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This is just dumb

ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

BHVR, look at this pictures and see if you can figure out what's wrong with it? Don't worry I'll tell you.

This tree is literally IN FRONT OF THE FRICKIN' SHACK DOOR!

What's exactly wrong with the tree spawning there you may ask?

Well, it creates a loop that the killer CAN'T FRICKIN RUN! AT ALL! But the survivors are just slim and trim enough to run between the tree and the shack wall.

Other highlights from this particular game, people dead harding through the interaction trigger for hooking someone causing the action to be blocked for a second. TVs being turned off in mass for most of the match and constant trip back to this FRICKIN' TREE OF WOE!!

Now I like to think I'm a fairly chill person who tries not to turn towards the whole "Devs don't care" side of arguments. Game dev is hard, with that difficulty increased by randomized positioning of elements, and a lot of the time we as players make bad plays without noticing. Stuff happens.

Yet, I have to say this, when I started this game all the way in 2016 the only thing I wanted was an enjoyable killer experience and for a while post Dark TImes :tm: we had that. Fast forward to now and the experience is just simply miserable and that misery is compounded by being excited to play and learn a new killer only to not be able to really do so because I don't have the ability to pour massive amounts of hours into the game so I can have a huge store of bloodpoints. I also can't do anything when a match against a strong well versed survivor team is also benefiting from design flaws such as trees spawning in front of doors and loop paths that are completely non-negotiable for killers, but perfectly fine for survivors. I can't combat coordinated saves when interaction triggers can be blocked by at highly crucial moments by a perk that gives people the ability to dash through you and the trigger location for the hook prompt.

I still managed to get two kills, but you want to know how I got them? By tunneling and camping. Two things I try not to do because I don't find it that engaging to do and would rather actually apply pressure by playing an active dynamic gameplay style. Instead between fighting the damn game and strong survivors, which I don't mind playing against a proper squad mind you, but in the end my hand was forced into playing the game in a way I do not like to only end up getting subpar results. Playing killer sucks right now, the grind sucks right now, and even when you add interesting killers that feel nice to play, good job on Sadako btw, she feels much more responsive than on PTB, the gameplay experience absolutely ruins and taints any good work you have done and kills the desire to play any role that isn't survivor. I want to believe that you'll fix stuff like this, but this isn't remotely the first time stuff like this has happened and the general killer experience has been lackluster for nearly two years imo.

I don't really have hope that this game is getting better at this point.
