You know what is more rare than playing againts Twins?

Having a game where no Survivor have DH.
At low mmr almost noone using DH
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Well, here is at least one survivor you may see that won't be running it!
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Imagine running Dead Hard when you can run Smash Hit, the superior exhaustion perk.
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Versing doctor?
Iv had 2 twins in the past month odd, 0 doctors in 6months 😂
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Yep, the devs did say they’re looking at probably tweaking Dead Hard since its effectiveness and popularity both significantly increased once it started working correctly after hit validation went into effect.
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for me the more rare thing is a mikaela whit sole survivor
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This image summarizes the current state of the game.
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ded hard ☠️
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Impossible 😤
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Lol ok so DH seems to make killers cry to most and you see people as Git Goot but then you see people say about NOED. So killers cry because DH extends a chase a little and rewards a mistake (people are not perfect mistakes happen) on the other side NOED can feel like a reward to a bad killer because it can some times be the first down they get and if you are a solo survivor it can be so sad to see the other three throw open the gate and leave you. Both sides have perks that are always going to cause people to cry if you do not like it maybe learn to counter it? I personally do not use DH because when I have I usually run into walls.
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It's funny that is a survivor complains about face-camping, a tactic that literally has no counter for the hooked survivor unless they happen to have Decisive Strike and another teammate happened to have equiped Borrowed Time, which includes both of those survivor players going through a paywall to get those perks, either cash or bloodpoints. Then it's survivors are trying to ruin Killers fun.
Yet, Dead Hard, a perk that is the most fun exhaustion perk for survivors, hence it being used so much, is always being asked to be removed from the game without any irony at all.
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They couldn't make a survivor loadout? XD
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Not really sure why you mentioned me... Honestly not complaining about anything and as for camping that is not what is being talked about here. I agree with you but like DH can be broken when used properly (remember I DH into walls lol) I get that having the paywalls for two counter to a bad play by a killer but would you just add them to a survivor base kit? I can see that becoming busted and the memes are going to fly. They do need to do something about camping and tunneling cause it is almost every game it happens but I do not have any good suggestions that do not kneecap all killers. If you play survivor and you see some killers you automatically go easy win (looking at you legion) and thus quite often you vers the same 5-6 killers and not a single other killer because people want to play killers that are fun and when you almost always lose you will not have fun. This also promotes camping and tunneling because if survivors are hyper altruistic they will throw the game to try and save.
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I was just agreeing with you.
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You know what's even rarer than that? A twins player that doesn't camp with Victor.
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Playing Twins against a Survivor who also plays the Twins.
Actually had that happen yesterday. When i mentioned it to the Killer their reaction was "ohhhh" because I knew how to counter Victor.
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Don’t remember the last time I had a game without at least one dead hard in it. Dead hard will be nerfed since it’s in a situation like old ruin was, overused and powerful vs a lot of players. Although once dead hard is nerfed there may be a sprint burst meta.
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god FORBID survivors use the perks theyre given. How DARE THEY
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Majority of the time I use balanced landing because it's such a giant time waster perk on specific maps people just don't acknowledge it exists since it's stagger passive nerf
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oh no im with you on that. All the made up guidelines that everyone is "supposed to follow" just harbors more toxicity in the end. Live and let live.
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all good. Hard to figure out whos being a dick and whos being honest on these forums.
You know, i'll start my own forum. With blackjack! and hookers!
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"nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"
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Extends chase "a little"??? if tiles are spawned in a favorable way to survivors, dead hard can make a 35 second chase into a 3 minute chase
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Whats rare is a Bubba not camping and actually playing the game.
One of the Bubba's in game chat said he hopes to remove the sterotype camper bubba....god speed.
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Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've seen more Bubbi Bois who don't camp than those that do. (Not including camping when 1 or no gens left)
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probably you are lol.
I mostly get the campers or ones that try basement.
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Let's be honest, who uses sole survivor apart from adepting Laurie Strode ?
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If a survivor takes a 35 second chase and extends it into a 3 minute chase chances are you were not going to catch them in the 35 seconds. Not to be rude but a survivor that can use dead hard at the start of the chase and then extend the chase by that long is a good looper. If the survivor is able to stand still a little they maybe able to get DH back but in that time more then like maybe once. I know there are times that you get caught out of position and DH can help either get you to a loop but not always. At the end if a survivor is going to waste your time go find the weak link because as a solo survivor nothing makes a team throw more then going to get that unhook. I was doing a ghost face daily yesterday got called a camper because the first person I hooked I slugged and hooked all four but as I was hooking him all 3 of his teammates were right there.
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"nobody makes me bleed my own blood!"