Crowd sourcing what the difficulties of killers should be listed as - target audience new killers

konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

Here are the rules. List only one killer per post. Rate their difficulty as either easy, medium or hard. Then justify your reason. Additional note, their tier strength should not be justification for a hard rating, for example you can't justify trapper or clown as being hard by saying that they're a low tier killer. If you agree with someone's rating give them than vote up their reply.


  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Anna - Medium.

    High skill, High reward.

    If you can aim and predict, she can be god tier If you can't she's a slow moving melee killer. So i'd say she is 50/50 and thus medium.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Ghostface - Medium

    Their power in its description is fairly easy to understand. But there's also maneuvers that are slightly more advanced, like crouching, leaning, and saving stalk for later. Also the practice of abusing your Night Shroud as much as possible, like crouching to deny them while you still advance towards the survivor.

    (hoping that the planned rework for him & legion will change both for the better)

  • going88mph
    going88mph Member Posts: 1

    Artist - Easy

    There is a reason survivors hate her. She is a strong killer who can shut down loops and have consistent information, but has counterplays. I enjoy her sound effects, zoning, and design. I wish she had better cosmetics but that's neither here nor there. In short range, dire crows can injure a health state, which often shortly shuts down loops. The Artist is probably one of the lowest risk highest reward killers, which is fantastic for new players! Just be prepared for some salt.. 😥

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    Spirit - The Easiest

    1) Equip the purple blossom addon

    2) Press M2 and walk in some random direction

    3) Wait for the killer instinct to trigger

    4) *** Be careful, now is the most tricky stage ***, unpress M2 and quickly press M1

    5) Profit.

    6) Rinse and Repeat

    This stupid add-on is so dummmmmmmb, period!

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Artist - Hard

    She has so much potential but still she is not so strong by itself, you need to understand how structures works, and how map works, or, understanding the concept of "looping" could be hard as is.

    She is as low risk as blight, but without speed bonus, basically she is like blight but harder.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited March 2022

    Pig - Easy

    Stealth lends itself well to new killer players as they can approach people who don't get a huge head start to hide or run away.

    Her traps are largely set-and-forget, not requiring further interaction to be effective.

    She has built-in stalling which is a tool many new players lack access to, as almost all sources are locked behind teachable perks.

    While knowing when to crouch and ambush has a high skill ceiling, and a low-tier payout, most new players know to approach in crouch, try to ambush, then chase as a usual M1 killer which is effective through low and middle tier survivors.

    Post edited by anarchy753 on
  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 331

    Spirit- Difficultly: Hard/intermediate

    Hard -> Tracking healthy survivors who are smart with their movement and don’t run mindlessly / Iron Will or both at the same time.

    intermediate: Injured survivors without Iron Will.

    i think this pretty much sums up Spirit. Never easy.

  • Breadn
    Breadn Member Posts: 203

    The Hillbilly: Intermediate

    The fundamentals of Hillbilly are easy to understand but there is too much depth to his power for him to be considered easy. Curving, learning collision, managing overheat, threading the needle when traversing the map. They all take a lot of time to master and nobody has mastered Hillbilly yet. He would definitely be labeled as "Hard" if backrevving and m1lly'ing wasn't so enticing.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Ghostface - Extra Hard.

    You're a pure M1 killer with no power for 90% of the match. Your add-ons are trash. Your biggest weakness is being looked at. Survivors have better stealth than you.

    1 shots are nice but you're not able to 1 shot everyone since it's a time limited thing (thematically it makes sense but that's where it stops making sense), you can only 1 shot after stalking someone and you have 45 seconds (base) to do so, you still have to aproach that survivor in M1 range, which considering how looping works because of how the maps are designed and how survivors have better visibility than killers, it makes it pretty freaking hard to stalk expose and sneak up on anyone and once you as a survivor know you are exposed, because you are warned about it, you pay more attention and expect where the killer will come from and you can plan your exit strategy and again considering how maps are designed, it makes it way too easy to just not get it and if by chance you're in a God loop than there's no fear whatsoever about getting hit in those 45 seconds... So realistically speaking GF's 1 shot potential is completly dependant on Survivors unlike Meyer's Tier3 which Myers gets not only more time, 60 seconds base and up to permenant, but Myers can control who he can 1 shot cause he can 1 shot anyone he gets reach on.

    Think about it this way, Myers makes himself stronger while GF makes Survivors weaker except the game is by default rigged ( map design) to give survivors multiple escape options which weakens the best path GF can take. oh and you don't have Myers extra reach either so you really need to be in that M1 range.

    So you're onna tell me to just 99% my stalk and i'm gonna tell you, it takes so long to go find someone, stare at them just to leave them and go find someone else somewhere else all the while you can get revealed at any time and then you lose your power and you're left with no progress and no power, you have no way to know when you'll see the 99% stalked survivor again or if you'll have your power ready when you do see them.

    Imagine you have the partially stalked Survivor in front of you, within M1 reach, will you just not M1 him because he is partially stalked? See this is problematic, you're trading previous "progress" for current progress, why would you not hit the survivor if he is right there? You'll only do that if you have your power ready to expose them because otherwise you're losing a hit and chosing to lose that hit will give the survivor the information of what you're trying to do, why didn't he hit me is what the survivor will ask and the answer is obvious, oh im already stalked, he wants to one shot me later so i better just avoid being seen. And here we go again with the rigged game, Survivors have better stealth than you, they can easily stay hidden.

