Quantify skill

Is there any attempt by BHVR to process basic algorithms which accurately captures skill in this game?
Or is their own private game strategy proxy camping because they don't have the balls to face camp?
Just punish the killers achieveing rank because they dont depart 30m from hook.
"Gens get done too quick" Yeah, because you don't pressure them
My theory: higher ups wanted matchmaking to be better and they don't want queue times to suffer. Lead dev decides MMR is the way to go. As they get into it, they realize skill is way too complicated to accurately capture in asymmetrical game. But their bosses want this done. What you end up getting is an overly simplified formula that lacks all nuance and essentially turns itself off to appease queue times.
It happens all the time at any job. Your boss or your boss's boss wants something done. You know it's dumb. All of your coworkers know it's dumb. But it has to be done.
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I appreciate your response, thank you.
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Sometimes you have to proxy camp to generate pressure. It’s just part of the game. If you were to punish killers for proxy camping, you’d have to buff them in some way to compensate.
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No you don't. You hook, you go pressure a generator to push someone off it knowing the hooked survivor has to be saved by one of the remaining survivors.
At the start of the game this leaves one person doing gens unbothered, provided they're a SWF who can coordinate.
Proxying allows gens to be tapped out by an organised team. It is lazy & often leads to moaning by the killer that the gens go too quick.
If a killer is pressuring someone who isn't doing gens, that is a mistake in most circumstances. Unless they're tunnelling of course, but let's not get into that discussion.
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You can push someone off a generator by proxy camping or even face camping, mainy when the hooked survivor is almost reaching the second state of struggle. Two survivors must go for a safe unhooking, at the end it's 3 survivors not doing gens.
It is not a lazy strategy, it's efficiency. Are you calling survivors lazy because they are splitting on gens and dropping safe all the pallets? I guess no.
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Why would I need to leave the vicinity of the hook when I can pressure a nearby gen plus the survivor going for the rescue? I’d rather pressure two survivors and secure a kill or a trade.
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Pressure gens is basically the equivalent of telling a Survivor "just don't go down if you don't want to be facecamped."
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Here is the thing they can't do anything to punish the Killer for being too close to the hook because then it can be exploited by Survivors. Most probably forgot that they did try something where if the Killer remained near the hook they the hook timer paused, this caused Survivors to bring the chase around the hook to freeze the time indefinitely.
They will have to find a way that can't be exploited or abused.
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Proxy camping is inevitable in most matches with a low mobility killer. If the gen spread is too wide, you lose. If you go too far from the gen spread you're defending, you lose. You can, on a low mobility killer, run away from the gen spread or go to a far off hook and let survivors unhook and heal in peace but then you're deliberately throwing the game to be nice.
I think facecamping is a terrible strategy that fails against intermediate survivors and up but, unless there's a viable way for killers to cover a large gen spread (which most killers don't have), proxy camping is going to happen whether the killer intended to proxy camp or not if the killer wants a chance to win or at least not lose quickly.
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Out of curiosity, did they try reenabling the hook timer if the killer is near but a survivor that isn't hooked is also near?
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I don't know if this is a salty post or a serious one. And iI don;t care to find out.
Skill in DbD should be measured by how much time a survivor can last once a chase has been initiated. That's all.
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I have no idea all I know is what they did to try and combat aggressive camping. The Devs have said both are valid strats and I agree just not used right out of the gate like most Killers use