Just killed a subtle mobile cheater

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

I'd decided to get off of playing on console for the day, but I still felt a little like playing Dbd so I went on mobile. I decided to play Nurse (for those who don't know, she's not disabled on mobile...yet) and I loaded into a match against a Dwight, a Yui, a pretty skilled Feng, and the subject of this evening's post, an Ace.

After killing the Dwight and Yui, I noticed something about the Ace: he was moving too fast. I'd say he was about 105% speed or more. I had actually hooked him earlier off the grab (for those who don't know, the Nurse grab bug isn't on mobile...yet) so I didn't get to notice this. Anyway, I decided I was willing to throw the rest of the game to kill this guy. I discovered that he was actually a really bad player. He never looked behind him and didn't really make an effort to juke or mindgame my power. Knowing this, I predicted his movements and was finally able to down him.

He then had the nerve to say "GGWP" in the end game chat. (Yes, mobile has end game chat, but you can only choose from a few prewritten messages so no salt :( )

Just wanted to share how pathetic it is that people are so bad that they cheat and STILL LOSE. I hope that Ace learned his lesson, but unfortunately he probably just moved on to the next game.
