Killer player who recently started playing survivor with a team: It's just not balanced lol

We don't even use meta perks or anything because we're all relatively new with less than 200 hours.
1 of us has dead hard, 1 uses balanced, the other 2 don't use any exhaustion perks at all
None of us have circle of healing
Only one of us runs BT
One of us literally has no sense of direction and still uses perks like deja vu because she doesn't know where gens are, despite having over 150 hours (this person also frequently gets lost going to unhooks on indoor maps)
None of us have DS, or even own Laurie
We don't use prove thyself or brand new parts
I won't pretend like we are facing super high mmr killers, however, we're also not only playing against baby killers with no perks. Our games should be pretty balanced, right? Wrong, if the first person to get chased survives for at least a minute or two, we straight up finish 3 gens before the killer gets a single hook. From there, all we have to do is communicate and not 3 gen ourselves, and the game is just over. If we die, it's almost always because of mistakes WE made, not the killer making an insane play. I think like 80% of my 200 total hours are on killer. But now playing survivor with my good friends, it just seems so unbalanced. I can only imagine what it would be like with full meta loadouts??? Like I literally run small game, inner healing, WGLF and flashbang.
It sounds like you haven't run into a good killer yet. Only so many killer players out there at the moment. Give it time. You'll definitely miss the meta perks against a high level killer
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Well, duh ^_^.
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You are definitely not facing good killers. That is the objective fact.
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Yea, seems you guys are not facing competent killers yet. But its a fact playing with a good SWF is the easiest way to play this game if you compare it to soloqueue or killer.
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Someone is tanking your average mmr into the ground and below. You aren't facing good killers yet. Give it time.
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I love how people are saying you're only winning because the killers are bad as if a 4man swf isnt insanely strong 😂
I feel people forget by the time they climb MMR they will also be more experienced and run better perks lol
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I think what they're saying is maybe certain Killers are just better than others. They should really try to bridge the gap between Killers like Nurse and Trapper. Its a night and day difference. Do whatever you have to do. The fact that I can pick any Survivor and perform the same, but switch Killers and have to completely relearn everything is kind of off putting. You don't have to make them identical, but don't make Killers like Spirit, Blight, and Nurse, if every other Killer you make can't even compete with how good those few can be... Very bad balancing.. And don't even get me started on SWF. Some SWF can make even those 3 Killers sweat...
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SWF is only balanced if the survivors are bad, like my SWF and I. Even still we have matches where the question isn't "Are we gonna escape?", but it's "Can we all 4 escape?"
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So you are a killer main (by the sounds of it) and you don't understand how 2-3 gens can pop within an unacceptable amount of time over-committing to one survivor? tsk. tsk.
I now not only question your skill as survivor but as killer too.
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Even the devs know now