to just a few games per week.

  • Bob9
    Bob9 Member Posts: 20

    Nah, the game's completely unbalanced on killers side, matchmaking is broken, the amount of toxicity makes me wanna throw the keyboard out the window, the amount of griding is as horrible as everything else. This game is fun when you start it and heard how to play from your friend that sweats the game and get first ez wins. Then, you're the one being stomped cause of crappy matchmaking.

    I mostly played killer btw.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    It's not the balance ruining for me, it's the lack of more gamechanging content, I'm talking about things like the endgame collapse, perks are just an excuse for different gameplay.