What's have you experienced "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"

When I first started playing, I found Wraith to be particularly painful to go against compared to other Killers, no Terror Radius, go zoom, "Bing Bong, your opinion is wrong!" Smack! So eventually I tried him out and actually loved using him and now he's my main, may not be the most powerful Killer but I like spooking people with jumpscares and the extra speed😋
Well for me it's Perk selection... seeing Survivors with Flashlights and spinning into DH make me want to switch up my perk selection
And getting toxic messages make me want to throw on NOED and stuff... and say blame the Survivors that I previously faced for how I play
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Me when I completely stopped reporting hackers
I just realized this sounds fishy: what I meant is that since reporting hackers revealed itself to be either extremely lengthy or useless, while not digging anything at the core, I stopped. I didn't mean I started cheating myself
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I used to complain a bunch about the game when I first got into it like 4 years ago. Then, I was seeing streamers and other killer players doing super good and having fun. So I decided I would actually try and get good and the difference is night and day. It is incredible how much better and more fun I have when I realize my mistakes and actually drive to get better.
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He used to be my main I love stealth playstyle but in higher ranks/mmr he is super weak entirely useless sadly
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I used to absolutely HATE Doctor and Bubba. Now they're my mains.
I also unironically enjoy Basement (chest protector) Bubba.
Also it fixed my struggles when facing them, once you know how to play them, you learn their weaknesses and you don't have to complain about them when playing survivor. No killer is op if you know how to use their weak spots vs them
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Some survs just need to try some killers out. And vice versa.
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Practice made me absolutely love facing Bubbas and Pinheads. Which i see people complain about the most, and for the they're one of the most fun killers to be against
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When there not camping.
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This is the best advice to know how to verse a killer.
Play it until you get stomped. Learn what your opponents are doing. Be better against that killer.
(This is of course also true to learn how to verse survivors properly.)