Lets put perks together and call it a day

Hey, everyone!

How about we should take some perks and push it somewhere else?

Lets take "This is not happening" and push it into "resilience".

Lets take "Agitation" and push it into "Iron Grasp"

Lets take "Wake Up" and "No one left behind" and push it into "Hope"

Lets take "Knock out" and push it into "Deerstalker"

Lets take "unnerving pressence" and push it into "unwhelming presence".

I think some perks are just ducking bad and they could just get fuse together and thats it, this perks would be better and more playable and it would reduce a bit the amount of perks that are in the game atm. It takes me like 100000000000BP to get on a killer/survivor to full perk.
