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auto knocked off killer

Keeb Member Posts: 3

Hey, so recently I was playing a game with my friends, and it was a 4 man swf. The nea is an experienced player, while the other 2 just got the game. The Michael was running only noed 1.

Nea - Decisive 3, Boon Shadow Step 3, Boon Healing 3, Borrowed 3

Bill - Unbreakable 2, No one left behind 2, left behind 1

Ace - Ace in the hole 2, Guardian 1

Me - Kindred 3, Boon Healing 3, Borrowed 3, We're gonna live forever 3

3 votes

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  • Potatomasherannie
    Potatomasherannie Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2022

    Can I add to this? This has happened to me and a friend I was watching. In each case:

    The killer was carrying a survivor.

    Then a survivor takes a hit to block the hook.

    The survivor the killer was carrying breaks free.

    The killer picks up the downed survivor, and instantly drops them.

  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2022

    So, this is a bug that's been posted about upwards of... 6-7 times now?

    Yes, it happens when a Survivor wiggles free of the Killer's grasp (or nearly does) and then the Killer immediately picks up another Survivor (without performing any other actions).