Fan made Chapter: Breaking The Web

Creator's Note (Skip this if you would like to): Greetings, this fan made Chapter was made %100 for fun and not for anything else. I'm not saying the devs should take my idea for consideration but if they did then that would be neat. The picture was just a quick sketch I did of my fairly early idea of the killer, I am not the best at drawing humans. I do take criticism. Without further ado, continue to the next paragraph.
The chapter theme is based off of the Dark Web, a very mysterious part of the internet that holds many disturbing and illegal activity. So the killer is...
The Finder: Robert Banks lived with his grand parents with his 9 year old sister in the Southern parts of Wisconsin, his father had died when he was 5 from lung cancer which would eventually cause his mother to take her own life. He grew up with his loving sister and caring grandparents and spent most of his time outside. Robert went to school for a few years, ultimately becoming expelled, this is why...He never talked to the other students and always stayed away from them, he always found other interests and he thought his only 2 friend's were good enough. Some time later, a group of mischievous boys started to verbally bully him from time to time, this made Robert agitated. One day in gym class, Robert was walking along the gym walls and reading the athlete awards on the wall. One of the boys grabbed a baseball from an athlete's bag and threw it with great strength at Robert. He had ment to hit him in the arm, but instead it had hit him directly at the temple. Robert had blacked out and eventually woke up at the nurse's office, he was later told he had a fracture in his skull, and was very lucky to still be in fine shape, he was told by a student who assaulted him, he was furious. A week later, his grandparents got a call from the school, they said Robert had almost killed the boy that threw the ball. Robert had beaten him with a large rock from the school entrance and attempted to stab him with a pencil, he had broken several bones in the bully. Fast forward a few year later to 2003, Robert's grandmother passes away which caused his sister to become depressed, she had moved away and from that day forward none of her friends heard from her since. Robert had changed from that point, he was no longer right in his original self, except his usual taste for violence. He watched horror movies and learned from them, but it wasn't enough to ease a new violent urge he had grown throughout his years. He had discovered something new, something that was perfect for Robert, he had found the dark web. A place where any sadistic and illegal activity was welcomed. This was his place. In 2013 Robert went under a new name, The Finder. He would kidnap people and take them to his basement where he would torture them physically and mentally for hours all while streaming it to dark web. He let his viewers choose what he would do to the victims for a price before eventually finally ending the victim's life. His identity was unknown as he always wore a mask and a dark hoodie. However this would not last forever. One of the people he had kidnapped woke up in a wood box Robert always puts the victims in before he started his stream. They had escaped and began running for the exit, Robert was scared at the thought of the police discovering his awful secret. He chased after the young man, both of them feeling tired and hurt from running, but both forced their bodies to move forward, so the chase continued. The world around them was turning dark. The environment began to bend and twist into unnatural sights. The Finder opened his eyes, he noticed his victim was gone, but he saw more people in the distance. He isn't sure what this place is or if he'll ever leave but he does know one thing, this place was meant for him and he was ready for what was to come, the urge felt stronger than ever, and someone needs to tame it.
Ability: Dark Urge
The Finder's itch for more brutal activity
-You can switch your weapon with a Head Bag
-While chasing an Injured Survivor instead of hitting and downing the survivors, simply wrap the bag around their head
-Drag Kidnapped Survivors to torture chairs scattered around the map
-The torture chairs will automatically harvest Web Points from the survivors on the chairs
-After 1 minute Kidnapped Survivors can try escaping from the Torture Chairs
-With web points, you can upgrade minor abilities for The Finder (I will eventually add the minor abilities)
-Survivors can bleed out on the Torture Chairs after awhile
Sharp Sense: No one is safe when you are near, gain a notification if a survivor hides in a locker 12/18/25 meters away from you
_"__I don't always do it for the money"_-Robert Banks
Angry Itch- You get enraged at your victims defense. When you are stunned 5/4/3 times you earn a level up in Bloodlust
"I'll give you something to cry about if you don't SHUT UP!" -Robert Banks
Twisted Mind- Your morbid way of killing will be noticed by your victims. After hooking a survivor that has safely unhooked another survivor, the survivor that is hooked will suffer Traumatised state for 80/90/100 seconds after unhooked
"Hello everyone! Welcome to tonight's show!" -Robert's Stream No.56
(The Traumatised state is a new state I made up, this state increases the effects of other status effects)
Weapon- Bleed Blade, a pig splitter that has been modified with a sharper blade, around the blade are sharp electrical wires that are attached to a battery on the handle which causes electric burns and shocks to targets.
