The Creep: Camera-Stalker killer idea.

As a foreword, credit where credit is due, I got the idea of a Camera killer from Otzdarva's FAQ. He said he would like to see "a Killer that can set up camera-like props around the map that power him up in some way if they detect survivors in their sight." as one of the two ideas he gives in there... I built on that. Additionally, I added some art for hopefully a broader appeal and an easier way to find the power and perks. It was all either reused assets or images I made using a mouse so be forgiving.
The Creep:
Growing up, Sullivan Macey was socially inept spending most of his days enthralled by the television. In an era of emerging VHS technology, the idea of recording his favorite shows from one medium to another inspired him. And with this growing obsession with television and VCR devices, the more perverse side to these inventions was soon discovered. It wasn't until high school that he discovered his true passion, stalking unwitting peers. As he fed into his sick past time he devised a more effective and far safer method of spying on his victims than lurking outside their windows. Placing camcorders just out of sight and setting them to record he would return later to collect the tapes and rewatch them at his leisure. This activity took up much of his time as he skipped his classes in order to set and collect tapes of an ever-growing string of cameras. After graduating high school, finding victims became marginally more difficult. Soon he pursued a career as an electrician and continued to familiarize himself with the most modern technology as it advanced. He used this job as a way of entering people's homes, setting up cameras in key locations, and when strategically sabotaged wiring once again failed he returned to collect the tapes. His antics earned him a negative view in the public but he freelanced and worked cheap drawing in those low on funds. With the invention of CCTV cameras and an increase in home security measures, he transitioned more towards security installation. Though not many wished to have cameras in their homes, apartment complexes and hotels provided ample opportunity to install cameras where they should not be and with his backdoor into the cameras, a way to leer in on those hidden cameras. He did so unhindered for years, that was until working in a commercial building adjacent to an apartment complex. While drilling through the conjoining wall, a worker interrupted his work. Panic overtook him as the man threatened to call the police, to get him fired, and to throw him off the premises. Acting in without thinking, he lunged at the man pummeling him with a hammer until he lie bleeding on the floor. With this, a new source of exhilaration he had never considered prior. He smiled before turning back to finish installing his personal camera into the adjoining wall. Perhaps there were more ways to enjoy the people he had seen so many times through the cameras he had never considered before. Eventually, over the years, his life started to become indistinguishable from what he saw on the tapes as his senses were eroded away as he indulged in the stalking and murdering of those caught in his cameras. He had hardly noticed when he slipped away one slow night into a realm obscured by the fog but was pleased by the sudden influx of victims.
Weapon: He wields a small hammer... Not because it has anything particularly to do with the killer but because I don't know what else to give him. Perhaps, like, a drill will suit him well, but that doesn't mesh well with the rest of the killer cast's weapons.
Power: Constant Surveillance
"Cameras litter the trial grounds watching the survivors' every move. The feeds of which are transmitted to a creep somewhere else.
The Creep watches through the screen, studying his next victim, swelling with anticipation."
Constant Surveillance:
Press and hold the Active Ability button to pull up a flip phone which displays the camera feed. While the camera feed is displayed, The Creep cannot use his Basic Attack.
Pressing the Active Ability button again will put the phone away.
Press the Power Button while it is out to change which camera is selected.
Survivors within view of the active camera gain stalk progress.
Completing stalk progress on a survivor will cause them to become Marked making them oblivious for 45 seconds.
Survivors cannot be stalked while Marked.
While the flip phone is out, pressing the Attack Button to take a picture causes a camera flash and soft click.
Snapping a Picture of a survivor without the Marked condition causes their stalk meter to progress by 25%.
Snapping a Picture of a Marked survivor causes them to gain the hindered status effect for 5 seconds.
Taking a picture causes a short cooldown after Snapping a Picture of an unmarked survivor or a cooldown equal to the killer hindered duration.
At the start of the trial, wall-mounted cameras are pre-placed around the map.
These cameras will periodically pan back and forth.
Additionally, 3 Camcorders will spawn around the map in the inactive state with an additional 2 starting carried by the Creep.
Camcorders can be collected with the Interaction Button or reset with the Power Button when near them.
While the flip phone is not out, pressing and holding the Power Button will place a Camera-Tripod.
Camcorders do not pan and can be sabotaged by survivors causing them to become inactive.
Active cameras display a red blinking light.
Agonizing Gaze: Those caught in your gaze are frozen with terror.
For each survivor within 36 meters of the killer gain a token.
When within 36 meters and any survivor in the direction you are looking has their speed while repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing, opening exit gates, and unlocking slowed by 3% for each token.
While outside of 16 meters, effects triggered by the killer looking at survivors are suppressed.
While outside of 8 meters, the effects of this perk are hidden.
When entering within 8 meters, the effects are revealed and one survivor you are looking at screams.
After making a survivor scream, that survivor suffers the effects of Agonizing Gaze at the token level it was at when they screamed for 15 seconds.
Agonizing Gaze has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
Scourge Hook: Mounting Anticipation: With each victim, your excitement grows until you can hardly contain yourself.
You become obsessed with one Survivor.
At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:
The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.
Each time a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook gain one Token, up to a maximum of 6 tokens.
The next time you hit a survivor with a Basic Attack after a lunge they are put into the Dying State, consuming 2 tokens.
Hitting the obsession consumes one additional token.
Tech-Savvy: Your knowledge of electronics allows you to sabotage the tools survivors require to escape.
Every generator you kick becomes marked.
While carrying a survivor, marked generators trigger rapid difficult skill checks.
If they miss one or stop repairing the generator is highlighted in yellow.
