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Boon glitch when a survivor escapes with their boon active and another teamate has a boon active

SoJuicee Member Posts: 5

Me (Kate) and a claudette had just boon CoH and when the claudette walked out the exit gate both of our boons were turned off instead of just hers. We only had the one boon the both of us

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  • crystalkitti
    crystalkitti Member Posts: 394

    You're sure your boon didn't get snuffed (and then maybe replaced) when you weren't looking?

  • resplenvent
    resplenvent Member Posts: 2

    It's been a long time, but just wanted you to know the same thing happened to me but with exponential. i was running all four boons, and my friend was doing adept jonah. when she died, my exponential stop working. my hud showed that the perk was still active, but my progress meter and the status effects showed otherwise.