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anyone noticing odd fast speeds on Sadako?

Ever since Saturday night, I have noticed killers playing Sadako that are insanely fast. Like I barely leave gen and make it to a tile nearby, then I get the odd match where things are fine, looping Sadako like normal.

I was using resilience and spine chill together today, got 4 Sadako's in a row, 3rd match killer tried to tunnel me but I was able to loop pretty easily for most of the match. Although did surprisingly catch me before I vaulted a second window on 2 L walls tile on Macmillan, did follow around the back of the first window, so didn't cut me off. In the last match on Dead Dawg, I vault 2 windows and the killer follows, then I go around back and should have a lot of space to get further away, I get downed instantly.

My understanding is Sadako can't attack when she is manifested, since Saturday I have seen Sadakos who were manifesting but then instantly downing people or myself. Maybe there is an addon that decreases the time it takes for her to reappear but the last killer on dead dawg was running "Old newspaper" and "Cabin Sign" addons with her 3 perks.

It seems very odd to me, I never noticed any issues with her speed, she was creepy but I could always make it to a pallet or window, since Saturday I barely make it to a tile and when I do, I still get downed instantly at the other side of the window, I don't mean threw a window, I mean they move around the wall and catch me quickly.

Has anyone else noticed anything like this? Guess it could be a speed hack being used but it's hard to say for sure, but she definitely seems too fast in some killers hands compared to others.


  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    didn't know that but dead dawg sadako wasn't running that but never looked to see what others running, thanks, I keep an eye on addons now.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 922

    Bloody finger nail increases speed duration by 50%.

    She gets a speed boost after she teleports through a TV for a few seconds.

    Also when she's using her power right when she chooses to become manifested there's a few seconds when she can attack even though she still appears to be demanifested.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I was aware she gets a speed boost after teleporting to TV but I was seeing the speed when she not teleporting. Also, the killer wasn't running bloody fingernail addon. "Old newspaper" and "Cabin Sign" addons were what one sadoka killer was running with her 3 perks.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893
    edited March 2022

    You said her three perks, but were they running Play With Your Food? It's a good perk for a hit and run killer, and I can see it being part of Sadako build.

    Plus I think she just looks fast, short killer with tiny little legs moving at 115% just looks off.

    Of course, could always be a hacker these days.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    One only had 3 perks but can't be certain what other Sadokas have been running

    I was using resilience and spine chill, faced other Sadoka killers and was able to window vault without being hit or caught, been like 5/6 times they appeared faster than normal, so why I asked if anyone else experienced the same.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I'm not entirely sure when it is because I never pay attention, but I notice sometimes when I lunge as Sadako it's insanely fast? Even if I didn't teleport and I usually don't run add-ons. I don't know when, but I know exactly what you're talking about, I think.

  • Killer_Queen
    Killer_Queen Member Posts: 97

    I have been able to hit people jumping through windows when I predict when they will do it in a loop, it isn't always, but I have been doing it. I have played far more Survivor than Killer so I can kind of guess what people are going to do in chase.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    She gets a speed boost when using a TV and one of her addon make it last longer.

    Also she's very smol and it might make it seems like she's faster than she is, kinda just like how some small killers looks like they have a longer lunge than other killers.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    The fact she is smaller doesn't mean she can move around the wall to the other side of the window I just vaulted faster than I can vault the window and I have resilience/spine chill active. The hits at a window in another match, well window hits can always be iffy at times, so that not really new.

    Also, have stated in the thread a couple of times that killer wasn't running the speed add on, they were running "Old newspaper" and "Cabin Sign" addons

    There was no teleporting to TV either I believe but I check the recording to be sure.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited March 2022

    Idk if it's a bug but when I play her and use manifest I get a speed boost out of it kinda like wraith, ive been using it at loops and getting some easy downs from the boost it seems survivors either don't expect it or don't know she can do that

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    You don´t get a speed boost - you slow a little down when manifesting - and then get back to normal. So it feels a bit like a speed boost.

    I also think it only looks that she is so fast. She is small 115 and this phasing makes her movement a bit strange - but i think it is kinda cool.

    Also she is so stealthy imo.

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    Here is a clip but I got mixed up, I remembered her red stain approaching a window but that was on the first hit, which is the window I vaulted before this. Also, she didn't follow me through the window, as I said, I got mixed up with the first hit and put the two hits together in my brain.

    However, this clip does show how fast she comes out from manifestation and is able to hit me, it's fast but mostly, check out her speed when is she looking for me on the ground, that can't be right? I think she manifested and can move faster then but that is crazy fast when combined with how fast she can attack when she re-manifests.

    I think it's a combination of the two that is the issue, speed that Onryo can move manifesting, plus the time between re-manifest and attacking, there is something off there I think, either she needs a nerf there or something else is up.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    It's fine, you're just mixing up the fact she was manifested so she had no red stain. You full on ran at her so she was right next to you, dont forget shes 115% speed and you're only 100 so as soon as you ran into her it was 100% a hit with no speed boost.

    The only way she gets a speed boost is through the tv. She has bloody finger nails which can increase that speed duration and an addon called telephone which will slow you down slightly when she manifests.

    This is completely normal and shes working as intended, you probably just not use to it yet is all. Small killers hitting with their hands always looks odd but it all legit

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129
    edited March 2022

    But she wasn't using bloody fingernails addon, she was using "Old newspaper" and "Cabin Sign"

    if that is working as attended, then she needs a nerf and you can't say the speed when looking for me on the ground is right, that is way too fast.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well she didnt even use a tv in your clip, I'm sorry but you just ran into her while she was manifested so you didnt see the red stain.

    I promise you shes not going faster and is just a normal 115% killer. Its likely you're just getting abit confused due to the no red stain etc. I would suggest looking behind you as you're missing alot of what is actually happening.

    She certainly doesnt need a nerf, if anything a buff. Shes still new and you'll get use to it in time

  • Notretsam
    Notretsam Member Posts: 129

    I'm not disputing I made a mistake and ran into her, I even said I combined the two hits in my brain on the post with the clip.

    I'm now disputing the combination of "her movement speed while manifesting" and "time between re-manifest and attacking", based on what I see in the clip, that is too fast, especially considering there are addons as many have told me to speed that up more.

    And yes that does need a nerf if it's working as attended, It to fast and there is no reaction time for most players, there should always be a chance to react. This clip probably isn't the best example of it but when you combine the speed she moving when manifesting, then the speed she downed me after I ran into her, that combination will get her hits she really shouldn't and explains the surprising hits I have been seeing in other matches.

    Also, I know how to look behind me, I have successfully looped the new killer in other matches, I made a mistake in this one but that doesn't mean I'm not wrong about her needing a nerf.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 282

    Firstly, I love the new killer but I have seen this wack warp speed thing as well. Today, I was standing back and watching her move and I know that could not be 115%. It was crazy fast. I don't think it was hacking as there was nothing else out of the ordinary. Also, I've seen these strange chases where she is suddenly somewhere that I know no other killer moves like that could do. I've played around 5000 hours, so I have some familiarity with such.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited March 2022

    I'm not here to discuss your gameplay, I'm not trying to say you're bad or you're doing stuff wrong as that's not the point of your post.

    But I PROMISE you, shes not going faster than 115% unless she uses a tv or perk to do so.

    But I'm hard disagree on that nerf, shes pretty weak.

    Edit: there are also no addons that increase manifesting or the speed after manifesting