The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Are YOU enjoying Sadako? (New Killer)



  • ChrissKenobi57
    ChrissKenobi57 Member Posts: 21

    I like her a lot. She's a more viable Scratched Mirror Myers, to me. I won't deny she's not strong with antiloop, but honestly, I think the over reliance on antiloop as a mechanic has kind of hindered the game. Looping seems to have become the central mechanic of the game and this might make killer players relearn how to loop. What bothers me more is map layout. Looping in most maps is basically the same because of the same structures - 4 walls, jungle gyms, L and T walls, Z walls... It kind of stifles creativity within BHVR if the community expects that same map design all the time. But back to Sadako - precisely because of this, she's strong at Midwich, RPD, The Game more or less and ESPECIALLY Lery's. Indoor maps make us have to loop in new and more creative ways. Instead of the same old L and T walls, 4 walls, Jungle Gym formula. And that is also healthier for the game. She goes a bit back to DBD's roots when there was a lot less antiloop.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah, I disagree completely.

    A few things.

    • I'd say she is about as viable as Mirror Myers, probably slightly weaker. Her stealth is less effective than his and she lacks the crazy aura reading, in exchange she gets passive phasing and a mostly irrelevant secondary objective.
    • The issue isn't that killers don't know how to counter-loop. It's that survivors have become pretty savvy as to how to run things, and some maps just have too many strong loops linked together (Swamp, Badham, Eyrie, Game etc). You can go and watch Otz's Nemesis streak as an example - someone ran him for almost 2 minutes...on Nemesis. And that's a defacto pro-player.
    • Because of this, killers need an anti-loop. And this doesn't always have to be a tentacle or a birb. It can be an instadown (GF, Myers), a strong initiate (Wraith) or a gap closer (Demogorgon). Actually, killers have had anti-loop tools since the inception of the game. Which is why Sadako feels so terribly undercooked.
    • Midwich is a strong map for almost all killers. RPD is miserable for everyone (I hate it on Sadako because TVs can spawn in completely useless spots, like the floor above/below a gen). Lery's is a great map for almost any non-ranged/chainsaw killer. This is neither here nor there.
    • What? There was never 'less antiloop', unless you are talking about the game's launch (which will never be a metric for good balance). The only killers I can think of offhand that didn't have anti-loop were pre-rework Wraith and Trapper (and even he's debatable). Instadowns, teleports, snares etc. are all a form of anti-loop. A killer's viability is determined by their ability to end chases quickly - and their toolkits should reflect that.
  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I mean she is OK. I find myself having to run enduring and bamboozle on her to make it tolerable though. Maybe I could lose the enduring but I would never play her without bamboozle.

    You just can't friggin down people fast enough without it. There are mindgames and such you can try at the jungle gyms / shacks / etc but eh forget it. You make a few mistakes with the mindgames and you expend game-losing amounts of time for maybe not even a pallet drop. There's also all the god windows she will get completely dumpstered at.

    I'm still experimenting with the best way to play her. With her iri videotape you can definitely TV spam the crap out of people and get kills through condemnation. The TV spawns add in a ton of RNG to her kit. Sometimes you get like 3 of them all stacked up around a loop and you can attack a survivor from tons of different angles with her VCR addon and it works out great. Others, you get 1 TV for a whole section of the map and they just turn it off.

    Good survivors never get hit directly from a TV, even with her fingernails addon which is a shame. Her VCR addon is actually really insane with dead mans switch and will force a bunch of TVs to get turned off. I have been black warding VCR + Iri videotape for now.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I absolutely love her. I think that she has one of the most fun playstyles as her stealth is mostly effective at scaring survivors via catching them off-guard and keeping them on edge. She may need some tweaks, but I love everything she brings to the table.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Unfortunately, most of my hype of her has died and as good as she could be in a theoretical world where good survivors don't know what mindgame are or where healing in general isn't strong, she just brings nothing serious to the table.

    Condemned isn't even a funny Joke at this point, they might as well just give her red momento Mori base kit instead because it would be infinitely more powerful and threatening a mechanic. It feels like either survivors can easily ignore TV's to no real danger or take away your power just because, there is no risk reward because unless you actually pick up a VHS there is no stakes, 16 meters for a TV you can hear directionally, can't stack in chase, and only condemns at the VERY END of her TP animation is basically useless, and to compensate she has to give the survivors permission to sneak up on them by giving them a polite little lullaby in her intermittent stealth.

    But of course BHVR also had to give them the ability to antagonize the killer for free by being able to remove TV's and getting back down immediately to 3-4 stacks with no passive gain, while you can now only respect loops and pallets when you approach gens by walking across the map to get there. Then again maybe they just want to F with the killer so they get there stacks up just to distract the killer from pressuring gens or chasing a fresh survivor.

    She was built for the ground up for whack a mole. She's literal peak-a-boo wack-a-mole. Also even when she's "invisible" in those intermittent moments.... Anyone else notice she still has slight static effects that basically tell you which way she's heading anyway?

  • UnicornImperium
    UnicornImperium Member Posts: 17

    I think Sadako is fun. The only issue I have with her is that her hitbox seems smaller than other killers.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Want to elaborate on what to do? Even Dowsey gets his backside handed to him the moment survivors know what they are doing and he is one of the biggest supporters of ringu chapter...

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I've had to walk back my statement just like him. I did see alot of players just not demanifesting enough in chase or otherwise, but even if they were playing her badly, she's still too weak as she is and as the meta is.

    I'm starting to think BHVR just needs to nerf all solo healing or Hit n Run will never be viable. It takes in most cases, less time for an injured survivor to heal themselves than it does for the killer to even take a health state, nevermind a full down. It's a huge oversight, imo.