After the carried survivor is hooked Tech-Savvy activates for 30 seconds causing all progress on marked generators to be slowed by 50%.
Dropping a survivor stops the skill checks but does not trigger Tech Savvy.
While active, generators cannot be marked.
Tech-Savvy has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
(Common) Reel of Film- A brand new reel of film, the endless potential excites him.
Reduces the time to stalk from Camcorders by 5%.
(Common) Recorded Porn- Warped and distorted video feed from an illegal channel that distracts him from his work.
Snapping a photo progresses the stalk meter by 20% instead of 25%.
Stalking through cameras is slowed.
Grants 100% bonus blood points in the deviousness category.
(Common) Camera Sling- A sling fashioned to hold a camera and tripod for ease of transport.
Increases Camcorder set-up speed by 15%.
Start the match carrying an additional Camcorder.
(Common) Peeping Tom's Logbook- A book of addresses marking his escapades during Highschool and helping him organize his stalking.
Changing to a camera will cause you to face in its direction.
(Uncommon) Tripod Stakes- Simple stakes that can be hammered into the ground in order to stabilize a camera tripod.
Increases time to sabotage a Camcorder by 30%.
(Uncommon) Camera Case- A handy case to hold camera equipment.
Increases camera set-up speed by 30%.
Start the match carrying an additional Camcorder.
(Uncommon) VCR Instruction Manuel- A detailed manual on the set-up and maintenance of a VCR device
A reminder of his first passion.
Upon changing to a camera, the last 5 seconds will be replayed.
(Uncommon) Highlight Reel- A reel of film crudely spliced to only show the most exciting parts.
Reduces the time to stalk from Camcorders by 5%.
Increases the time survivors remain marked by +5 seconds.
(Uncommon) Shattered Glasses- Blood smattered spectacles whose lenses have been cracked.
Belonging to his first kill, seeing them recalls the thrill he felt.
Marked survivors are afflicted with the Blinded conditions.
(Rare) Snuff Film- A form of artistic experimentation.
Despite its flaws, rewatching the tape fills him with pride.
Reduces the stalking time by 10% from all sources.
A fully stalked survivor is revealed by killer instinct for 5 seconds afterward.
(Rare) SD Card- A storage chip for cellphones, filled with pictures of those he has stalked.
Snapping a picture of a marked survivor causes their mark timer to decrease by 5 seconds.
This may only add an additional 15 seconds to one survivor.
(Rare) Wide Angle Lens- A wide lens to increase the field of view on a camera.
Increases the field of view on cameras by 15%.
(Rare) Frayed Wires- A collection of frayed wires from one of his many victims' homes.
Not the cause of the problem he was hired to fix but added later for an excuse to return.
The flashing lights on cameras do not turn on for 3 seconds after you remain on the same camera.
(Rare) External Battery Pack- A device to extend the life of a battery-operated device.
Sabotaging a camera causes a survivor's stalk meter to progress 33%.
(Very Rare) First Recording- The first recording of those he stalked, exhilaration flows through him rewatching it.
Reduces the stalking time from all sources by 10%.
Gain a 2% haste status effect for 15 seconds after fully stalking a survivor.
(Very Rare) Deodorant Stick- The used deodorant stick of his first obsession that was taken from her trash can.
The faint scent that wafts from it rejuvenates his spirit.
Snapping a Picture of a fully stalked survivor grants the haste status for 2.5 seconds.
(Very Rare) Twigs and Branches- A rudimentary camouflage used to conceal cameras in foliage.
While setting up a camera, gain the undetectable status effect.
this effect persists for 15 seconds afterward.
(Very Rare) Rogue Broadcast Antennae- An antennae utilized to tap into CCTV cameras without authorization.
Wall-mounted cameras no longer pan and instead follow survivors within their view.
(Ultra Rare) Burner Phone- A cellphone linked to all of the home-security systems he had previously set up, allowing him to revisit fond memories.
Snapping a photo of a marked survivor an additional three times causes them to become exposed.
(Ultra Rare) Iridescent Video Film- A glass-like camera film molded from the fog itself.
It whispers its contents to those that listen.
When resetting a Camcorder that was sabotaged, reveal the aura of any survivor that was within the camera's view within the last 30 seconds for 5 seconds.
Wrap-Up + Discussion:
I have a few notes about the killer power but didn't want it to be lost within all the mechanic-heavy ability descriptions so I will put it at the end here. The power's effects may seem slightly lackluster as it just makes one survivor at a time oblivious but I was trying to avoid making just another one-shot down killer, although that seems tempting, I felt something different could work just as well.
Additionally, there was once a now scraped version of his power where he gained a single use of a charge, a little similar to pigs, whenever he fully stalked a survivor. Although I enjoyed the limited resource feel, I opted to replace that with the Snap a Picture mechanic. There were a lot of considerations with scrapping that feature but one of them was the Button economy in Dead by Daylight as there are a limited number of buttons that actually do something trying to squeeze in setting up, collecting, and resetting cameras while outside of the camera viewer began to feel like an impossible task if I kept a charge as well.
In a similar vein, originally I had The Creep start will all of his cameras, but I decided maybe have some cameras already set up in the map (if not all of them) so that he actually has some form of power at the start of the game, you know, with the wall-mounted cameras which would start mostly watching generators being deactivated as to not give the killer knowledge of the survivors' location at the very start of the game.
Please tell me what you think and any comments you would like to make are much appreciated. This is the second killer concept I have created but the previous one, I am afraid, is not quite up to snuff. So thank you for taking your time and reading my killer concept.