Mori: Use your imagination!
Survivor: Kane Sanders: A paranoid explorer, able to survive on his own in most situations without the help of others.
Kane Sanders was a middle class young adult, living in the neighborhoods of Wenatchee Washington. His childhood life was simple and fine. He lived by himself for a few years and visits his family and friends. His job as a grocery store clerk was very basic and boring. He had a talent with computers and math. When he got his new (and short) house, he lived there for a few months and got a dog. And eventually, a girlfriend. His life seemed pretty normal. Kane finally saved enough money to buy an excellent desktop computer. He used it mainly for his own purposes, video games, videos, information, and other things. One night during his day off. Kane was internet surfing when he came upon a link, he clicked on it and it took him to a different search screen. It was filled with website he never heard of, they had disturbing and strange names. He saw drug sites, illegal activity, and worse, red rooms. Kane was terrified, but he wanted to learn more, he wanted to think none of this was real. He researched and learned and came to the conclusion that this wasn't a normal thing, people came to the dark web to do illegal activity and Kane wanted to put a stop to this. On one cold winter night, Kane was doing more research and his dog was with his girlfriend with friends, when all of a sudden, someone grabbed his neck, he punched and scratched, but a bag around his head and a hard hit to the head was enough to knock him out. He opened his eyes along with a massive headache, he was confused, but came to the blood chilling conclusion, he was in a wood crate and was in a different location. He kicked at the wall of the box until it was broken enough to crawl out. He got a few splinters, but was free, he saw a door leading to the outside and he ran for it. He heard footsteps behind him, he turned to see a man in a dark outfit chasing after him with a weapon he couldn't quite make out. He ran, his lungs exhausted and his legs burning, but he didn't want to stop. He felt cold, the world around him felt odd, his footsteps echoed through an endless void. Kane woke up in a different place and new place. Kane is aware that this all might be supernatural, but he believes there is an escape to this place and he do all it takes to go back.
Cautious- You bleed moderately slower and your footsteps are Slightly/Moderately/Considerably more quiet
"He didn't see me, did he?" -Kane Sanders
Fast Hands- Your quick movement can help you in dire situations. Every time you complete a generator, gain 3/6/9% Wiggle speed, if you escape a killer's grasp, you suffer from the hindered status effect for 30/25/20 seconds
"I've seen some effed up crap, but not as effed up as this."-Kane Sanders
Lone Wolf- You don't need the help of friends to stay in one piece. When not near a survivor, in a chase, or running for 3 seconds, gain a small movement speed to walking alone for 30/25/20 seconds up to a stack of 4 tokens which are lost in a chase or running for 3 seconds. Speed bonus does not effect crouch, crawl, or running speed
"No one else with here, right?-Kane Sanded
Map: Stream Studio: An indoor building, containing set ups and other disturbing rooms that has been used to torture and take souls
The cameras are up and the show is set, who will walk out alive, or who will end up as another victim to a sadistic mad man's body count.
Hmm, there is some potential here. The killer bagging survivors to torture for bonuses is interesting. It feels almost like a secondary effect though. Similar to how the Pig works with reverse bear traps. I think the killer should have an actual ability that helps him chase down survivors.
As for the killer's perks, Sharp Sense is kind of bland imho. I doubt it would see a lot of use. You might get the occasional free grab out of locker though. Angry Itch needs some clarification. What exactly do you mean "level up bloodlust"? Twisted Mind is too convoluted. I think both killers and survivors would find it too confusing.
For the survivors perks Cautious feels pretty bland too. I can see the value when paired with urban evasion and iron will though. Fast Hands needs some clarification. It requires that you personally complete the generator correct? Also can you gain multiple stacks if you complete multiple generators? I don't really understand the point of hindering yourself though. You would just immediately get caught again.
Lone Wolf is another convoluted perk. So help me understand a bit. When I'm walking for 3 seconds "not near another survivor" (you need to define this in terms of meters) I gain a token that increases my walking movement speed for 30/25/20 seconds (why does the perk get weaker with rank?). What do the stacks do exactly? Increase my walking speed? Increase the duration I can walk faster? What is the point of a duration when I gain tokens while walking? Let me suggest a clarified version of this perk.
Lone Wolf- While remaining at least 16 meters away from other survivors and not running for at least 7 seconds, gain a bonus of 3/6/9% to walking speed.
