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Is The Nurse's Plaid Flannel a Crutch?

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

I know that she's disabled right now, but this has been on my mind. I've seen some people say that it's just another useless training wheels add on, while I've seen others say that it turns Nurse into an easy mode killer. I've even heard people say that using it while trying to learn Nurse is a bad idea because you learn to rely on it. So I wanted to see the community's opinions.

Is The Nurse's Plaid Flannel a Crutch? 34 votes

Yes, Plaid Flannel makes Nurse extremely easy for all skill levels
MrsGhostfacePlsfix369 2 votes
No, Plaid Flannel is bad and even detrimental for those trying to learn Nurse because they won't be able to play without it
GibberishIlliterateGenocideBasementDwellerAurelleMoraFlex 5 votes
Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it
TapeKnotbrokedownpalacepizzaduffyhp90AetherBytesmusstang62MrPenguinEnderloganYTdreamsy10Robotfangirl67Warcrafter4TatariuChurchofPigdugmanSuzuKRxtr4meBrokenbonesselflessneaGannTMBubbaDredgeThatOneDemoPlayer 27 votes


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    I don't really agree that it's a 'crutch' since a crutch implies that using it will make you play worse which isn't necessarily true

    It's a training addon, to help you ingrain into your muscle memory the blink distances, the timings as well as what you can/can't blink through. Once you've played for a good while, it's not that you become worse using it - it's just giving you information you know already.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    It's just for new players to get the hang of blinks.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    So is your point that if someone learning uses Plaid Flannel for a while, they can stop using it and play just as well?

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited March 2022
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    The main point I was trying to get across is that using the addon doesn't actually subtract anything from you or make you play worse. Typically crutches are considered to be things that make good players play worse and don't help new players improve, right?

    This addon doesn't really do either of those. It helps new players improve to the point where they don't need it and if an experienced player used it, they wouldn't play worse.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    Plaid Flannel should be base it in my opinion. It helps beginners but doesn't help veterans as much, so adding it to the base kit would just make Nurse more inviting to the new players without significantly buffing her at the higher end. And it would free up an add-on slot for the new players who want that targeting spot.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    Personally when I started to play nurse, I only used this addon like 3/4 times and after that just played without it. Nowdays if i randomly equip it to I can't play with it since my muscle memory its already there and the blink marker creates more trouble for me lol. But yeah for beginners it's a good addon to see where your blink goes.

    Also this addon is good for debug purposes. Some month ago nurse received a code rework and her blink coudn't go tru' some walls on main buildings etc... and with this addon you can see where's the problem.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    A crutch implies it’s a bad thing. It’s a tool for learning, like training wheels on a bike. You take them off after because it becomes inhibiting instead.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611
    No, Plaid Flannel is bad and even detrimental for those trying to learn Nurse because they won't be able to play without it

    Plaid Flannel can be good for players who want to learn Nurse, but it's best to learn her without it so you can play without it later.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    Nurse? Never heard of her.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    I'm by no means a good player, but plaid flannel taught me how fast the charge is so I can now guess around where ill land without it

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    What's that do again.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Behavior just needs to gut up and make the hard choice:

    Either get rid of the addon, or make it base kit.

    The fact that we're here deliberating if the training wheels are detrimental to learning curves is evidence enough that this should either be a part of the base experience or not.

    Either players should be able to play Nurse with a clear, concise indicator of what they're doing - or they don't, and you're going to have to learn the hard way.

    Honestly, the Devs need to take a look at her and make some hard choices on how they want her to be designed. She's not at all 'noob friendly' and she's unstoppable if played by a good killer main. So, how do you make it so that people can approach the killer, but also don't make her SO powerful that a skilled player locking in is basically a GG at load-in.

    Dropping little cute 'training' addons to alleviate bad design philosophy is not going to solve the underlying problem.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    It’s fine being an add-on the way it is. It’s easy to get, since it’s brown. You only need it for learning at the very start and then you learn the rest without it. It gets distracting after. And she’s balanced at highest levels of play.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    If you have to make a 'training' addon - you've already messed up your core philosophy.

    And if you think she's balanced at the highest levels, you haven't stepped against a top-tier nurse before.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    All of these answers are very opinionated. There's no option like "it's a helpful add on that doesn't increase her power."

    Personally I don't spam Nurse, I play her occasionally, and most of her add ons do very little or make her more difficult to play. I always use the plaid flannel, not because I feel like it gives me a huge advantage, but because it's just convenient and useful for less regular tiles.

    Ok, so you don't have to memorise millisecond-perfect timings of when your blink will take you through an object rather than just waste your time. Who cares?

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    Fun fact, the best Nurses in the world versus the best survivors in the world while playing on an even-sided map averages out to... 2K. And this is WITH heavy restrictions on survivors (the Nurse is also restricted, but far less so). When all restrictions are completely removed, Nurse's average drops to a negative (below 2K).

