Any Artist Main?

bestWWneverlose Member Posts: 7
edited March 2022 in Off-topic

Hey is there any Artist main who would like to help me out or has some tipps how to use her power in certain spots?

Post edited by bestWWneverlose on


  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Artist doesn’t exist.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Her power is all about prediction.

    Can't use her power in certain spots because the survivors just run away.

    If they do hang around hide your birds so the survivors can't see them if they can't see them it's harder for them to dodge them.

  • Ducktective
    Ducktective Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2022

    When i start If First fire at some Gens, If i Hit i head into the direction, Sometimes they don't Fight the swarm instantly try a Seconds Shot Then. If you loose someone, try firing in a wide angel Up down right,Something Like that even If you don't hit Sometimes you get the Crows to reveal that they are hiding in lookers.

    That Something that keeps Happening to me i don't even Check them anymore, Just sending a bird across.

    Sometimes it pays Off to be Patient, when they Run around a large structure you can aim nearly random at the structure and Then wait until they are in the Line of fire.

    Also think about longshots when they run and are swarmed even better when the are Hurt. If you think they vault Something they to prepare your Shot ahead of time so they don't Fake its because it's to obvious.

    Sorry If somethings are Not understanable my English is Bad and Iam distractet. Anyway These Tipps Work for me.

    Ah and sorry If you end Up on Indoormaps 🤮

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,046

    Her power is used to shut down loops and force survivors to run into your crows or leave and get m1 anyway. If you use dead man switch with that playstyle that’s very strong.