What are the devs ideas on reducing grind?
But should I still bother getting p3 and all the parks on all of my Killers?
Seriously. I would like to know. I have them all p3 except Sadako, and then next I am getting them all to level 50, AND THEN unlocking all the perks on all of them.
Should I like wait?
EDIT: and this is like years of work were talking about here, I don't play this game all hours or every day of the week.
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It really sucks coming out of a high-scoring win and then spend all those points and get nowhere. From feeling powerful to feeling impoverished.
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You're right and I completely agree, better not to spoil things too soon for various reasons! I think you were referring to the Wraith cube, right?
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Hopefully the wait will be worth it.
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None. They don't care. As long as you buy their shiny new pair of reskins nothing will change.
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Well you got word that something is being worked on. Game development takes time. What more do you want?
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To be honest, if they removed the perk tiers, I don’t even think they’d need to overhaul blood points awarded or add blood hunts. Removing tiers would represent a massive, massive reduction in the grind. As it stands, it takes thousands of hours of playing to max out everyone and get all perks on everyone.
And it’s not as if people who enjoy the game will stop playing once they finish the grind. I think hardcore players have their builds and play the game because they enjoy it. They won’t care that they have no more perks to buy.
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Complaints about the grind have been going on for as long as I can remember. What I wanted was for this to be addressed years ago already, because it was obviously NOT a sustainable model
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Given that it took 3 years to fix the nurse bugs, "soon" has lost all meaning coming from BHVR.
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I have to disagree with what I'm assuming is the general consensus of the developers.
I don't see how it can cause any negative issues if you were to, for an example, say, "Okay, the plan is that we want to change this to that, and that to this, then if we can get that working, change this thing to that thing here."
You may get children asking you are you there yet every couple days, but the majority would actually be thankful and be less worried for the future of DbD. As it stands, all you give us is "We're doing something, trust."
Which in the past has led to situations such as the absolute mess that was the update to the hud and animations when they were first released, the changes to perks and killer add-ons that nobody, not even someone that hates everything, would have questioned. The worst example of them all though, which I can't not bring up time and time again to these responses, was the time people were asked so often about it that they snapped at comments during a stream.
I don't see how it would be a problem for someone from the team to give an update once a week or even once a month of saying "Currently we've done this, but this isn't working so we need to fix that first," as an example. Especially for a change that almost everyone is wanting.
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Seems pretty obvious from this thread that many players, myself included, are tired of waiting for a change to the grind. A change has been needed desperately for at least a year or two.
It has been continuously talked about on these forums how bad the grind is for a long time.
I hope the change is as good as advertised when it comes, but leaving it this long with only minor changes (monthly rewards, bp events more often) really shows a lack of understanding of just how offputting the current grind is. I have thousands of hours in the game now, but if I was a new player I would take one look at the grind and find a different game. Absolutely.
If I might make a suggestion: make spending bloodpoints less of a chore. When I have all the perks for a character, and just need to get addons I don't want to waste all my time on bloodweb after bloodweb. If you could add a button that instantly and randomly fills out the current bloodweb that would definitely help the grind 'feel better'.