6 New Haddonfield Graphical Rework Images!!
Now the question is, do I make dev update summaries now that I do stream and PTB ones 🤔
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I'm dam nerd for the halloween movies this look great.
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Did they remove the fences, or just remodel them with ivy?
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omg that looks like phasmophobia
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I'm flabbergasted that it actually looks like night!
I was waiting for them to ruin another map by making it bright as balls! Delighted to see this!
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They better be gone.
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If you are referring to the house with the balcony, that isn't the Myers house. That's the Doyle residence.
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It looks like they're gone. I thought I could see a break in the bushes.
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I hope they release this soon. I miss having it around.
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Please do yourself a favor and at least watch the original Halloween from 1978 it's a classic.
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You should watch it it's so good
Halloween 2 as well, screw the rest of them (2018/Kills are ok too)
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Leave my girl alone pls
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I just kick the same gen 50 times.
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It does look cool, but I wish we had that Depth of Field in game. Love the effect.
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And in 7 months you'll see "I miss old Haddonfield" posts.
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This looks more like the original Haddonfield release trailer than the map did.
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Graphically looks a huge upgrade 👍
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Looks good, only the car model looks low texture detail but dbd is not a car game i guess xD
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Ah yes Ormond style
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please make a shadow myers on top of his home. No matter killer we using or facing, shadow Myers should be a pop out as a hint or easter egg at the moment as same as bell ring at midwich elementary school map.
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When these drop I'm burning like 20 offerings in a row to test out various things in my games. Also I'm cranking the graphics to max and playing in 4k.
Then a few things that are interaction-dependent I want to do on my GaMUr ScReEN with the 144fps, even if it is only 1080p. I'll likely upload the videos as well.
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Im so excited for this ❤️
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Too bad you’re not playing dbd anymore 😬
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Can´t wait to get looped for 30 minutes around this!
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Ah yes! lets prepare for more poor performance :)
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I hope we have multiple versions like with Badham Preschool <3
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I hope so too! It looks like that YT video someone made of Haddonfield.
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30 minutes? Are you facing with baby survivors? It should be min 60 minutes
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It physically cannot be worse than the entire RE chapter release. Like I refuse to believe it could ever get worse.
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This is true
I also can't imagine that this is gonna run well
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Wow, they look awesome.
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I was being kinda optimistic with my estimation.
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You shouldn’t say that out loud! Don’t jinx it! KARU! WHAT have you done??
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