Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

How burned out are you?



  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    That sucks so much. I haven't gotten BBQ either, but spending 2 million Bloodpoints and not getting the Perk you want? Sounds like hell

  • OutbreakJack
    OutbreakJack Member Posts: 62


    Usually nowadays I'll come back to check out the new DLC's/ PTBs. Ill typically play for 4- 8 hours over the course of a couple days depending on how good my matches go. Then I realize why I stopped playing in the first place, because I don't really enjoy most of the matches anymore. I keep playing because I'm frustrated not because I'm having fun. Over the course of a couple months ill remember that I used to actually have fun playing this game and give it another try and the cycle repeats.

    After 3,500 hours I'm not surprised that I'm mostly burnt out. You do anything for that long and you're probably sick of it lol.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited March 2022

    Directly after typing this, I got it and got T2 the next round. Just over 2m BP. Also - no DMS, no Ruin, no Pop, no Devour. Going to be playing her now, love stealth killers and love Ringu so if she's fun I'll likely main her for a good while.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    When I P3ed my Pyramid Head I got nearly exactly the same slog. I got some pretty fun builds on my journey through P1 and P2 and then in P3 I would get not a single one of the 6 perks I liked until I hit Lvl50 +10 or so. It was ludicrous. And it took so long for me to finally get BBQ, which was one of the lvl 50+ perks :V

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    6-7, some days 8

    I am very surprised by myself, as I loved the game to death this past month. I started playing in November and nearly played DbD exclusively since then and accumulated 750h. I mainly played killer, but have probably a 70/30 split with survivors and am slowly catching up with the survs tome challenges.

    In the first few month I was a horrible survivor and only got into silver grades, while I always got into killer Iri1 with ease. This month its flipped: I got Iri1 with survivor nearly effortlessly, but struggle so hard to pip with killers. I am in killer Iri3 now and just lost my two hard earned pips with two matches back to back that weren't that bad, but still displeased The Entity. I guess I finally reached those lofty hights of high MMR as killer, as nearly every game I play is aweful and just a pain to play through. The last couple of days I hardly ever played killer, because I just couldn't motivate myself. And the few times I did I was proven right.

    I know that the SBMM and MMR system cost a lot of money and manpower to develop and implement, but afaik people told you from the very beginning that this would be a bad idea, and look what you got: the game is haemorraging players at an alarming rate, not even the new chapter is stalling this much, and players are telling you daily how much MMR negatively impacted their playing experience. Heck, just scroll up here and you will find just a few posts NOT lamenting the state of the game and the way MMR screwed things over.

    I know that this will be a very, very bitter and hard pill to swallow, BUT someone has to pull the trigger and revert the MMR system. Run a test weekend or something and a weeklong PTB to see how your players react, and I guess we all know the truth. If you want to save to game you HAVE to listen to what your playerbase demand. Do it! This one time. Please! Your stubborn adhearance to the MMR system is literally killing the game. There are many other problems, too, certain balance issues and design decisions, but all this pales to the aweful quality of the base game that MMR forces upon us all.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    stopped for 2 weeks and a half installed the game again, most likely will uninstall again.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    8 . I'm almost done with this game completely tbh.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    5 maybe a 6?

    Looking to grind out 2k shards to get vigil off the shrine before it's gone but after I'll probably take another break.

    I find I can't play for long periods of time without getting frustrated with the game as a whole so I'm kinda in a cycle where I'll take a month break then play for about 7-10 days then take another break. I still have fun with the game it's just in small bursts now cuz it sours very quickly.

  • conqueror_worm__
    conqueror_worm__ Member Posts: 96

    I'm going to say 6 or 7, for a while I was playing this for hours every night, game after game and I was loving it, my interest seems to have fallen off a cliff in the last few weeks though.

    I still enjoy the game but I just feel like it has ran its course, I have hit Iri 1 numerous times, I've unlocked pretty much every perk on the survivor side and have one character who is P3 and has all the perks in purple, the challenges were fun and kept me interested while I was grinding out BP's but now that I have the majority of perks and a character who can play any build I want it kind of feels like...well...what's left to grind for?

    I don't play too much killer these days, I've got a fair few of them up to level 50 and again I've got all the perks I want on all the characters that I want them on, playing killer just stresses me out though, half the time I end up against a team who is far too good for me so I just end up memeing the game to avoid being humiliated.

    At the moment I'm probably having 1 or 2 games every other night unless my pal is online then we will have an hour or two, sad to say that I don't think the new killer (or any other new characters that are introduced) will change my feelings too much at the moment, its basically the same mechanic with a few tweaks here and there.

    Again, I don't blame DBD for anything, it happens with pretty much all games, hell, I loved Tomb Raider when I was a kid and its still one of my favourite games of all time but I don't play it every night 20 odd years later, DBD will likely fall into that category soon.

    One thing that it has done though is introduced me to the world of asymmetrical horror games and now I just want something that is different, hence why I absolutely can not wait for the Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw games.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Solo Q: 9

    Killer: 7

    General: 8

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Im not burned out at all because i havent really played for a good amount in the last 2 years. I have no incentive to come back. Between the imbalance, the toxic community, the hacker infestation and bhvr in general. I see no reason to stop "playing something else"

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    I'd say 8 because the only reason i'm playing is because Sadako, even then i'm so tired at this game being boring and stale that i only have fun doing dumb stuff to keep my sanity because the survivor meta is so stale that i feel like i'm playing against scripted AI's than actual players, they all do the same thing... over...and over again.