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SBMM is totally fine

tl;dr at bottom

Everyone's opinion on sbmm has been made abundantly clear since its inception; I also was very displeased with sbmm for a long while.... that is until I had an epiphany. Maybe I should think a little bit about why I dislike it and what's actually wrong with it.

Well... I've done just that and I think there is nothing wrong with Sbmm. We have all just rid the bhvr hate train for the past 7 months for pretty much no reason. Almost all complaints are woefully hypocritical and nonsensical, and the few that are slightly valid end up not even being related to sbmm but balancing overall. Explaining why I think this is the case is convoluted and hard to explain but I'll try my best

First off, the previous ranking system (ranks being used to calculate skill) was objectively worse in almost everyway. You could kill all 4 survivors, but since you did it too quickly the ranking system says you played badly. EVERYONE HATED THIS. It was completely absurd that killing everyone didn't count as a win... and now for some strange reason the community is up in arms against kills being used to calculate skill.

If a survivor gets turbo tunneled the entire game, they don't pip up and neither do the people that escape since they get 0 altruism or Boldness. But all of a sudden escapes being used to calculate skill is bad.

Now, obviously its not a perfect perfect. Hell, its not even a good one, but its miles better that the alternatives. And think for just a second of how unimaginably difficult an accurate mmr system would be to create. Not to mention that we had a seemingly accurate system during one of the tests we had... you know... the one that made it so that good players spent hours in que?

To put into perspective of just how hard it would be to make a good sbmm, take a look at the most common argument. "If you run a killer for 5 gens and die, you aren't skill lmao". Well first off, thats the same result you'd get from the old ranking system. You die but still depip. Secondly... you're not skilled if you run a killer for running a killer for 5 gens, the killer is just bad.

In all seriousness, how can the game determine that you played well? What if you're on the game/badham/erye/bloodlodge and just predrop every pallet? Is someone who is running deadhard really going to be judged the same as one who isnt? What chase perks did the killer bring? Is it an anti loop killer? Did you get bodyblocked?

Almost all games favor a win=skill approach to mmr and it can be bullshit. I once played a 3 hour long match of SMITE and went 32/9/24 as Hel solo (in layman's terms: I played really ######### well) and we lost. Even though I did amazingly, I lost mmr. As frustrating that is, its unrealistic to expect a system to accurately give me a fair mmr rating. It ######### sucks that that's the case, but thats how it is.

Oh but I already hear the mega brained comeback


No, its not, not is it like hockey. The point I'm trying to make is that kills and escapes are the easiest and most accurate way to determine mmr even though its not fair, no system would be fair in the slightest.

While we're here, lets take a moment to appreciate the hypocrisy in this community. Everyone complains that bad players are gaining mmr because thats what the kills and escapes relate to... So why the hell is everyone complaining that all of your matches are sweaty af?

I could go on, but I think a tl;dr will summarize well enough


sbmm is better than the old ranking system since the old ranking system would punish you for getting kills or escaping. An accurate MMR system would be nearly impossible to create

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  • Member Posts: 167

    I think there shouldn't be any sort of ranking system, in dbd it should be completely random who you are matched with. If they want people to become competitive (which they're doing with the current sbmm), they should make a completely seperate game mode for that. Not every killer wants to see 9 second chances in a game and not all survivors want to only see blight, spirit, nurse, ruin + undying, etc. I haven't seen a ghostface in 7 months and it's genuinely sad.

  • Member Posts: 136

    No, it's HORRIBLE and only benefits survivors. Killers need to give their soul and blood to get 1 kill.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    My main gripe with SBMM has been that it accepts way too wide of a range when queues get long. Survivor is practically unplayable for me at peak hours and killer is a breeze. It's actually fairly consistent off-hours though. I generally get teammates around my experience level and the killer games are really tough. It does its job when it wants to.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Do you prefer speed over crucial matchmaking?

    BHVR could implement an option in the menus, a toggle do you want Q speed or fairer matchmaking?

  • Member Posts: 696

    Tell that to the survivors that decide to not unhook you after your first unhook, or even better... Tell that to the survivors who try to troll the killer, end up having 2 go down with face camping killer, now it's 2 v 1, 4 gens still need to be completed... Nothing to track hatch... Sorry but SBMM isn't good in a "Team vs Solo" game.

    SBMM is actually frowned upon in every other game out there that I know of... COD, Battlefield, ect. Maybe if BeHavior had better servers where I could play with others in other countries instead of keeping games local to each continent... Then it might work, but right now I'm being rated based on the failures of my teammates, usually less skilled because SM couldn't find someone in my area as good as I am. 😐

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited March 2022

    I'd rather have a quality game, especially on the survivor side. I'd rather wait 15 minutes for a good game than wait 7 minutes for a game we have zero chance in from the start because of one or two teammates. I'm ultimately wasting more time waiting 5+ minutes for a terrible game.

  • Member Posts: 435

    Random matchmaking would just amplify the soloque issues and would make new killers feel even more discouraged. As for the second chance and meta killer thing, thats always been an issue. There are literally just less bad players

  • Member Posts: 435

    That is blatantly false. Killer is harder because survivor players are getting better not because of mmr

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited March 2022

    If they did that 99% of the people would choose faster queue speed and prioritize decent connection over skill based matchmaking

    Which at that point they might as well remove sbmm

  • Member Posts: 167

    I don't think this is the case, we have the same number of active players since last year. I think the reason people are complaining more is SBMM is encouraging people to use META because the system only accounts escapes and kills with no other factor. Not only that, because it doesn't take perks into account either, if you use extremely meta perks one game, the sbmm will match you with sweat lords even if you start to play with no perks or no mither. I think that's the main issue, the "skill identification" is not thorough at all.

  • Member Posts: 167

    I don't deny your point though, DBD has become more main stream and players are more competent.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I never got punished for kills or escaping though... maybe that because I done lots of things as survivor and went for lots of hooks as killer.

    Old system was better imo it just needed some tweaks, it only got so bad after they changed the reset to where people barely moved back and so everyone ended up in red ranks. But a few changes and itd reward skilll better.

    This SBMM will suffer the same issue especially with the soft cap, just a shame you arent rewarded for skill even though that's the first word in the SBMM

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