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The Steam achievement "Tools of the trade", is not updated

Hello Goodnight. I've been playing with 3 universal abilities (none assassin specific), for merciless wins. I've gotten several of them, but they haven't told me on Steam except for one (and I don't even know why). I manage to kill the 4 survivors and it appears to me that I have achieved a "Merciless Victory", but it does not count for me. I have tried to play both with accessories and offerings, as well as without them, killing all 4 survivors on the hook.

Can someone tell me if I'm doing something wrong?

And if I'm doing it right, can someone put the Steam achievement for me as finished? (because in the past I almost certainly got more with universals). In Steam I put the hours in which I got the last 3 (when I realized that they were not counted), here I leave it reflected the last 3 with the approximate hours at the end.

04:49 03/23/2022

19:22H 03/22/2022

20:58H 03/23/2022

Thanks in advance, regards.

1 votes

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  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579
    edited March 2022

    I'm afraid we cannot unlock achievements for you.

    If you are talking about the Adept achievements for killers, you must double pip with the merciless victory for it to count, with the 3 perks specific to that killer.

    For the Tools of the Trade achievement, the merciless victory making sure you have no teachable perks (not from any character), so perks such as Bitter Murmur etc.

  • El_Dios_Chocobo
    El_Dios_Chocobo Member Posts: 12

    So I have to get 2 nuggets, carrying 3 universal abilities, to get to unlock that achievement and get victory merciless? With which a bronze gets it easily while an Iridescent has to get the 4 categories in iridescent? So you have it wrongly explained on Steam. If 2 nuggets are needed to upload Tools of the trade, please confirm me for each game. Not counting the 8K (maximum) in each category, I understand.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    So I had the same problem with that achievement. My first one counted, but the second appeared to not count. I kept getting my merciless kills with 3 universal perks throughout a span of 2 weeks. I knew I had 4 but it was still saying 1. I got my 5th and that's when I got the achievement, so it's as if it wasn't updating until I got it or something. You mentioned about how you most likely got more in the past, but the achievement didn't come out too long ago (maybe just a few months max) so it wouldn't have been counting just yet. Hopefully you get it soon

  • El_Dios_Chocobo
    El_Dios_Chocobo Member Posts: 12

    It's already finished, you have to get 2 nuggets in the game, kill the 4 survivors and carry 3 generic abilities (those of the Demogorgon work, verified 100%), you can also carry accessories and offering.

    Come on, instead of putting things right on Steam, you have to guess what they didn't want to put out of laziness or laziness (to say the least).

    For a change, getting an assassin achievement makes it extremely difficult for you and the survivor achievement: go out the door, or trapdoor (with your 3 skills without doing anything if you want) and you have enough.