Why is Behavior ignoring the killers' complaints?

It's unbelievable how nothing is being done, playing killer has become pathetic and a joke. Survivors have 2/3 jungle gyms side by side, which is next to the check, which is next to a T/L and to make matters worse there is the MASSIVE wave of dead hard players. I've been playing dead by daylight since 2018 and never in my life have I stopped seeing dead hard in my games, EVER. It's a ridiculous perk that with the newly hit validation buff has become the third health state. In addition to the killer needing to hook 3 times, he needs to practically give 3 hits, as the game will ALWAYS prioritize survivors in this hit validations.
Playing killer has become depressing and stupid.
Not to mention the fact that doing a generator nowadays has become literally pressing a single button and being able to make a coffee if you want since anyone can hit the skillchecks even blindfolded as it's ridiculously easy.
Because 4 people buying pink hair cosmetics to clicky clicky troll is more revenue than 1 guy buying a Trapper skin
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If you think that the button toggle change had any sort of effect on balance, I don't know what to say.
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Fact is they are ignoring EVERY complaints, not specifically killers.
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It’s a for-profit business, so every decision is made with impact to the bottom line in mind. Buffing killers or nerfing survivors is going to lead to more survivor players quitting the game or at least playing less. Since at least 80% of the players are survivor mains (it’s probably more than that given the generally long queue times for survivors), that’s going to have a bigger impact on revenue/profit than killer players leaving the game. It’s a balancing act, and it seems their strategy is to make SWF as fun as possible while making killer just barely fun/fair enough to maintain the bare minimum number needed to keep the game alive without AI killers.
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You made my same argument but in a much more succinct way 😀
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OoO rework, DS nerf, Hatch and key reworks.
also there have been plenty of killer nerfs AND buffs
if you actually think they don’t listen at all then no matter what they do you won’t ever acknowledge anything they would do because there would be something you can complain about.
they are slow on getting changes and feedback done, that’s for sure. But saying they are ignoring killer complaints is just not true at all and you are leaving to room for discussion or constructive feedback.
Not to mention the fact that doing a generator nowadays has become literally pressing a single button and being able to make a coffee if you want since anyone can hit the skillchecks even blindfolded as it's ridiculously easy.
They literally didn’t change how gens are done at all, I think they even made is slightly longer with multiple survs and toolbox nerfs. Also remember that BNP used to instantly power a gen.
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took the words right out of me mouth mooks.
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You mean when they nerf the used addons and buff the meaningless addons to still be meaningless? i guess you can technically call it a buff lol!
Then we have killers like Deathslinger.. Gutted his power but buffed his ads walk speed.. then nerfed the ads walk speed. and gave him nothing...
They don't listen. There are glaring issues with map and loop design and plenty of ways to fix the game but they are as they said.. "to much work" so they just bandaid everything and nerf killers to force this stupid 50% kills escape rate that is calculated by including day 1 survivors who will always die to a day 1 killer.
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No, I mean stuff like Doctor and Bubba changes, which were straight buffs. But also yeah, addons have also seen buffs (and nerfs).
They do listen. They don’t blindly implement everything that’s been thrown at them, but they do listen and often implement changes based on community feedback (not only survivors)
and I agree that map and loop designs can be extremely problematic. When did they say it was too much work to fix those though? Gotta request a source on that.
also that 50% kill narrative is something used by the community way out of the context. And if you have paid attention, the Killrates are higher than 50% anyways, even when only looking at matches with experienced players.
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Stop pretending like no killers are viable people cry way too much over nothing, I don't blame them for not listening when you have people saying things tbagging should make you exposed and other nonsense, somebody once made a post suggesting survivors should start on the ground and have to pick themselves up with a free unbreakable to start the game, survivors complaining about Noed, camping, tunneling etc.. why should they listen when more than half of the suggestions are from salty people who refuse to accept their mistakes regardless of what role they're playing? Yea I don't blame them they get so much ######### even when they do good things for us that it's safe to say the ignoring is well deserved
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You say killers are weak but the killer stats say different.
If killer players are getting kills from camping and tunneling to get a 4K why buff killers then?
It's the same reason why they won't do anything about the gens. Can't nerf the gens if killers are going to camp.
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It is clear BHVR chases after Survivor players because that's where the money is at. Survivors are played in third-person, meaning there is much more value in the cosmetics than for Killer players who can't even see their skin for most of the time.
Survivors make money, Killers are just an afterthought. This is why BHVR focuses to make Survivors most fun to play at the expense of Killers, not because BHVR has something against Killers but because they are horrible at balancing the game, so at the very least they make sure not to anger survivors - This is what I believe, why else Killers are constantly feeling less and less powerful against survivors when they should be the one feared.
