The Nurse Hate



  • psionic
    psionic Member Posts: 670

    Survivors ALWAYS complain when they are overplayed by any killer. If you face a main Hag, Nemesis, Pyramid Head, Doctor, Artist, killers that counter 100% survivor's defenses, you will have the same feeling as playing against a main Nurse. You just want to run around a pallet mindlessly for hours and pretending you're good at the game. Get out of yout comfort zone.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Which can be easily outdone by a very good Nurse since high walls have been more and more scarce because the game has been switching from stealth to loops from a very long time.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    I don’t know why people still think Nurse prevents perks from being released/buffed when BHVR has done exactly that, and repeatedly buffed old perks and released new perks that also would work on her well (Retribution, Dead Man’s Switch, Pain Resonance, Floods of Rage, Deadlock, No Way Out, etc).

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 525

    I personally despise her and think she's very unhealthy to the game. She can simply break any law or rules the gameplay has set and no matter how you nerf her, she'll still be broken somehow.

    I'd rather see all killers be buffed a lot and delete her from the game entirely.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,253

    Survivors just don't like it when the killer stands a good chance to win, plain and simple, doubly so if they counter conventional playstyles

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,903

    Exactly this.

    Nurse is different and interesting but that means you may have to think or play differently to counter her, rather than hold W or run in a circle around the same rock. This mean she needs to be nerfed into the ground to make it possible to hold W or run around the same rock.

    Some players won't be happy till every killer is completely predictable, telegraphs their powers, is unsurprising in anyway and are all countered by the exact same thing. They refer to this as balance. In reality its mediocrity.

    Nurse is great, fun to face, different, threatening and scary as every killer should be.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,793

    It's not really new news? People have hated playing against nurse since her launch always has been hated by some

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,895

    The flashlight lightburn is too weak against a Nurse as she basically never gets lightburned. Lockers arent exactly great as Nurse just uses that to get a smaller distance. Stealth in this game is pretty much non-existant unless you have Fixated. Any other form of stealth has been removed other than Swamp(which is getting touched soon again). None of the Exhaustion perks actually counter nurse, they just delay for 1 more double blink.

    The only thing that somewhat works is using your flashlight on Nurse before she blinks, but again, without Fixated, thats kinda useless.

    Nurse's problem isnt even her basekit, its her addons improving her basekit. Survivor meta has been nerfed so that weaker killers could recieve small buffs that make them at least significant, but that also meant that Nurse needed a slight nerf to compensate too.

    Either lightburn needs to be much faster on Nurse(as fast as a blind), or survivors need to be able to run while shining a flashlight for her lightburn weakness to actually be a weakness.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,363

    A good nurse is very strong - and survivors hate this and so hate her.

    You have to learn to play her good though.

    I hope they continue to ignore the crying - she is ok. At least one killer who scares SWF.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424
    edited March 2022

    The problem is there is probably no way to fix her, but her power indeed does negate every mechanic/resource in the game.

    Think of it this way, fundamentally Pallets mean nothing against a Nurse, and pallets are THE weapon ( for a lack of better term) for survivors. Survivors in this game have no weapons because the game is about engaging in a chase and thus have pallets to create a barrier between them and their opposer.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,213

    Play the Nurse.

    See how actually good survivors stomp on you and tea-bag on the exit line.

    Try to do the same (minus the tea-bag part, that's childish), if you have the skill.

    Come back here and tell us how "OP" you felt. 😂

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Yeah I'm sorry but I don't really respect anybody's thoughts on the topic that haven't mastered Nurse themselves but want to sit on the internet saying she's broken. It gets even more laughable when you put into context that base-kit she's average and they want to nerf an entire killer just because of specific addon/perk combinations just like people cried about Spirit instead of just Stridor

    If she's so broken then her kill-rate would be the highest in the game, If she's so broken she would have a higher pick rate than Huntress does at the top of the list. If she was so broken Blight and Spirit wouldn't be WIDELY considered S tier right next to her. She's hard to win against when you master her macro/micro, aka players are salty that they can't use the same easy gameplay they'd use against the majority of the roster

    This is like me saying the Sniper in Halo is overpowered because if a veteran Sniper picks it up its a guaranteed 5-7 one shot kills...Yeah, that's the trade off for taking the time to gain the experience/skill required to reach that level. I don't understand, people are basically asking to punish players that went out of their way to put themselves on a different level

    The real reason is that they're butthurt that they were on vacation-mode when she was disabled and now that she's back in the game they were dunked on by a decent Nurse for a reality check. She's not broken, you guys just felt comfortable while she was away and you're salty you have to readjust to actually going against a killer that entry-level tactics don't work against. I have never struggled to mind-game and outplay old Spirit or Nurse and I have gameplay to back it up.

    The same crowd that repeatedly tells players "You're not supposed to 4k 100 percent of your matches" are now salty that they apparently can't escape 100% of their Nurse chases. Make better reads, be more unpredictable