  • Senpai_J
    Senpai_J Member Posts: 62

    I like her, I’m used to playing trapper so power wise it feels like a step up. I can control gens even if they’re really far away from me which feels great. It’s easy to start chases with her too which is the more fun part of the game.

    The best part is I had multiple occasions where survivors tell me I scared the ######### out of them.

    Worst experience is probably playing on pallet heavy maps like the Game or dealing with CoH.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Give it a few more days for your MMR to adjust. Soon you'll find yourself having no fun with her...

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,583
    edited March 2022

    It's good you pointed out it's the new killer because I had already forgotten about her.

    Which answers your question.

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418

    I honestly quite like her, she's not strong but she has good chase and map pressure, and can be great with information perks.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    ...Does she?

    Her map pressure is okay - if TVs spawn in the right places (too often they are spawned on a different floor to their corresponding gens, or facing a wall) and survivors don't pay attention to them.

    She has no tools for chasing - her phasing is both unreliable and predictable and any maps with strong, connected loops destroys her. She doesn't even really have a good engage thanks to her dumb lullaby.

    With certain addons, she feels...okay. Without them, she's about on par with Pig or Freddy.

  • Cryptikk
    Cryptikk Member Posts: 418
  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I lover her animations and sounds, that alone makes me feel spooky.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    Sadako is a great killer to play against, I haven't bought her yet though.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    Condemned for her seems like such an afterthought. She should straight up be able to start the viral infection by hitting a survivor or being seen, like a reverse ghosface, or balance it by spreading it amongst each other for thematic reasons. It's overly manageable and doesn't do much even with the buffs.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I think she is boring to play on top of being weak, I regret paying money for Wraith minus the speed.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    Yeah, I am having a blast with her. She's very add on/perk dependent, but I get consistent kills (not many 4K, but very few 4E, so far) and the jump scares are great. I'm relatively certain I have cause some soiled pants.

    She gives me an alternative strat to standard looping, which I love, but without pushing the "hold w" meta forward much more.

    Not my strongest killer, but definitely one of the most fun.

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459
    edited March 2022

    Tell me what else she can do other than get looped, gen rushed, hold W forever and even when u get some hits, survivors heal within 15 seconds?

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Is she though? I've never been one to get jump scared, but to me she's boring to play against. Oni on the other hand scares the living ######### out of me.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I like her so far. tales some getting used to. I do like the creepy factor she has.

    I also like the the video on the TV is the wring tape from RIngu playing on it.

    I don't like how her height limits her vision in the corn map worse then other killers

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,883

    There are a lot of videos out there laying out her attributes, I'm not going to go into it again. I have fun playing as her, and I'm not getting wrecked out there even against decent teams. I don't think people who think she's okay need to defend that opinion repeatedly to people who aren't really interested in doing anything but trashing her.

    If you actually want to see a case made for her, check out Dowsey's vids. There are others as well.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    little off topic but I had a dream last night I was being chased by oni while he was using blood fury. And it was scary!

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2022

    Could spam teleport next to hook and cause max condemnation while unhooking. But the cooldown could be shorter.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    she fun but she need a lot more work.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    she is balanced i guess, not that strong and most of the times she gets overwhelmed by the map and his abnormal loops, but that is because the game is unbalanced in his general properties. If looping and perks were better balanced (mmr too) she would be a viable killer, right now a killer that isnt broken is just weak because the survivors have the tools to be broken and they use it most of the times

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I actually pretty much agree with this (although I think even within kit, she isn't what I would call powerful or even great).

    She is just so handicapped in the name of having counterplay, and with no active chase ability her veneer could rub off fairly quick if she doesn't get something to make her more dynamic. The problem with her pressure is with it without TV's she's still m1 and everything she has can be adapted too. I have played against really good killers playing Sadako, Macro gameplay on point, giving up bad chases and going for other survivors to spread the pressure... Etc.

    Problem is, when you get a room of survivors with gamesense and know what she's doing, they will hardly fall to her tricks. She is at a point I believe where it really is a small change or two that would put her in a good place, but as she is she has obvious holes, I would argue slightly above where release Freddy was.

  • ChrissKenobi57
    ChrissKenobi57 Member Posts: 21

    I think we agree the map design needs some work, given what you said. If good survivors just optimized looping as best as they could and some of the best antiloop killers can't keep up, then that's gonna stifle what types of powers a killer can have and that also makes survivor gameplay a bit samey. I think we need more maps like Crow's Eyrie, that give us a good outdoor section with the old loops we all know and an indoor section with a viable loop that can be run any number of ways by both Survivors and Killers.

    But back to Sadako - Mirror Myers has less speed and lunge range than Sadako. Much as the Teleports aren't instant, it's enough to throw off survivors and with the speed boost it gives you, it helps starting chases with an advantage. I've ended some chases pretty fast with her. Besides, she has more tools available to her to get information. The add-on that lets you know when a survivor turns a TV off helps, but it isn't necessary. The add-on to make survivors scream when they witness her coming out of a TV or becoming visible helps with finding sneakier survivors... Even her Scourge hook gives her good info. Plus, turning her terror radius on and off really helps. And because of her "passive phasing" she makes good loopers make mistakes too. Her add-ons also help with that. Also her Inexorable Stare saves A LOT of time. Got to down 2 people when I would've downed 1 if I bothered hooking today.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    When I say 'Mirror Myers', I mean Vanity, not Scratched. Scratched is a terrible meme build, like body blocker Hag.

    Yes, she feels okay when using some addons. That's...not an indication that a killer is fine. Even pre-rework Wraith and Clown had some decent addons.