    Fun fact 2, MMR does not guarantee consistent or even skill matchups, nor any of the other factors that affect a game's result (map RNG, tile RNG, how serious each side is, how knowledged each side is on their own characters and perks, how knowledged each side is on the opponent and how to play against them, items, add-ons, offerings, perks, level of coordination between the survivors, voice comms or no, etc). When a matchup is significantly uneven, the results will also be significantly uneven. This is a given. Which is why it consistently averages out to a 2K in the cases where it actually IS an even matchup.

    Fun fact 3, most average players are just not that good. This isn't meant to be degrading. That's just the given, average is average. Against average players, you can win with basically anything ever. Hell, any genuinely good player could do 4K streaks with zero gen regression Trapper against average players/perkless escape streaks/etc and do fairly well. Tier anything is pretty much irrelevant to the average game.

    Fun fact 4, learning Nurse to a decent level requires a ton of game knowledge, since her chase is all about out-mindgaming the survivor she is chasing, which requires knowledge of how survivors tend to play, knowledge of maps, map tiles, specific areas with and without line of sight and how to navigate/play around those properly, so on and so forth. Most survivors don't have the same level of knowledge in return, since all of that isn't needed to generally beat a standard M1 killer. If one side is significantly more knowledged on gameplay than the other, the results will be slanted. That's a given. Which is why it consistently averages out to a 2K in the cases where it actually IS an even knowledge matchup.

    Fun fact 5, not many people know how to play against Nurse in the first place, as she's not that common due to her extreme difficulty and harsh learning curve, so it's not a regular enough occurrence they'd have that much experience against her, or have looked into learning how to face her. When one side doesn't know how to play versus the other's specific loadout (in this case, the killer choice), of course the results are uneven. That's a given. Which is why it consistently averages out to a 2K in the cases where it actually IS an even counter-knowledge matchup.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    Yes, Plaid Flannel makes Nurse extremely easy for all skill levels


    It should be basekit along with allowing survivor to see it as well so we can introduce her to newbies and balance the Nurse much better.

    Think of it as a tool to prevent Nurse mains from sniping you from afar, it won't stop them from catching up to you and downing you, but it would give you a split second to run and extend the chase for a little bit more time.

    Nurse with Hex: Plaything is BROKEN.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    What on earth are you talking about? LOL.

    With or without Plaid Flannel, the blink is still the same range and something an experienced Nurse player can do themselves via muscle memory. Plaid Flannel is literally distracting for anyone except brand-new/inexperienced players, and leads to reliance on vision instead of on muscle memory.

    Also the survivors seeing the indicator would make it drastically worse. The entire point is you mindgame it. Seeing it defeats the whole point.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    Yes, Plaid Flannel makes Nurse extremely easy for all skill levels

    It should be Basekit.

    You'll never know if your blink is bugged or not until you get there or not.

    As a Nurse Player I never even knew there was a Plaid Flannel in her Add-ons until I've played her for 200-300 hours. I never used add-ons for most of my killer matches cause I'm greedy and I think they're all crutches until I've hit my peak playing in High MMR for a month as Killer.

    Do you even need to mind game while playing Nurse at all? all you need to do is get close hit your 2nd blink reliably, i think it's extremely one sided for "Veteran" Nurse mains to practically hit a single charge blink and down survivors 10 seconds later.

    What we need to do is to prevent the first blink from become a good clean hit without any resistance at all, Unlike Nurse mains Survivor's don't get to master playing against the Nurse's blink timing. making it extremely difficult to play effectively against a Good Nurse

    This will also help with the Latency Problem when playing against a Good Nurse.

    Latency is the Nurse's best friend, She can hit you before you can react cause in the Nurse side of the game she already landed the blink even before you see her clearly appear on your screen. that makes it even worse when practicing timing against Good Nurses.

    This would lessen the hate for Nurse Mains and it would makes it less stressful for newbie players to play as the Nurse.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274


    . . .

    Thank you for proving my point?

    I fail to see how much of anything you said truly conflicts with what I said. Perhaps you're trying to say that the top 1% of Survivors are even with the top 1% of Nurse players. But when it comes down to it, there are several reasons for this - and a lot of it has to do with balancing concerns that supersede the argument about the Nurse itself.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    Both, it's a good tool for beginners but once they're more experienced they can play without it

    ??? Nurse is a non-issue. The only reason uneven matches happen are ones where it would make no sense for it to not be uneven. Good players in an even matchup can play as and against her just fine. Literally every single thing in her kit is mindgameable. It’s not even remotely one sided if the matchup is actually even and the survivors know how to play against her.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    This is an incredible over-simplification.

    Not only is it baseless and completely wrong, as attested to by just about every single pro player out there, but the developers themselves constantly have to dance around Nurse in their design approaches with how easy it is for her to break the game.

    Starstruck was originally going to be a lot stronger until the Devs had to take a look at the Nurse and determined that the Nurse with StarStruck is far too powerful if it was any stronger. No other killer made them concerned.

    The extreme benefits of the Nurse are plain to see, and are more than capable of decimating a team of survivors when in the hands of a good Nurse main.

    If she's good or bad is not in the question. The truth is she's arguably the strongest killer in the game if played properly.

    We aren't debating HER strength, we're debating the validity of an ADDON which conflicts with her design philosophy.