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BHVR should lie about the cheating problem.

BHVR has gone on record saying that the reason they don't say much about how they counter cheating is because they don't want to give cheaters any info on how those countermeasures are to be defeated, but then half the forum throws a shitfit because they think that means that nothing is being done at all.

Why doesn't BHVR just make a bunch of ######### up? Publicly give false information about the anticheating measures, which could both confuse cheaters and give the illusion that BHVR is sharing more info with the community, which would result in less people on the forum throwing temper tantrums.

Everyone wins, right?

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  • Member Posts: 913

    No. But when their answer is "we can't tell you", and you (maybe not you specifically, but someone) keeps whining about it anyway and saying (incorrectly) that nothing is bring done, BHVR might pull something out of their ass and feed it to you.

    It would, obviously, have to be a halfway plausible lie. Maybe they include a new placebo anticheat program or something with their next update, and it looks like it's doing things. Or maybe they address real cheating problems in patch notes but just lie about how they implemented the fixes.

    I don't think that the fact that cheaters still exist would do anything to discredit the lie, because cheaters are always going to find a new way to cheat, anyway, and changes are being made.

    Also, wouldn't using dynamic IP work to bypass a DDoS attack? I don't know how DBD's matchmaking and whatnot works, but if they DDoS you by finding your IP address, you could just ask your service provider for a dynamic IP and then unplug the cord from the wall when someone tries to attack you, right?

  • Member Posts: 913

    Wait, no, I guess it wouldn't. I was under the impression that people were DDoSing other players' connections after the game, not during. Googled it.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    because lying is how you cause people to have an even bigger shitfit when they figure out its a lie

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited March 2022

    I think it would be better if bhvr said nothing at all. I've worked in some crappy, dead end jobs. Whenever there was a serious problem and we brought it to management the response was always the same. "We'll look into it". When nothing got done it meant they didn't look or worse. They looked and deemed it not important enough to do anything. Which just made you feel like they didn't care about you. Then when you give them your 2 weeks notice they look at you like your the ######### for leaving.

    Saying they are dealing with the cheaters, yet you keep running into them, is giving me the same impression. Either they aren't doing anything or they aren't doing enough. Either way, it sucks for you.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    People would call them out on it.

  • Member Posts: 2,501

    They won't even have to lie. BHVR can just announce a new skin, new killer/survivor, shirtless Myers, and it's back to a pretty good day at the office playing CS:GO.

  • Member Posts: 913

    If the people complaining about this haven't been able to figure out that the game devs are implementing anti-cheating fixes unless they're explicitly told about them, what makes you think those people are going to take the time to go through the game code or the placebo anti-cheat software to see what it does and doesn't do and clearly articulate that in the form of a plausible argument that everyone can understand? Even if they could, who with the requisite knowledge would want to do that if it was in the game's best interest?

    Everyone in this thread with an advanced working knowledge of x86 assembly and a free month to go through all of that (without joining the dark side and making a profit on cheats yourself, of course) plus the desire to do so just to potentially slightly undermine a game developer's attempt to be slightly dishonest to people who cheat at online games, raise a hand.

    I think you're overestimating peoples' intelligence and level of motivation here. It could work.

    See my above answer to Shroomy.

    The reason people keep running into cheaters is probably because every time BHVR patches a security hole, someone finds another one. That's how hacking works; it's a cat-and-mouse game. They could patch every known cheat immediately right now and there'd be a whole new collection to take their place within a month. I'd bet that some of the people developing these things are holding extra cheats in reserve for when their current ones get hotfixed so they still have something to sell.

    I agree that there are probably some common sense things that BHVR could do that they apparently haven't done for whatever reason (like having the engine double-check that you're not doing something that should violate the physics of the game or using effects from a perk/addon you don't have or that shouldn't exist), but expecting no cheaters to exist at all probably unfortunately isn't reasonable.

    Shirtless Myers is probably all we actually need to solve this problem, true.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm not suggesting they get rid of all cheaters. I know thats impossible. I'm just saying when they say they are dealing with them, but it feels like the amount of cheaters are increasing. It gives off the impression they aren't doing anything and that makes the game look bad. It's not making me want to come back.

  • Member Posts: 192
    edited March 2022

    I played 20 games yesterday. There were obvious cheaters in 5 of them. I don't know how many subtle cheaters I played against, because I usually just blame myself for losing.

    BHVR shouldn't lie about cheating problem. They should file a lawsuit against cheat developers, implement real dedicated servers (i.e. manage game state on the server unless some mechanic explicitly needs to be handled on the client) and improve anti-cheat to detect remaining cheats (wallhacks, aimbot, subtle speedhacks) + to make it work on steam deck / linux.

    Edit: After posting this comment, I played against yet another cheating squad. So fun...

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