Springtrap for the anniversary chapter

I won't lie, I have been one of the people who been dying to have Springtrap in game. As it this killer mixes a corpse inside a animatronic bunny. Now i my hopes are high for this.
Could you imagine seeing this coming at you with a bloody fire axe
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Againi would just hope it would be because these non stop FNAF threads at every new chapter get bloody annoying.
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a. No. No Fnaf. Thankyou.
b. That's not how you use "whom."
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If you don't want FNAF just say that and stop spamming it in every single FNAF thread.
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Not until you learn your lesson
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I'll stop that when the threads finally stop 🥰
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If people weren't spamming low effort "I want ugly teddy" threads, we wouldn't need to reply to them. Not reinforcing that there are a lot of us who don't want that garbage would give the illusion that we'd simply be apathetic about its addition. We actively don't want it.
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Who's we? Also there's no issue in scrolling.
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half the people who hate fnaf hate it because of the constant spam
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No thanks.
I'd rather an iconic killer like the Grudge.
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My nine year old would probably like to play if FNAF comes to the game, he loves the franchise.
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Can't you do the same to the comments saying they don't want FNaF?
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Can we just cut down on Fnaf posts?
I want fnaf in DBD but there has been atleast 10 posts within couple days.
Just wait after mid-chapter is released since RIngu hype is still happening.
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Please don’t. I don’t want toxic dbd fans in the FNAF fandom
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A FNAF chapter release during the anniversary would be a big jackpot for BHVR, imo. Springtrap as killer, a survivor (just to give the fans an additional reason to play), and a map (pizzeria, or Fazbear's Fright) would be a huge success. The anniversary event would further compel the new players who are FNAF fans to stay. :)
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I would rather a PVZ chapter, DR Zomboss as killer and Crazy Dave as survivor.
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Too cartoony and kid friendly for DBD.
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It'd be a nightmare for BHVR, especially at Anniversary.
The creator of FNAF has had some...issues in his past. Considering the nature of these controversies, adding a FNAF chapter for Anniversary (which falls in or near Pride Month) would be a massive slap in the face to a lot of minority communities. It'd be a PR disaster, one that BHVR really can't afford.
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Gonna be real, the lore isn’t very kid friendly if you see what I mean.
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Oh no, the kids are so traumatized by the lore that they still make 95% of the FNaF community.
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You didn’t get the joke :(
didn’t like a million kids get killed in the lore?
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I'm gonna keep posting this in every FNAF thread I stumble upon that have people who say it's not scary enough to be in DBD.
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I think overall the gameplay is the main turn off. I don’t have any qualms with FNAF for dbd.
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Nah, it's just Freddy Krueger lore, but instead of a burnt man with a knife glove killing you in your nightmares, we have a giant... Dog? Bunny? Whatever that is.
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then maybe they should stop marketing it to kids
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But kids died right?
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It would be a massive slap in the face, especially with the pride charm and the rumours of a lgbt survivor.
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If FNAF comes, it won't be at Anniversary.
although, BHVR did push NFT's, so I really don't know anymore
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Honestly, if they add FNAF, They can go ahead and remove the LGBT charm since its clear where there priorities lie.
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I may have a hard time keeping up with the FNAF lore but I've never heard of any of the animatronics killing in dreams?? The closest things to that were in FNAF 3 with hallucinations jumpscaring when oxygen supply got too low, but it never killed the player.
Most of the killings were real things that happened in the lore, as reported in numerous news outlets, papers, and customer complaints of rotting flesh smells and stains from the animatronics.
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Yes. Doesn't make the game any darker.
It's like they'd make a Tom&Jerry chapter, with Tom being the killer, because en réalité, he was a serial killer that murdered 24 kids with a knife because he knows how to wield one. That won't make the character less kid audiece targeted.
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Do you actually know how Freddy ended up being burned?
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Given that FNAF is so popular with kids, wouldn't it be wildly inappropriate to bring it into an M-rated game? It would unquestionably bring in lots of young kids playing DBD when they shouldn't. It just doesn't seem like something BHVR would want to do as a company.
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Huh so kpop killer is fine and a teenager killer is fine too and not to mention the minor killers too
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Who cares if it's marketed to kids.
It's imagery maintains a 12+ rating so it can have a wider audience. They avoid the true gore and scary imagery to keep this rating. The actual gruesome lore is hidden for the most part behind tiny clues and hints that was meant for adults to pick up on. Kind of like how cartoons will hide adult jokes in it so that way adults can enjoy the show too.
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so what you're saying is we can add Mort from Madagascar to DBD because he canonically ate/absorbed his family
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Hold up, cause I hate this argument. Trickster is a kpop killer yes, but he is also a brutal killer first and foremost. He and the legion are considerably less cartoony and childish in design and nature. They are still more realistic and scary in concept then the animatronics of fnaf. Trickster is still a killer first. Kpop is his lore, but he does not go around singing EXO or anything, not cartoony at all, unlike a killer robot rabbit stomping around. This kpop/kid rebuttal is such a strawman.
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If Tom was a rotten, 7-8ish foot tall corpse looming over me with a knife who had a history of being able to kill multiple people and full on intent to do the same to me I'd be very afraid tbh.
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Also the argument of the silent hill Rabbits and clowns elephants, etc being cartoony. Hate that too, since that's a optional costume and barely actually tied to the characters lore.
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Hence my joke, the lore isn’t kid friendly.
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Animals eating each other isn't considered horror when it's reflected onto us because we as humans are psychologically selfish and if we aren't the ones being hurt then it's probably not scary to us.
Just as cats are known to eat weaker newborns but we keep them around in our house and think they're the cutest thing. But sharks are scary to people and we do everything to avoid them because we're afraid of them doing so to us.
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Ok that was a good joke
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Springtrap isn't that childish. As he kills kids and tries to kill the security guards in (FNAF 3, pizza simulator, and of ultimate custom game which are adults.)
I used trickster and legion as examples saying that it wouldn't be to much of a stretch for springtrap to join the game
As his lore would fit in the game.
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That's your argument, kids play FNAF so it shouldn't be in DBD? News flash I seen kids play DBD, so your logic doesn't make sense. Also the player base for FNAF and DBD are roughly the same ages.
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It’s a cartoony looking teddy bear from a family friendly franchise that is marketed towards children.
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I wouldn't be scared of a big bunny, dog, weasel... Whatever that is.
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Ignore the kpop singer