Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.


StargamerXD Member Posts: 27
edited March 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Dear DBD Community

Over the years I have come up with some suggestions for the game and I want to present them to you. I started playing on June 2018, when Clown was in PTB, and have now around 4.8k hours in the game. I used to be a hardcore survivor main in the past. Nowadays I play a lot of Blight or Nurse as well as survivor (50/50). In my suggestions, I am not addressing current bugs or exploits.

Devotion Rewards

Devotion levels increase the amount of Bloodpoints you can store in total. For example, each Devotion level increases the Bloodpoint cap, by 50.000. I am myself Devotion 21, so my BP cap would be 2.050.000.

Another Devotion reward could be certain skins or even charms. Similar to prestige/legacy skins, showing your dedication to the game. Which can not be bought unlike the Battlepass/Rift and their 70 Levels.

bloodpoint role multiplier For queues

The reason why matchmaking queues can be so abysmal depends on how many people queue for a specific role in a specific time. What I am pretty certain of, is that in the evening the survivor queues are always so long, because everybody wants to play with their friend. When people come home from work etc.. If you want to play with a friend there is only ONE role you can play, that is survivor. It's probably the time zone where the most SWFs are. On the Weekends it's even worse, which leaves for killer insta-queues and survivor queues up to 10 mins.

My solution, to create a BP multiplier for each role, if we are not yet fed up with BP already. There should be 1 killer for each 4 survivors that queue. Depending on how many people queue for what role, if it's way off and there are, for example currently way more survivors queueing, killers will be rewarded a 20% BP or survivors less BP. Upon queueing a match you will see the BP multiplier for each role.

This is definitely not the best solution for queues, because it will just create this meta of SoloQ players hopping on killer, which leaves every match with SWFs, creating sweatier games, but may help for faster queues. This brings me to my next suggestion.

Buff SoloQ

From my experience, if there are 4 solo queue survivors in a game, the game is most likely killer-sided versus SWFs being survivor sided.

In SoloQ you have just less ways to communicate to the team, which lacks coordination. There are some aura reading perks that help for that, but there should definitely be some more aura reading base-kit. For a start things like the perk Kindred, should be base-kit. As well as Deerstalker for killer. The base-kit should come with a smaller radius than the perk itself. Like 8m Deerstalker and 8m on killer visibility for base-kit Kindred.

Rework / remove MMR

In my opinion MMR doesn't favor the game as it wants it to be. How can you set a players performance with a number, when most of the matches outcome is just random. Each game is very randomized, for example not every killer performs the same on each map. Or survivors perform different when bringing 4 items into a match versus 0 items. All those things don't count towards MMR.

Also MMR is rewarding people that only do gens + hide all game, all to escape and punish survivors that run the killer for "ideal" 5 gens and die in the end. It always bothered me, even before MMR with just Bloodpoints. When I run the killer for "realistic" 3-4 gens and die in the end with only 12k BP. The game doesn't reward me, even though I basically carried the whole team. From my understanding survivor MMR favors heavy just escaping.

My suggestion is to rate chases more. Enough that you don't lose MMR when dying. For example, when killers gain Bloodlust, survivors should already be rewarded with extra rating for their MMR. There is also the opportunity to split the MMR into 4 values. The 4 values for each medal.

Buff Billy

In the past Billy was the most fun Killer to play and play against. With his chainsaw he was very versatile. He could one-hit down survivors, as well as having high mobility around the map. Still with all those favors he got looped hard. Things like the perk Bamboozle are highly recommended when playing Billy.

With the developers implementing the overheat mechanic, Billy is very limited to his power. The way it works now, is that you get punished when going for flicks/curves way too hard. In my opinion, the heat generated when just starting a chainsaw is way too much. With no cooldown addons (old cooldown, like Thompson's Mix), when missing a chainsaw, survivors gain a lot of distance. Sometimes enough to go to the next tile, if the killer doesn't zone enough.

I suggest that the heat generated is more like exponential, the longer you are in a chainsaw sprint the more you overheat. This gives Killers the opportunity to go for flicks/curves more, but still limits them when rotating around the map, when going for long chainsaw sprints. Similar to Blight.

Dead Hard Nerf

With the hit validation on Dead Hard, the perk became even more popular as it was. When there was no hit validation on Dead Hard, sometimes you were just exhausted on the ground. This unintentionally balanced itself with the other exhaustion perks until they added hit validation.

My suggestion, after a Dead Hard you move at a slower movement speed. There is already a "fatigued running", they could just add to DH. Depends just on how much slower.

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less chapters per year

In my opinion four chapters per year are just too many. I know BHVRs is always trying to get more licenses in, in order to grow the game. But I think it's time to maintain what you have and not always implement more. The game get so much grindier, always new perks and new characters to get. And to counteract this you get a new BP code each 2 weeks. Each new chapter they barely catch up with balance changes from the chapter before.

With less chapters per year, they have more time to address old issues, balance more that 4 perks per chapter and make sure when a new chapter releases, other stuff doesn't brake.

1v1 gamemode

For me, chases are the most fun in the game. The ideal should be as survivor to try to occupy the Killer the longest, in order to help the other team to perform the objective.

(That's why I hate "hiding perks" like Dance With Me, or Lucky Break. Those perks don't help your team and only brings the killer to another survivor working on a gen)

Since the release of the game there was always one gamemode and one only. What I suggest for an official new gamemode is a 1 versus 1. A lot of streamers and content creators often host 1v1 events already, where one survivor goes against one killer. In this gamemode you try to extend the chase as long as possible when playing survivor and vice versa when playing killer. This gamemode helps you learn core mechanics in chases for each killer and survivor. You learn each killers power, as well as learn when to use your resources as survivor.


Small PTB suggestion, just have people unlock everything on the PTB. No need to grind BP there just to try out a new perk on another Killer other than then the featured one.

Give KYF some Love

The Custom Game, also known as Kill your Friends, has been given very little support. Here are some suggestions that are much wanted. Things like setting a seed to generate the same tiles in a map, spectating a game in free cam mode or just as simple as starting a match on you own.

give competitive some love

The comp scene is small and BHVR give them slim to none attention. I hope the developers acknowledge in the future more, that the game is just different from what they planned. It is not a "hide and seek" game, but more like a "tag" game. There are features implement in the game that feature both and that is fine, just not viable at all when you play competitive.

I hope they pay more attention or support the competitive scene in the future, now that stretched res is gone. What I mean by that is that, the developers probably just really didn't like people increasing their vertical FOV and when it comes to comp, you take every advantage there is. So the developers didn't give any attention to them.

But some comp players don't even used stretched res for the vertical FOV, but for performance. Decreasing the amount of pixels your PC has to render, just helped them get better FPS.

Maybe host some official tournaments etc. as well.

I would love to hear from you some feedback in the comments, regarding every suggestion.