Bad optimization (as usual)

Since the release of Sadako's DLC my game is horrible, game freezes for pretty much anything

I click in anything in the Menu? game freezes

-Skill check? game freezes (gen explode)

-Killer hits me? game freezes (i go down)

-Any killer who have some particle effect like Nemesis, Clown or Legion appears? game freezes

-I look slightly to the side? Game freezes

And the music stops and freezes all the time like it's on an old broken radio, my pc is not that powerful, but i can play heavier games with more particles and graphics than DBD without problem (MK 11, FNAF Security Breach, Sea of Thieves) damn, i have a friend that can run God Of War 4 in his pic but cant run DBD, I just can't play it, and when I try I look like a noob who can't handle 1 second of chase because the game just freezes, It's not lag, as I usually have a low ping, really, it's not just the MMR that is kicking out DBD players


  • Missingno54
    Missingno54 Member Posts: 8

    7,0 Ram i guess? I'm not good with technical terms involving computers

  • Missingno54
    Missingno54 Member Posts: 8

    Sorry, wrong number, has i said i dont know that much about technicall things, i have 304,34 GB left, according to steam

  • ObservantOfTime
    ObservantOfTime Member Posts: 209

    I just want to chime in here and say that I have a pretty beefy gaming PC, and even I notice lag, stutter and massive frame-drops from time to time, with no discernible pattern whatsoever. It got worse with the Nemesis update, and now it's even worse than before. The game runs smooth as butter at 120 FPS 99.9% of the time, but every now and then it hickups. These problems came around with the release of Nemesis, and it's slowly been getting worse with every patch, the latest one in particular. I just recently did a fresh windows install, thinking it may be my 4 year old OS acting up, but no, the problems are still there. It's pretty hard to record them as well, because in the recording, the stuttering and frame-skipping doesn't actually show up, it looks smooth in the recording, which is super weird.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    If you're on Windows 10, you should be able to search for "System Information" and find an app which, when opened, looks something like this:

    (blurred very sensitive data)

    What they're referring to is this section here:

    I have 32GB of RAM installed on my PC- which is basically where programs go when they're being used so you've got much faster access to them than having to load everything from storage, particularly if you're using a hard disc drive). DBD has a minimum requirement of 8GB of RAM, though more is probably needed at this stage, and if you have any other apps open when you have barely enough RAM (or, say, you have 128GB of RAM but you decide to open 3 different Chrome tabs) it can badly eat into frames due to it loading from Virtual Memory which, without getting technical, just means it is very slow.

    If you have 8GB or RAM or less, this could be the issue.

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    Dbd is the one game which is playable by bruteforcing it with a beefy PC and even then it will have hickups.

    Console Fan goes Brrrrr! back on the old title screen + offering screen.

  • ObservantOfTime
    ObservantOfTime Member Posts: 209

    I mean this sincerely, I extend my condolences to our brothers who play this game on console. I've seen what some of the PS4 gameplay looks like, and I'm amazed that the game is still available for purchase on that platform in the state that it is in. Playing legion? Enjoy the 1 second freeze when cancelling frenzy. Playing Blight? I hope you like the occasional literal slideshow.

  • Mr_Madness
    Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
    edited March 2022

    I used to be able to play the game with anyone including EU people.

    Though now I have to play people within my timezone because lag is so terrible that even if they are close to my zone I lag like crazy. Not my internet since it has been the same for 3 years. I can't even play with people from EU or other side of USA or I get super high ping and crash. Now I am actually forced to do a SWF with certain people because half the time, Randos are not even close to my zone and it's unbearable to play with the horrid lag.

    Other day I was playing with a friend in Duo SWF with 2 randos. Game got so much lag as the game went on that when I got unhooked, I went to a survivor to get healed who I saw was running of. I was being healed by invisible survivor then I somehow got downed. Turns out I never moved from the hook and the killer downed me then killed me. I ran for a total of 1 minute away from the hook just to be killed by the game. Also depending on who is in the match I get potato graphics and I mean potato. Looks like an unfinished beta game that had plastic textures.

    I have 16gb of ram and that did not even fix it, other games run fine but DBD does not. Since 2021 game has been running worse each passing day but after the ringu chapter it's like gambling for a match where I do not get screwed up by lag.

    Overall I am fine with what ever changes Devs do since it's their game but can I atleast be able to play without having to buy a new PC?

    [Edit] Also game freezes for few seconds which make lot of situations I am in result me getting downed. I complete a gen, the game freezes and killer gets a free hit/down. I flashbang the killer or have flashmine near me, the killer gets a free hit/down.

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    I have been having this happen to me ever since the Sadako DLC.

    Any action I do might or might not end up being a massive frame drop. It's a game changer in chases because it means you'll get hit by the killer.

    I have 16GB of RAM and I check my stats and I don't even get half of my resources used by the system, yet it likes to hiccup and ruin my game experience almost every trial.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 666

    I've noticed that I'm getting really bad hit detection lately. A survivor can literally be standing directly in front of me within basic attack range (not lunge distance) & my hits just won't register. I'm not even getting any lag spikes or freezing they basically just run off as my attack goes through them. I'm on Xbox Series X.

  • ObservantOfTime
    ObservantOfTime Member Posts: 209

    Same here. Even if I cap the game at 60 FPS, the issues persist. It's kind of funny, I took a break from DBD while all the bugs and exploits with certain perks were happening and played some Elden Ring, a game released in 2022 on max settings, and I never once had the sort of freezing, stuttering and lagging issues that I've had playing DBD, a game that released in 2016. I can play whatever just fine, don't have any kind of issues, but when it comes to DBD, it's getting worse with every patch.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    welcome to DBD , when framerates went down by 25 or 30 fps every update that includes new characters... once again optimization went to the bathroom just by adding a new killer. 

    😒 true ...even better locking games ..runs way better than DBD at this point.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939
    edited March 2022

    I've got 16 GB of ram and the game still is crap.

    We still don't even have VSYNC ffs.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241
    edited March 2022

    It has been reaaaaaaaaally bad. I shouldn't be dropping to 30 fps on low graphics with a 1080, ryzen 7 1800x, and 32gb of dd4 ram

  • Milance
    Milance Member Posts: 4

    Your cpu is a major bottleneck.

    I upgraded from ryzen 5 2600 to 5600x and the game stutters a lot less.