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Camping with High Mobility Killers

Camping is viable, and is the Most Efficient Tactic Available. Especially with high lethality killers like Bubba, Trickster, or anyone else who can quickly down survivors at close range.

I just don't understand when people choose some of the most mobile killers in the game.

And then don't use their ability. They just stand there.

Why didn't you just play the high lethality ones?

Can someone explain this to me. Thank you.


  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Thank you. That's fair enough. I get camping at 0 gens, I'm referring to mostly 2-3 gens left.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,022

    Depends on the time and place. If its within a really good spot like betweem 2 gens or they don't have many hooks with 2-3 gens left so they need to force someone out.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I'll answer this with an anecdote.

    When I first started out, I camped on basically everyone. I didn't realize that it was considered cheesy - it just struck me as an effective tactic. Which it is.

    A lot of the time, killers get frustrated at being looped to pieces and so they resort to camping.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    I'm not arguing against that here. I'm just asking why they would come in with a mobile killer, if they know they're going to resort to camping.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Not everyone runs META perks dude. And if you're getting juiced, get good. Barring dead hard. You can't beat that one.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Why should metter which or how fast your killer is? Pff.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638





    "get good", he says.

    Or I can make the dude die and drop the enemy team by 25%. 5head.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Or I can secure my kill and not lose at all because I didn't take the chase bait?

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    But did you get any better? Losing doesn't transfer from match to match. Because it sounds like you don't need to practice your macro decisions.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The way the game is set up right now, I am not incentivized. There is little reason to leave a hook in about 30% of instances. If they are within 15 seconds of a new hook state, or it is endgame, or there's a bunch of slugs, it is in my best interest to say "Nah, screw the map mobility".

    In an era where Devour Hope lasts about a minute before it turns into a Boon totem "leave the hook and just go chase" is Survivor Rulebook bullcrap.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    The balance team allowed the game to get this way.

    The killer player mindset is that every game is an SWF. Which, I mean, fair enough. The released player stats said that like 50 percent of survivors are solo, 50 percent some kind of SWF if I remember correctly. So the killer player, having experienced many difficult games, is going to go with the easiest and best strategy (which Unfortunately right now is loading up on gen slow perks and camping the first hook). Sucks that it takes no skill to do that, but it is definitely the best strategy when taking into account effort put in. You have to do far fewer chases, but still get rewarded with hits and downs if you just protect the first hook and immediately surrounding gens.

    No skill, medium to high reward.

    Constantly finding new chases and winning each one as killer? Requires much more skill, but super high risk, very low to high reward.

    On the other hand, survivor game play these days is a joke (if you are solo). Every game has a killer playing the same way, described above. It feels like every game is a 1v1 between the killer and the first player hooked. If you can do gens fast enough, before the first player dies, you may have a chance of escape. If you don't, and one of the many gen slowing perks is still active, you die. That's every solo queue game recently. It is skilless and boring, but that is the meta the devs allowed to happen.

    But of course, the super "complex" MMR system only rewards kills and deaths, so this is the meta.

    I don't think the devs care much though, they seem to be doing well enough by just constantly selling new skins, but if they care even a little about game health/fun then they will buff chase rewards for killers, nerf camping rewards, buff solo queue, nerf SWF, buff low tier killers, nerf high tier killers, change the multiple maps that are bad for each side. But that's too much to do, so Let's make more skins!

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Why does it matter with which Killer I am camping? As long as it's the smartest move I can pull, I'll do it

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Oh yeah, I'm not arguing against any of this. It's why I said this is the META. It makes sense. I'm just saying, why not just camp with killers who are good to camp with. It makes more sense than trying to camp with Onryo, Nightmare, or Wraith.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    That's a chance you took when you ran Devour Hope. That's a chance you take when you run any Hex perk.

    If you're only camping for the reasons you stated, you really have your strategy on lock. Good job. You're probably really good at pressuring gens in the 70% you leave the hook. This is not intended to be sarcasm.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,160

    It doesn't need to make sense. Strip all killer of their power and the only difference between them that remains is movement speed and height, of which none matter when camping.

    The ONLY killer that are really different are one shot killer like bubba, Myers (with loaded stalk) or billy as they make any from of save unhooking impossible and the rest remains at a 50/50 for the hook grab working or not.

    Killer powers make a difference for chasing or map pressure but hardly for camping. There killer nearly become like survivor, only a different skin (except for the mentioned above).