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I agree with you
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Because they usually tend to just look at actual complaints and not people just complaining to complain. Give actual feedback and they can do something but just saying "me no have fun :(((" isn't feedback and is entirely subjective to you. If you think playing killer is a joke and pathetic but you've played since 2018 then it is entirely a you issue if you haven't gotten good by now lol
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Doc is still meh.. It was a buff but he is still irrelevant. Bubba was good, but i can't see it lasting to much longer with all the complaints and bhvr's habit of nerfing commonly used addons like chilli and marks.
The game needs a massive baseline overhaul. The map dev needs to be retrained for one and they need to reduce the maximum size. Jungle gyms need to be redesigned so there is an actual mindgame and more variety.
God pallets just straight up need to be removed breakable walls gone and 3 gen window loops removed because everyone just runs to them and you can't remove them like a pallet.
Destroy camping by changing the hook system to a sacrifice station where the entity takes them to a random part of the map like pyramidhead cages and remove hook timers to make camping pointless.
Increase gen count to 6 or even 7 gens or add something else that must be done and is not detrimental to killers or beneficial to survivors, just another step towards opening the doors. Increase 2 man gen speed to 65 seconds and require 3 survivors for the 47 and 4 for the 36seconds.
Change sbmm to the pip system but DO NOT MAKE PIPS EASIER THE LOWER YOUR RANK. That was half the problem with the old pip system because you needed to do less the lower your rank was to pip.
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I doubt BHVR is ignoring killers. Decisive, hatch, toolboxes, keys, CoH, Boil Over etc. nerfed for killers. They are looking complaints and stats first, then they are deciding nerf or rework.
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The devs listen and do make changes for both sides. The issue is they’re too slow and too inconsistent. Example they’re too slow. Spirit and Key changes everyone wanted them changed. And yet it took them years to finally do it. Another patch they nerf Wraith for being a wee bit OP. But, they think three blink Nurse is totally balanced. They aren’t biased just slow and inconsistent. For the precious StAtIsTiCs
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Not everything needs to be on S-Tier/Nurse level to be considered a buff. And those were only 2 examples, there have been way more. And many of the nerfs killers received were also warranted (eg Spirit who seems to be in a pretty good place now). Though they have overdone things as well (notably Deathslinger and Hillbilly, both needed to be adressed but they went too far)
i agree that the balance in this game is still far from where it should be and especially maps/loops as I have said before, but ignoring anything that has been done already is just stupid and makes you (not you specifically but in general) sound like a crybaby. Constructive criticism and suggestions like yours are great and needed (and I have done those for the killer side as well), this threads topic is bullshit though
also directed to the thread in general: People are -as always- only thinking in sides and mains, and ignoring the fact that a large part of the community does play both sides and/or sees issues on the ‚other‘ side.
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DS was broken for 4 years.
Undying+ruin was mildly powerful for 3 months.
Bhvr works faster when one particular side has complaints. That side being the majority.
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Legitimate complaints get drowned out by people who have literally been crying about how much this game sucks for years.
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How long did they need to change MoM?
And how long was Spirit in her powerful state before receiving nerfs?
Boil overs buff is still in, right?
also, if they actually listened blindly to the majority, they would have made changes to camping, tunneling and Noed a long time ago. Stop cherry picking. They are slow in most cases.
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People wanted Spirit nerfs because she had not any counterplay and it took years nerf her.
MoM was so strong at release and it nerfed 2 months later.
Bhvr works faster when one particular side has complaints. That side being the majority.
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This is exactly what I've been saying forever. Blame first hook face-camping and first hook tunneling-off-hook-till-dead killers for your pain. As long as they can get easy kills using easy skills, your games are going to suck.
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They only changed MoM because no one wanted to play killer when it came out. The perk should never have been created in the first place. Its testament to bhvrs incompetence.
Remember patch 1.9.2? They only changed that not because it was impossible for killers to hook someone, but because survivors complained about slugging builds.
The only time they throw killer a bone is when there are so few left the survivors cant get a match. Literally every decision bhvr makes is for the survivors benefit even if survivors dont agree with it.
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Then continue to cherry pick and be miserable and make unreasonable complaints. 🤷♂️
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Wasn´t Doctor´s change happening because the devs found him annoying to play against?
Hex: Lullaby´s nerf did happen because of the Madness skillchecks even though the perk always said it affects every skillcheck.
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Agree I been against camping and tunneling of hook as well
Camping is the issue it does make more of a problem for the killer players that actually do want to play fair.
The problem is these players can't take a loss if they did the killer kill rates will fall and the Devs will see that killers are indeed weak and buff as need be and do something about gen speeds. But until then I guess camping and tunneling for the win is more important then killers strength and gen speed.
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Even if that was (one of the) reasons, the result is that Doctor has been buffed and is way less clunky to play as.
for Lullaby/skillchecks: that’s an entirely different topic, and this was a nerf to the perk. Yeah. I never said killers only receive buffs though. And the perk was (and is still) pretty useless anyways.
