Why killers are OP and survival has to suffer?

STT Member Posts: 41
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

Hello people from the fog and all viewers to this topic:

We all know the game it's not balanced but also we know peoples and many gamers are breaking the fun and talk on several ways to communicate during a trial.

We hate boon totems and hex totems of course.

But !

Why for the killer it's so simple just to go next to a blessed totem and sniff it out in 1 shot and you as survival takes 15 seconds to bless it!

It's balances?

Second and the most latest one added:

Why killers such as :THE ARTIST got this perk and it's not NERFED?

Let's face it!

As survival you need to make sure you don't suffer from Hex totems at the begging if it's possible.

But also think about it logical way...

You clear the Hex totems and the killer goes back rekindel and boom it's up again and got certain bonuses!


The killer doesn't has to wait 15 seconds as a survival to do this it takes almost instantly again back the Hex totem.

So i know it's killer sided anyway but i wish to ask why it's such a discrimination and hate for the survival side who needs to suffer and waiste 15 seconds to clear a totem or to bless one!

Waiting to see some genuine answers,cheers.


  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    So what is the Point of this POST do u want to Say that a Meme Perk like Pentimento that need other Perks to even be viable is to strong and needs to get nerfed ?

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Idk if you understand how pentimento works? When you rekindle a totem the hex is not "back" it just makes gens 30% slower which is adding 25ish seconds to a gen which is decent but not unbeatable by any means.

    CoH meanwhile can be relit any number of times and makes letting an injured survivor ago and trying to split pressure just straight up detrimental at times.

    Also can we not act like the killer taking time to stomp a boon isn't in the survivor's favor? Any time the killer is doing that is time no survivor's are being pressured. You generally only do it if you down or hook a survivor in the boon area and it's not out of the way.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815


  • STT
    STT Member Posts: 41

    what is Sluzzy? or what do you mean?

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,496

    Can we at least try harder with the bait?

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Not another one of these…

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I honestly wouldn't even slightly care if they nerfed Pentimento a dozen times. Useless is useless.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Well specific to the topic pentimento really isn't OP, its situational at best and relies on survivors actions to get value making it a rather passive perk. If people are't cleansing totems or are only placing boons you get very little value out of it.

    For the title overall killers being OP, I would rather face off against a scary killer with a high chance of catching me making an exciting survival horror experience than run circles around a weak killer or just sit on a gen while my team mate runs circles around a weak killers.

    OP killers make the game exciting and fun, if killers aren't threatening then why should survivors bother even trying to escape in the first place?

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Wont catch many fish with this I'm afraid.

    And if you're serious I apologise for the things you'll have to go through in the future, you should definitely main killer with it being so easy

  • UnKn0wN45
    UnKn0wN45 Member Posts: 60

    Um... Survivors chose what totem to boon, killer gets RNGed when your devour hope or ruin is in shack next to a gen -.-

    If I could REhex my totems i'd gladly do it with a 20 second wait! Imagine, they break Devour with 3 stacks, you go back and rehex it with all the stacks!

    Would that be fair?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Yeah man killer is so easy right now you have no idea. It's why I only play 3-4 of them every time I get on. I'm like eating and on the phone and stuff. The game just plays itself! 🤣

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Survivors have no right to complain about killers in general being stronger. Infinite tier 3 Myers, Nurse, Leatherface sure. Those are niche scenarios that you can't do anything in. But beyond that, killer is like a second job. You won't catch me dead playing "chill" with killer.