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Yeah. If you know you're probably going to need to camp, why not just play those 3? And Trickster. He's also pretty good at it. Can attest for both ends.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,160

    And how would you know beforehand that you need to camp?

    Even if there would be any indicator in the lobby, it is impossible to switch character on the killerside anymore (despite individual MMR being a joke at this point). So "knowing that you probably going to need to camp" would be a psychic prediction before even readying up in respect to killer choice.

    You pick what you want to play, not what you "expect to need" .

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Sorry about that, sort of in a bad mood, that's on me. The reason why I said this is because it seems a lot like people already know that they're going to run into 4 boons on the Eyrie of Crows, and are going to have to camp from gen 4, otherwise they're not going to get dinner tonight.

    I agree. We should play what we want to play, not what we expect to need.

    But camping isn't playing. You said so yourself. Once you start camping, you might as well just be a killer skin, not an entirely separate killer. You're no longer playing your character.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,160

    Well i personally have never understood the need to pip/rank up/rise in MMR. The only thing those bring you is harder matches. In a game with working matchmaking? Great, equal matches played on a razors edge with fun back and forth. In DBD, with its fabulous matchmaking thanks to imbalance queues? Yeah no, i don't need to increase my chance to get matched with the high MMR end of the stick more often.

    Hence why i play like i do. Normal without sweating "aiming" (without trying too hard) for 8 hooks and then playing completely brainless casual.

    After the motto "if i don't try hard then i can't be stomped hard". Takes frustration mostly out of the equation. I am satisfied if i manage to do my daily, get progress on my challenge and/or get my 4 bbq stacks. Everything else is bonus.

    And when survivor want to rush the trail with max efficiency even with only 2 hooks having happened? Be my guest but don't expect much points and the next killer to be this chill. Enjoy a relaxed breather trial or don't, but don't complain that "ALL KILLER SWEAT".

    They don't and maybe be a little grateful/respectful to the ones that don't instead of treating all of us like dirt. Sadly even as a chill killer that still provides the normal gameplay loop you get either 90% silence/the same toxicity or the 10% positive feedback but that also mostly only after they have stomped you aka "ggs" only after a 1hook/less than 10k BP round.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I think I misspoke. I am not saying Devour Hope is bad, I'm saying Devour Hope was made to tell Killers "JUST LEAVE! GO CHASE!", but then it gets blown up and you are like "Well.... this dude is like 8 seconds from stage 2.... might as well save myself a whole chase".

    But thank you for understanding. :)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,481

    It's the choice of perks that is funnier. These guys with BBQ and Ruin are playing pitch a tent, when the entire point of those perks is to encourage chases.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    I'm not saying all Killers sweat. I'm also not trying to treat killers like dirt. I play killer. I have more hours with killer than survivor. How is silence toxic. And why are you taking a ggs after losing poorly. People can mean gg as a good attempt, regardless of how you did. How am I treating you like dirt? The whole point of this thread is if you're going to camp, why wouldn't you camp with better killers for it? You okay man?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,621
    edited March 2022

    Sometimes its just the right play, camping a survivor out vs letting them get unhooked for free, and healed for free in ~18 seconds from boon circle of healing, killers have a harder time pressuring survivors more than ever and sometimes its just the right call to camp someone out with any killer. Losing what used to be ~14 seconds on almost every heal from the survivor side really cripples killers action economy and they can't always keep up.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,720

    A high mobility killer that camps someone out of the game is still a high mobility killer for the rest of the match.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,160

    Okay, first of all i guess this comes from the limitation of the English language. The "you" i used wasn't aimed directly at you but at the general community i face.

    And about taking ggs negative, that comes with the fact that they strictly only come from winners and then mostly when the win was a onesidedly stomp. Most of the rest of the time they don't show any form of courtesy even when i myself gave ggs every time (which i stopped) or alternative toxicity cokes back.

    On of my favorite occurrences was a game were i got 0 or 1 hooks and less than 10k BP (iirc) and the survivors gave ggs and I answered with "not for me" as is in "it wasn't a good game for me. (I think it was even during a BP even with multiple offerings). Oh boy did i pooe the hornet's nest and they started to rip off with insults and toxicity.

    Again my comment wasn't directed at you but detailing my experience.

  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258
  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    Yeah, being injured used to mean something in this game. Its like a status effect now.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,160

    No offense taken. It's just like sarcasm, it hardly works in written form without intonation or body language.