the issue with healing and how it affects the whole game

LiunUK Member Posts: 944

so as you know the current meta for survivors is fast heals with the introduction of boon: circle of healing. even after the nerf the rate of healing is ridiculous, if a killer dose not dedicate to a chase and just injures the survivor it will be rendered pointless as they will be healthy within 20 seconds or less meaning the killer has to invest their limited time to the chase that lasts 30+ seconds in addition to the time they where searching for the survivors and taking them to the hook you're looking at 50 - 70 seconds of time invested that the other 3 survivors will have been pumping out gens and depending on what perks or items they brought 2 - 3 gens could be completed or close to completion.

this has forced the killers into the gen slow meta where every killer is using the same perks which is really boring for most players on both sides making the game very stale.

and then you have killers that have good chase that don't have these issues, its the reason why nurse and blight are at the top when it comes to the meta as they can down survivors very fast and still be able to contest gens but as you have seen the devs have been adding more and more strong slowdown perks which are allowing the weaker killers to play in the meta, the issue being strong killers can also use these perks which is making them stronger than they need to be. none likes playing against a good nurse with 4 slowdown perks.

the simplest thing that they could do is nerf boon: circle of healing again but that would not fix the overarching issue boon: circle of healing by itself is still strong but what made it broken was stacking healing buffs and medkits on top of the boon and even if they were to nerf Boon: circle of healing its only a matter of time until healing is broken again by something else. this has been going on since the beginning of the game, remember old self-care and how it stacked with well make it to allow survivors to heal themselves in 4 seconds? in patch 1.7.0 selfcare was nerfed to the current version but medkits and there addons wasn't changed until 3.3.0 the midchapter after the stranger things patch meaning there was 3+ years of instant heal syringes, you remember that #########? it was nuts when all 4 survivors brought syringes.

my point being that so long as healing as a whole is not reworked it will continue to be an issue for the remainder of the games lifecycle.

now I'm not a hard core dbd player anymore, after 3000+ hrs I have found other games to take up my free time but dbd remains as my fall back game and I still watch many streams and vids to keep up to date and taking a step back has given me a lot of perspective on the game as a whole and I have thought on a way to change healing to keep it balanced for both sides allowing it to still be useful for survivors but not a complete safety net.

my idea would be to combine the mangled, haemorrhage and broken status effects into a single stacking effect making it a core game mechanic on the same level as hook states

how it will work is each time a survivor is healed they receive a stack of mangled each stack increases the rate of bleeding and reduces the speed that they heal themselves by 25% and being healed by others by 15% at 4 stacks they will become broken and will remain so until they are hooked which removes all stacks and the broken effect

with this change there is a now hard cap to how many times a survivors can be healed limiting it to a total of 12 times in a match and the more times they are healed before being hooked the less efficient it will become, especially for self healing forcing survivors to be healed by others to stay efficient but that means multiple survivors are now not contributing to the main objective giving the killers more time and making every successful hit mean something.

the reason I decided to add the haemorrhages effect to the mix is because none uses any of the addons or perks for the haemorrhage effect alone and its usually paired with mangled anyway.

due to how weird this game dose healing ( /1 charge per second of healing, 16 total charges for a health state) the speeds of which survivors will heal will become 16/21/32/64 seconds for self healing with each stack of mangled before becoming broken (I really don't want to do the math for cooperative healing because of how healing works in the game I think it would be 16/19/23/29 for healing with 2 other survivors but that's probably wrong, I'm not a math wizard)

some might think this seems unfair but there are enough healing perks and addons that can counteract the speed debuff so only the 12 heal limit will be an issue but most survivors only heal 1 - 2 times between hook states anyway so it wont change much the whole point being the cap exists so getting injured is an actual risk and this change would also make hit and run builds much more viable.

of course a lot of perks and addons will need to be changed to stay balanced but changing any core mechanic will do this.

thankyou for reading this long post


  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Change; Healing buffs cap at 100% healing increase.

    Problem solved, you can still stack healing items/perks to heal faster, but the fastest you can raise healing to is 100% - doubling normal healing speed which is normally 16 seconds (healing another survivor 1 state) , so 8 seconds.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    isn't that just old boon circle of healing level of speed

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    And they called me a madman for liking forced penance.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Yes but you will not be able to go over 100% with other healing buffs. This way even if you take a Med Kit with healing speed incease add ons, Botany, and We'll Make it. It is still capped to 8 seconds.

    So if you take Boon: Circle of Healing, and a Yellow Med Kit. Which would normally be 75% increase and 35% increase, instead you just get a cap 100% increase, and healing another survivor one health state would take 8 seconds.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    the issue with healing is not just the speed but the fact that it can be done endlessly if a killer hits a survivor hey have two choices. commit to the chase which depending on the killer, map and survivors repair efficiency it might not be worth it or abandon the survivor to contest gens one at a time allowing the survivor who was injured to heal and then get on a gen making the time spent on that survivor a waste

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Yeah that's true. I can understand that fact that 4 survivors benefit from one perk from one survivor, and can heal themselves or others efficiently in one area of the map without each other sacrificing much resources to do so - would be apart of the problem. But hey, at least my idea stops the issue with them being able to do it as quickly.

    One step at a time.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Heal meta

    No heal meta

    Heal meta

    No heal meta

    It's a vicious cycle.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Simple solution to COH is something they should have done from the start.

    Make it a limited use kike hexes are, high risk, high reward.

    If a killer finds your boon and snuffs it, then you have lost your perk.

    The fact that you can endlessly keep applying it to a totem was just a stupid idea.

    I can understand that they might want to help new players, but they don't think further ahead.

    Like those new survivors will get better at the game and thus making full use of COH, which will undo anything a killer done in just a few seconds.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I honestly couldn't care less about heal team 6. If people wanna run 4 Ranger kits and healing perks fine, I'll try and play around that.

    CoHs ability to make one survivor give everybody unlimited Self Care is what warped DBD and until that's addressed, CoH will plague this game.

    Even if CoH had 0% increased heal speed itll still be an issue.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Years ago your healing was dependent on self-care, medkits and other survivors.

    One was a perk that limited your time doing gens, one was limited and the other one required teamwork and interacting with survivors.

    With boons, it's removed all of that, now it's place a boon and forget and everyone gets heals for free.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    The speed isnt the issue with Killers, the issue is it's endless. I agree with the idea of CoH i like it makes games go longer, which is good, but Killers need some way of countering both CoH and the game time being increased.

    I'd like coh either to have a cooldown so you cant use it constantly and an limited amount of charges. Or the abilty to perma stomp the bones.Those 2 things will give CoH a lifespam, either its exhausted uses or it is stomped.

    I won't go looking for CoH if i find it ill stomp it but i don't search for it.

    Secondly because games are going longer due to CoH giving heals, gen regression needs to be improved, a kick should do more damage and survs need to spend more than 0.1 sec repairing to stop it.