If Borrowed Time becomes basekit, which killer perk should become basekit?
Actually, they're right- BT is potentially having some form made basekit because it neatly solves an issue, whereas there's no single killer perk that does the same thing for their issues. Killer changes are going to have to be more nuanced than simply making some variant of a killer perk basekit, there's no getting away from that.
Also, this alone wouldn't fix the issues that exist on the survivor side. Both sides need more than this.
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That's literally how game design works; you don't alter anything in a vacuum. Everything affects everything else.
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But you just look at it in 1on1 comparison. Basekit survivor = basekit killer. Thats exactly not how game design works.
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I'm not the one who made a 1 to 1 comparison; you are.
You said 'Survivors have bandaid fixes; Killer's don't. Therefore Survivors deserve free perk'.
That's ignoring that that 'free perk' is on top of 16 second chance perks being run, and, frequently, Discord. That's called 'balancing in a vacuum' and it's not how game design works. At all.
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Because theres 4 survivors to 1 killer. Any perk that becomes basekit for them would outweigh the benefits.
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Borrowed Time is being considered as a fix for Face-Camping and Tunneling-off-hook-till-dead, 2 kill strategies that have no counter except for Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike. If you don't have at least one of those perks, then you have no counter to those strategies. Also consider that both of those perks are behind a paywall, cash with Decisive Strike and bloodpoints for both, so new players have no counter to a killer tactic that is available from level 1.
Everyone knows Borrow Time works as a counter for these two tactics and isn't abusable such as other implementations the developers have attempted.
This is a fix for a game design flaw. It needs to be implemented but should be implemented with a slow-down to gens to balance it out. This fix will only affect face-camping and tunneling-off-hook-till-dead tactics. Every other killer tactic in the game is going to be unaffected.
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And what happens when everyone is now bodyblocking the Killer due to Borrowed Time being basekit, allowing for a new second-chance perk to take its slot, and now the Killer can't chase the unhooker?
Making BT basekit just makes Survivors more disgustingly OP, gives them more ways to shaft the Killer, and makes more Killers leave. But on top of that; my example shows that you don't balance in a vacuum. Making BT basekit literally adds more problems to the game.
But those are a Killer's problem, so I guess it's an acceptable loss. Survivors are happy. Killers are given another middle finger. Life goes on until the game dies from lack of Killers.
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Maybe the same effect as current Ruin, but at a reduced regression speed (100 percent or 50 percent of normal regression or something). It would require allowing you to kick a gen if it's already regressing, though, otherwise it would nullify multiple perks like Pop and Call of Brine.
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I think killer should now be able to break bones. It still feels really off balance.
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Everything Bill has needs to be free according to their license agreement with Valve. Borrowed Time is definitely not behind any type of paywall.
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Literally useless on half of the Killers
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A mini pop with 5% instant damage after kicking a gen.
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If it's basekit, why does that matter? It doesn't count against your perk slots, and I fail to see how knowing exactly where your first chase is is literally useless on all killers, except Trapper without his bag. Besides, borrowed Time is literally useless on some survivors because they don't go for unhooks.
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I said a bloodpoint paywall for Borrowed Time. If you had read my statement.