Do survivors hate the new killer already?

Third game tonight with at least 3 DCs...are survs rage quitting against new killer or is there another issue going on?
With the right combination she can destroy teams. AGAIN WITH THE RIGHT COMBINATION! Otherwise she's C- High D tier at Top MMR results may vary.
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Yeah the amount of people who I catch on gens is staggering. I guess looking around is just too hard for survivors and she needs a massive nerf...
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I don't really enjoy facing her, but it has nothing to do with her being strong.
This is my average game against The Onryo:
- Game starts, she approaches. I hear her lullaby and start listening out. The second she appears I run to the nearest vault and head off towards safety. Sometimes she'll hit me once, usually she won't even get that without dedicating a huge amount of time to me.
- She starts ping-ponging around TVs trying to catch people out. We get a few stacks of Condemn, but by the time it's getting hairy, we're on our last gen - unless someone has made a complete foul-up.
- If I get near max condemn, it's pretty simple to snag a tape and drop them.
- She ends up going AFK or cable-pulling.
Yeah, the only time I really get to make her work is if people are either too cocksure (and give me free hits, sometimes a free mori) or I get sent to a specific map.
Most of the time, if you know the basics of looping and tiles, there really isn't much she can do.
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Eh I was called a speed hacker today while playing as her because apparently I was faster than normal?? Obviously the DH/COH gamer said it but still.
She's fun, to play and to face imho. Especially being able to go through survivors, because people don't realise you can.
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The DC penalty needs to be harsher and hook suicides should be counted as a DC imo. If people don’t want to play don’t hit find match that easy.
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I think the speed thing comes down to her tiny size - much like people still complain about Freddy's lunge.
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They shouldn't hate her. She was balanced just for them.