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Let’s look back in time, the land of Infinite Loops, No anti loop killers, instablind flashlights, BNPs immediately completing a Generator, old Self Care, old DS, old OoO, moonlight offerings + fog making it all but impossible to see survivors somethings, and two windows on shack.
But no, the devs cater to survivors.
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All the streamers play a survivor in their SWF squads so BHVR wants to keep them happy.
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Cause it's the base game that we all have an issue with
If the base game were changed then certain perks wouldn't be an issue... while other perks have their time to shine
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The ignore survivor ones too,people been complaining about camping,tunneling and killers like Bubba for ages and nothing has been done.
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Nerfed Boil Over
Buffed Deadman's Switch
Buffed Onryo
Nerfed Yoichi perks
But they aren't listening?
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Yeah as if keeping any of those things would keep the game alive.
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I think the fact that we don't remember the survivor nerfs because we forget about them shows that there's much more work to be done.
Those nerfed things are still good btw. Object gives bonus action speed for seeing the killer, DS still works on people who don't tunnel, hatch and keys still gives free escapes because hey, you're the last survivor.
The add-on pass and other things killers have gotten only scratched the surface I think. Pig's and Ghost Face's didn't really increase their strength at all. Trapper's made him playable, but nowhere near viable.
Honestly the way nerfs work in this game, killer never has anything overpowered but the stuff that's accused of being OP gets nerfed after weeks of complaining, but survivors have tons of things that are OP which eventually get nerfed after years of complaining. The killer meta has always been, "What perks can I run so that I can play the game normally?" whereas the survivor meta has always been, "What perks do I run to win more?"
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To be fair, the survivor nerfs are (toolboxes, DS, OoO and others) are pretty much exactly what a major part of the community asked for and I remember a time were the hatch giving multiple survivors ‚free‘ escapes was said to be the worst imbalanced thing in the game - though those people that claimed it didn’t acknowledge the fact it got changed and are now complaining about the next thing, acting like nothing ever gets done..
the addon passes you mentioned weren’t meant to be major reworks, Ghostface is for example confirmed to be next in line to get a rework. Trapper also got what many asked for. I agree those changes were not enough.. but the devs are not ignoring killers.
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You can still see bias in how long the changes take. Moris got instanerfed, but keys took like a year to get nerfed and it was just a numbers change.
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Yeah I see the bias.
keys got a rework along with hatch. Moris were a number change and arguably stronger in their former state.
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I think they are saying that you at least had to hold a button to do gens and now you don't even have to do that.
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Because you have to tunnel and camp to get a 4k, most of us don't like it though
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Well. I hope a simple accessibility feature isnt the basis for their argument!
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I don't think there are seen it like that more of its easier to do an already easy thing.
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You don't have to, you want to.
Like I said you're getting a 4k on camping and tunneling you're rising the kill rate on that killer to the Devs that killer is not weak but instead strong.
So why buff killers if they are getting 4k?
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Killers are set dressing for survivors to play with. They don't consider killer players as active, thinking beings that they have to look out for. That's why killers receive on average far more nerfs than survivors.
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I think they do listen, since they bring up some common issues in their Q&A. The problem is that:
1) They are so unbelievably slow to do anything meaningful. I've never seen a slower dev team in control of a multiplayer game than this one.
2) They're on a different page than the playerbase. From 'if you died, was it skill' to 'Undying is unfair, lets give survivors infinite boons instead,' While they may hear what the playerbase is saying, they're so wrapped up in how they see the game, they don't see it for what it actually is.
3) Inconsistent. They'll sometimes produce good work, most often times throw out something shoddy and pretend it's good. Breakable walls are a good example. Instead of a new way to play the game, they just brought back infinites with an additional step. The grass update. RPD. Boons! SBMM.
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Uh...no, I'm pretty sure you have to, talk to the gen speeds
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I remember when exhaustion was not a thing. Survivors could stack SB, Lithe and DH and they all had their own separate cd's. You could recharge SB "while" running. Then when bhvr finally noticed this was broken they added exhaustion. The survivors screamed "OMFG this will break the game".
I remember insta syringes, BNPs finishing gens in under 30 secs, double pallets at various loops, pallet vacuum, BT working on both the unhooked and the unhooker, hatch giving all 4 survivors free escapes.
The point of my ranting. I remember a lot of stuff that broke the game. 80% of it was all survivor sided.
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Because the Devs loves Survivor and they are also maybe Survivor Mains
Also 4 Survivor Mains give more money than 1 Killers.... if 4 Survivors Mains Buy there expensive cosmetics they get more Money than a Killer Main who Buy cosmetics this is also Why we only get like 3 new Killer Skins in a Update and a Shopping Centre of Survivor Skins
Its all about Money
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If you play since 2018 then you would know how ridiculous easy it is to play killer nowadays.
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And it got actually addressed and nerfed 🤷♂️
and there still was plenty of OP killer stuff.