There is no need to specify crouch, crawl, or running speed.
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@Dreamnomad said:
Hmm, there is some potential here. The killer bagging survivors to torture for bonuses is interesting. It feels almost like a secondary effect though. Similar to how the Pig works with reverse bear traps. I think the killer should have an actual ability that helps him chase down survivors.As for the killer's perks, Sharp Sense is kind of bland imho. I doubt it would see a lot of use. You might get the occasional free grab out of locker though. Angry Itch needs some clarification. What exactly do you mean "level up bloodlust"? Twisted Mind is too convoluted. I think both killers and survivors would find it too confusing.
For the survivors perks Cautious feels pretty bland too. I can see the value when paired with urban evasion and iron will though. Fast Hands needs some clarification. It requires that you personally complete the generator correct? Also can you gain multiple stacks if you complete multiple generators? I don't really understand the point of hindering yourself though. You would just immediately get caught again.
Lone Wolf is another convoluted perk. So help me understand a bit. When I'm walking for 3 seconds "not near another survivor" (you need to define this in terms of meters) I gain a token that increases my walking movement speed for 30/25/20 seconds (why does the perk get weaker with rank?). What do the stacks do exactly? Increase my walking speed? Increase the duration I can walk faster? What is the point of a duration when I gain tokens while walking? Let me suggest a clarified version of this perk.
Lone Wolf- While remaining at least 16 meters away from other survivors and not running for at least 7 seconds, gain a bonus of 3/6/9% to walking speed.
There is no need to specify crouch, crawl, or running speed.
Maybe I should stick to doing Top 5s instead of fan creations
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@JoyfulLeader said:
Maybe I should stick to doing Top 5s instead of fan creationsI'm not trying to discourage you. That was intended to be healthy criticism. Do whatever makes you happy.
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@Dreamnomad said:
@JoyfulLeader said:
Maybe I should stick to doing Top 5s instead of fan creationsI'm not trying to discourage you. That was intended to be healthy criticism. Do whatever makes you happy.
I know, but I don't really have fun making these anyway. Barely anyone reads them even though I put a lot of work in them, criticism is good but it just seems like there is nothing good about my ideas besides negative ones. (For example, this one took a few weeks to make). I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but this is my last chapter idea I'll ever make, they just are not fun anymore. It's not your fault, I even planned quitting while making this chapter idea
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@Dreamnomad said:
@JoyfulLeader said:
Maybe I should stick to doing Top 5s instead of fan creationsI'm not trying to discourage you. That was intended to be healthy criticism. Do whatever makes you happy.
Should I make another chapter idea? What do you think?
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@JoyfulLeader said:
@Dreamnomad said:
@JoyfulLeader said:
Maybe I should stick to doing Top 5s instead of fan creationsI'm not trying to discourage you. That was intended to be healthy criticism. Do whatever makes you happy.
Should I make another chapter idea? What do you think?
Go for it. You can tag me at the end and I'll check it out.
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BTW, your drawing looks a little like The Legion.
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@Dreamnomad said:
BTW, your drawing looks a little like The Legion.The creepy thing is, I drew that a few weeks before the legion came out or even teased!
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@Dreamnomad said:
@JoyfulLeader said:
@Dreamnomad said:
@JoyfulLeader said:
Maybe I should stick to doing Top 5s instead of fan creationsI'm not trying to discourage you. That was intended to be healthy criticism. Do whatever makes you happy.
Should I make another chapter idea? What do you think?
Go for it. You can tag me at the end and I'll check it out.
Thank you for that! I wasn't really sure about making anymore, but after some thought, maybe I will after all.
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@Dreamnomad said:
BTW, your drawing looks a little like The Legion.I finished making a new fan chapter, go check it out! It's called Scars of Time!
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You say mori but dude ya kinda took a manhunt theme with this guy so it's brutal but y not use the red bag kill from the game as the mori chokes with bag bashes there face then breaks there neck0
@redsopine01 said:
You say mori but dude ya kinda took a manhunt theme with this guy so it's brutal but y not use the red bag kill from the game as the mori chokes with bag bashes there face then breaks there neckBecause I didn't want to think of a mori, plus I wasn't trying to go for a Manhunt vibe but kinda more like Welcome to the Game instead
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Sharp Sense + Iron Maiden = rip dwights
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@grisstyl said:
Sharp Sense + Iron Maiden = rip dwightsDwighty boi is gonna have a hard time meming out there