Grades, a serious question

Why choose to show the grades on the post trial score screen? Do you not realize how confusing this is to a lot of people? Many still think grades are used for matchmaking because of this. I though one of the points of adding MMR was to make people feel less cheated? People would complain about being rank 10 killer facing rank 1 survivors with the old matchmaking/rank system. Choosing to show grades on the score screen really hasn't done much to combat the issue. I constantly see people posting threads about of they are ash rank facing iridescent rank people, and how it is unfair.
Idk, why does Overwatch show your level even though the most you get from levels are lootboxes with 4 commons in them? People like to show off their progress
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Jeff said before he left Blizzard they plan on reworking the border system/removing it because they see enough people in bronze-gold who just play to play get flamed for "being hard stuck" when in reality they never intended to grind. They just want to vibe.
Back to DBD tho: BHVR has said multiple, multiple times now over that the emblems are not related to MMR. Anyone who thinks it is just does not keep up with the game.
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Character portraits would be better. That would also make it substantially easier to see who you're talking to in post-game chat.
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Had this several times already.
You don´t see your MMR. People need something to show off and also to have something to see improving. That is a psychlogical thing. If you would not have anything to level up some would lose interest.
The grades are still leftovers of the ranks and give a general direction of the player and are not only playtime (why need to pip then - why need more points in higher grades to pip?). Only playtime you could simply write a number there - Time played this month 369 Hours.
And it is confusing because it makes no real sense to show grades (ranks) and not use them but use a secret number you can´t see.
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I agree, I’d rather see the character portait where the opponent’s grades currently are. Opponent grades are mostly irrelevant but knowing at a glance which player was Bill, for instance, is handy.