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Spine Chill needs a nerf...



  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,085

    It's not hard to do. I do it sometimes as killer, even when it turns out none of the survivors had it. It can stop them from getting that 6% boost for a few more seconds and finishing the gen in your face.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Adrenaline is fine as is. Let me be clear on this: The condition for it's activation relies entirely on the survivor team completing all of their primary objectives, and such are rewarded for it by being granted an extra health state and/or momentary burst of movement speed, which in this game can be either the thing that saves you in the endgame, or loses you the game if activated too early. Dead Hard, unbreakable, DS, hell, even Soul Guard can be used to give survivors 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th chances of escape especially in the endgame. TBH, I once suggested that many of these perks be nerfed in that they become disabled when the gates are powered at the endgame in order to prevent the killer "No Win" scenario... aka, nothing the killer does will result in a kill or win regardless of their build, if the game reaches the point wherein the gates are powered/opened. Sadly My suggestion was laughed off and bemoaned by the entire survivor main community.

    I've grown a bit since then, and take into account both sides viewpoint, and no longer begrudge either side for bringing in perks that give them any advantage in the endgame.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    no, it's not hard to do, but when you are playing Billy, Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Freddy, Shape or Ghost Face... you Literally have to look in the direction of your opponents in order to use your power effectively and in the case of Shape or GF, to use the stalking ability at all! Reducing the range from the obscene 36 meters that the survivors have to 24 isn't that hard of an ask to make Spine Chill more balanced.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    I always suggest if Premonition, that other Useless Spine Chill Varation, with a weird cone in front of the Survivors face as well as the 30 seconds cooldown; should be Rework to do what Spine Chill does; but instead of normal killers, it should detect Undetectable Killer's.

    Spine Chill: Can detect Normal Killer's and allow you to do actions faster like vaulting, as normal. But no longer affected by Stealth.

    Premonition (Reworked): Does exactly what Spine Chill Does, but it only apples to killers under the effects of Undetectable, when they are looking in your direction. Every 30 Seconds, you get a one second aura reading glimpse of the Stealth Killer's position.

    The new Premonition, will be the alternative Spine Chill that helps you fight Wraiths, Ghostface, and many other Stealth killers. While Spine Chill will only be effective against regular killers.

    Of course, if the killers is smart; they can sort of counter it by looking away while moving towards the direction to fool it.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    there are essentially 2 play styles to survivor stealth and aggro. Sometimes you want the killer to chase you and other times you want to hide. How and when you use these vs how the killer plays is what makes the game fun.