I can't anymore

Honestly, it's 10:15 am, how many swf are playing holy #########, flashlights, comms and etc, I can't grind and play just for fun, instead I gotta sweat my ass off just because of how unbalanced this game is, it's sad my guys, it's sad
It's a vicious circle right? Not fun.
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Must be SWF.
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you play at 10:15 am?
wish I had such a schedule...
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I don't know what you are talking about...
*Plays one game with spirit with fun build*
*Sees that there is one survivor abusing the new bug OoO + Blood pact for infinite wallhacks*
*Gets insulted by that same abusing bug survivor in the end game chat*
Oh... I feel you.
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The only way to enjoy this game lately is in an swf, so it makes sense that there's more of them nowadays.
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My work schedule is Tuesday to Saturday so I feel that
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No, people play in swf because they want to bully killers, I play in swf because me and my friends wants to have fun, I saw more swf wants to bully than play for fun
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It's in trying times like these I turn to St. Basement Bubba for his chainsaw's guidance and pray for a survivor to act a fool again.
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You know, this might be a good idea, I'll try our lord and Savior Insidious Bubba with Noed 🤣
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Blasphemy! Sacrilege!
Our only lord and saviour is Lightborn. 😎😜
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Sounds like you need a break.
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Not until I get my tricycle Billy
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Half of them probably not swf, just SMART survivors, ik, it's rare, but they do exist
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Personally I'm taking a break until they fix the big exploits going around at the moment
The aura reading perk crashing and the object wallhack stuff
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Same, hope it gets addressed like today...
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It's bad enough we had regular cheaters to deal with
Now people have built in cheats to abuse. Some dbd content creators even showing it off to people/making videos using it.
Pathetic really
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It’s awful, I understand games have bugs but i’ve never seen anything like this.
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honestly, having a free monday sounds great... it's so hard to make time to make time for simple things like schedule a doctor when you work mon-fri...
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If you can't, then don't.
Why let a game stress you out?
And just for the record, I play with a flashlight and bond, as solo q.
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That's my exact point lol. Killer and solo survivor are both nightmares for that reason.
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It is pathetic how slow the response is to this bug being fixed. I wonder if killers had permanent wall hacks instead of survivors, would the devs still take so long to fix?
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why is this object wallhack thing not bannable? like all the killer ones that were bannable...
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That’s a great question. I think it speaks a lot about how killer players are treated vs survivors players. I remember at least one example of a killer bug exploit that was bannable. Apparently bug exploits on the survivor side are totally fine
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Bullying is how you have fun as survivor. It be fine if the killer didn't feel like playing a pinball machine, where you bottom out from one or two mis-steps and random chance factor. If skilled killers weren't actually so limited by things outside of their control, yes the kill rate would rise, but the challenge would also rise and give way to more exciting top play games.
The bottom half of survivor teams would lose more, but that's actually a good thing, because when I see a red rank survivor who unhooks in front of the killer without BT while I have kindred? Yes, most the players in this game suck ass and need to learn to play properly anyway, so why cater to survivors that won't even bother trying to elevate to that level?
Seriously year 2 survivors still jumping into lockers when they hear a TR or crouch walking the outside of the map. These players are the sandbags that keep killers "balanced" at a ~ 50% rate.
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They are rare when you play solo survivor because most decent survivors have at least a single buddy they will play surv with. LBFH, how many of you good survivors go out of your way to even play the game when you don't have at least a buddy online?
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Because then survivors would cry about it but when it's something bad towards them, they want it buffed and etc
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Funny I just went ahead and uninstalled today. I’ve played for 3 years and it’s progressively made me angry to play. Getting stuck with survivors who suck at solo, Killers that would rather camp to win than chase, and finally the current ranking system. Players I feel are awarded ranks they don’t deserve. It’s causing really bad play from both sides to quickly increase rank. I’d rather spend my time and money doing something that makes me happy. I’d say it’s been fun but I hasn’t. ✌️