    Can you make GF a better M1 killer? Yeah they obviously can, make his base kit better, gave him better stealth, create a better Reveal system than a % of something in the % center of your screen... cause that's how it works they need to see 20% of GF inside the % center of their screen, it's a stupid falwed system that creates random scenarios where you're not visible but you get exposed and scenarios where i can see GF and can't expose him, it's #########...

    Another option is to rework him, rework how the stalking works, instead of filling a meter make it so stalking has multiple stages and GF can perma 1 shot you if he reached all the stalking stages, that way you get pay off by ignoring partially stalked survivors. This way there's a reasonable choice being made: ok these survivors are not so strong i can quickly chase and down them vs the stronger survivors where you'll most likely take your time stalking them so you can 1 shot them later on when you get a chance to get to them cause you know you probably won't get manny chances at it. While you're gonna tell me oh but then those survivors will know and they'll stealth you out, which is still true, i want a better GF i don't want weaker Survivors, but by pursuing weaker survivors then you can force scenarios where stronger survivors must rescue them, that's your oppotunity to make the stalking compensate and if they don't do rescues and expose themselves then the weaker survivors die and accomplishing the survivors objective becomes harder because they're working together.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Demogorgon - Hard

    Portals are weird. They can track under them but not above, you have to teleport from one to the other to activate them. Their placement also depends on the Perks or playstyle. Demogorgon is unable to "reclaim" Portals unless Survivors remove them, which means your Portal amount is dependent on the Survivors.

    There are 2 different types of Shred, you got your short Shred and a normal Shred. Both Shreds have their strengths and weaknesses.

    Add-ons are usually bad with a few ones that stand out and are pretty good, such as Leprose Lichen and Barb's Glasses

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    A couple points I want to provide feedback on. The point of this is to hopefully have the developers reconsider the difficulty ratings of killer descriptions to help new players.

    1. Please don't editorialize the difficulty. It's either easy, intermediate, or hard.
    2. Don't base your decision for the difficulty based off the tier of killer. So all of your arguments that his power is weak should not be justification for a hard rating. There was a trapper post where they justified his difficulty rating because of the knowledge needed for correctly using traps, and that's just fine.
  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    This is why ghostface is a bad killer not a hard killer

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317
    edited March 2022

    The Cannibal, Leatherface aka Bubba - Easy

    Very simple power in which you retain full control over movement. Requires only minimal knowledge to know what specific areas will cause the chainsaw to unexpectedly collide with the air and minimal practice to safely tighten movement around loops for maximum efficiency. 2 seconds to charge instant downs for the entire match. Counteracts many common survivor perks due to easy instant downs/multiple hits. Able to down multiple survivors in a single use of his power. Extremely fast pallet breaks. Many good/useful add-ons.

    Will often win by default due to survivors expecting facecamping and disconnecting.

    Post edited by awustzdn on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Nurse- Hard

    It's a completely unique killer from a mechanical standpoint. You have to develop muscle memory for blink distance and chain blink timing, and also have to memorize trouble points on every map that will eat your blinks or make them more difficult. Extremely punishing killer when you make a mistake. The skill ceiling is uncapped because the counterplay skill ceiling is also uncapped. You don't know what you don't know until you run into it, and then you're learning new reads/blink logic all over again.

    With an M1 killer, the tile is the tile and there's an optimal way to play it. You're reading the survivor to a point, but the goal is clearly defined at any given tile (pallet or window). With Nurse, you need to know the tile layout and you need to be able to read the survivor correctly at the same time. But their goal is simply to avoid you, so you're accounting for more things.

    That's why Nurse isn't beginner friendly.

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    And he is hard to play because he is a bad killer. NO good killer is hard to play. Nurse takes time to learn that's all, you build muscle memory and experience but you have the ability to ignore so much of what is troublesome to most everyone else that the time investment has faster and better returns than learning any other killer. Time is not a direct equal to skill or difficulty. Before her update Nurse was over used because of how accessible she was, not only was she busted she was easier to play aswell and why was that? Because the game was just as survivor sided back then as it is now and you need at least 1 god tier killer or else there's no absolute reason to play killer. AS time moved on more killers appeared strong enough to warrant the Nurse changes, then a new standard was created for killers thus survivors/game had to have their revision aswell( survivor perks, map strength, boon totems,etc) and we're stuck in a never ending circle. Nurse got changed, Spirit became the new daily complaint, Spirit got changed, survivors/game got changed, and the process repeats itself over and over...

    You can take your whole life to master something or master it really quickly, it doesn't mean the thing you're mastering is hard or easy it means it takes more or less time. Mastering something like Blight and Mastering something like Ghostface is too complete worlds apart. Blight has a much better chance at the game thus it's easier to play him even if mechanically he takes more time to master vs how simple GF is mechanically, which he ends up not being because you gotta learn the broken ways of leaning and how broken reveal mechanic is. GF's problem stems from both him and the game not being designed for eachother vs Blight who can do everything better and faster thus is a better fitting for the game thus he becomes easier to play cause you know you have a chance vs playing GF where you know even if you're doing your best your chances are still so small compared to good killers. With Blight or Nurse you can get away with some plays while with GF anything that isn't a perfect play means you lose and even if you do perfect plays you're not that much closer to winning because the game isn't meant for you (anymore ...if it ever was at all...).