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All Platforms: Multiple Hag trap issues

Kaelum Member Posts: 994

Issue #1 - Traps don't affect the survivor's camera

Step 1: Play Hag and lay down some traps that manifest a visible phantasm to the survivor.

Step 2: As a survivor, run adjacent to a trap to trigger it.

The survivors camera will not be forced to face toward the phantasm. It is currently sort of working like the Hag is running Rusty Shackles, which does not affect the survivor's camera, but the phantasms are visible.

Issue #2 - trap range addons have no effect

Step 1: Play as Hag and equip a trap range addon.

Step 2: Enter a match and place a trap.

Step 3: Look at the boundaries of the trap trigger aura.

No matter what trap range addons the Hag uses, the trigger boundary never changes. The visible trap aura boundary matches the physical trigger range of the traps.

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