What do you think if Sadako could go through the doors?

I mean no need to break the door when she is in the "invisible" phase and also the pallets, a little be more strong killer
Possibly, but would get busted. Nurse has shown us that being able to ignore the survivor's main line of defense isn't a good thing.
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Breakable doors just shouldn't be a thing.
Going through pallets would be an interesting change but she'd need a much longer demainfest to compensate. I don't know how balanced that would be.
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Sadako is a ghost she should throught wall and pallet , when demanifest.
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Pretty much this, even Killers like PTB Artist were extremely busted when they could ignore part of Survivors defenses.
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I'd vote for going through breakable doors but not dropped pallets. A ghost going through walls doesn't bother me when demanifested but for gameplay purposes that spooker would just end up having the survivor slide to the other side over and over. There's no benefit to it.
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play nurse if you want to ignore pallets or walls. that's all i have to say.
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The Survivor's main line of defense is STEALTH. People seem to have forgotten that.
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People did not forget that. BHVR nerfed it. Maps are not dark anymore, stealth is not good option anymore. They nerfed even Claudette's p3 cosmetics.
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Stealth has been nerfed countless times. I don't think stealth has been good since even before pp-head
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It would but unfortunately 2018 ended four years ago.
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True but is a crappy first line of defense, its like saying since barbed wire is the first line of defense your machine guns and tanks after the barbed wire should shoot peas instead of bullets, i mean, you have that first line of defense why do you need anything else?.
As people have already said, BHVR nerfed stealth to the ground, maps are very bright, dark clothes were made brighter, fog got reduced (new and reworked maps barely have any fog at all), solid, high walls are almost non existant, plenty detection perks, newer Survivors are louder than ever and on top of that you can use filters so everything is even easier to discern.
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My point is that it is an often overlooked thing when so many Survivors literally run into the Killer on purpose to get into a chase. The game is not meant to be played that way by the devs own admission. So doing that and then crying about map resources as a "primary means of defense" is backwards thinking and not the intended game design.
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Stealth existing to a minimal residual degree is not a good reason for a Killer to ignore pallets, Nurse plays exactly as that, a Killer that requires stealth and ignores pallets and she is so broken she is her own category.
Also, stealth isnt the intended game design anymore or they wouldnt be nerfing it for years, now looping and and running the Killer for maximum amount of time is the intended design so pallets have to be an integral part of gameplay.
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Stealth is the intended game design as per the video they released a mere five months ago.
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No ✨
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Exactly. On pallets there'd be no way to play it where you'd get a hit, and breakable walls are so inconsistent between maps that it shouldn't be a balancing point for a power.
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Not anymore, actions tell more than words, they can say wathever they want but the facts are they have been nerfing stealth to the ground for a few years. You can call the Moon the Sun but it wont stop being the Moon. If they were to buff stealth again I would say its the new intended game design, right now it isnt.
Plus my point still stands, Nurse shows how insanely broken are Killers that can bypass pallets and get countered by stealth.