Sbmm's little rework idea

Vyne456 Member Posts: 848
edited March 2022 in General Discussions

I love how that I can go into matches more quicker but what if you wanna play with your friends and then what killer your facing?

Well... It needs to be reworked because people say they enjoy but they get better experience, but the main con here is hook campers. So how will BHVR work on to rework it? Well you can say that it's unfun according to other people when they play a solo q or you're playing with one friend while you're other friends are busy cleaning the house or they are making dinner.

The gist here is the new rework of sbmm, so we can have better balance so we can not most likely deal with a lot of hook campers in the future. Also I was wondering if you guys would like this idea so BHVR would rework it and have even better loading times so we can have better experience.