getting 4k every match

So I started playing DBD last month and playing only nurse when I play survivor.

I lost few match cuz I had no idea how she works but after that I'm winning almost every match.

First 2 week or so most survivors never look behind and just run forward or try to run around pallets while getting chase so I could hit them with a single blink.

Recently I go against survivors prob with high MMR that tries to trick me and do random move but I can still get them within 2~3 blinks so not really a problem.

So I thought playing survivor must be so painful cuz they lose every match.

But in 30~ matches I done as survivor,I've seen only one nurse that looked like her first match and most of the time 2 ppl get to escape.

Why is everyone not playing nurse?

I heard she's the strongest too.


  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Total snoozefest to play, even if she is strong. You basically have to main her, and why do that in a game with 20+ killers? I started on her way back in the day but eventually moved to being a toxic Wraith.

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Speak for yourself, in my server there's even more Nurse than Blight and Spirit combined. and I like messing with Spirit players.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    She's very hard to play and very unforgiving if you're not right on top of survivors when you blink to them and swing at them. On console she's even harder. But trust me, at top level her strength is just breaking even with the survivors' gen speed.

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    As a competitive player i hate when people talk like that about us.

    Yes, there are way more casuals but that doesnt mean you cant play competive or that there arent any

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    She is offten played. She is by no means rare.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I go against Nurses with full all-in builds in about one third of my trials and I'm a killer main.

    I've got 3k hours though. So, in the long run I probably ended up in the bracket with more competitive-ish players.

    I'd say give it some time and you might see more nurses down the road. Unless there's some region-specific trend in your area, or time when you play, that make it less likely to run into players gravitating toward the strongest characters.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    edited March 2022

    People don't want to learn her and when you do the game is just a single player game where you ######### on the ai all day. Then you'll become like all the other nurse mains and stop playing because you'll get tired of winning and you'll only play when something new gets added. Get bored again after a few hours and vanish until the next big update comes in. Unless you want that cycle play another killer.

    Edit: Not even joking ask some Nurse mains.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2022

    I can't comment on any recent history but when I used to play Nurse I also got 4k's every game (often at 5 gens). I must've found it quite boring so no longer played her. But keep in mind this is really, really far in the past - I played her when she had 3 blinks default (none of this micro managing 2 blinks that we have today).

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236

    There are plenty of competitive players, but they typically aren't playing public matches all that often. Even if they are, it's usually not that serious. It's not good practice for that environment and I certainly wasn't keen to play more DbD on top of the KYF scrims. You don't get better at comp by beating up on solos or run of the mill SWFs.

  • renaclock
    renaclock Member Posts: 32

    a lot of survivor I go against is streaming and when I go watch them,they seem to be playing competitive like calling out where I'm at constantly,switching gen when I start to play around it,calling out which pallet is gone and what perk I have.

    I play in japan so maybe its different from other server?

    I started playing other killers but most match I lose ends with survivor doing 5gen in 6~7mins.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Asia definitely seems to have a different gaming culture to the west so I can't say I'm surprised. Perks I can let slide since you can kind of eyeball what perks a killer has if you have a trained eye and know what to look for/what is common, but calling out dead spaces? Wew. Giving out that info is one thing, but knowing the map enough to know what pallet is being called out and where to switch your route is some next level gaming (unless you have windows of opportunity, but then you wouldn't need the call out).

    I think the upside is, if you know your position is being called out, then you can act accordingly. Plus they can make all the callouts in the world but if they're bad in chase then they can call out the location they're hooked at.

    Now as far as generators going fast, well, it happens stateside too occasionally but there's a reason Corrupt Intervention is so popular. Survivors have been nerfed -a lot- but on a game that operates on fog of war, if you know where the gens spawn then that's half the battle...but if it's consistent then time to brush off those end game activated perks. Y'know?

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    She's the most played killer at high MMR with her friend blight, if u don't see her often there's only one reason, you aren't high mmr

  • renaclock
    renaclock Member Posts: 32

    prob yeah.

    It takes around 10mins to find match every time I play survivor and half of killer is afk,throwing or DCs early in game so hard to play a lot of matches.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    I love Nurse, but I love lots of other killers more.

    If a killer only cares about winning, they probably should main Nurse. Missing out on so much, though. Chasing is my favorite part, there are so many different types of chase in this game.

    You should give it a whirl.

  • renaclock
    renaclock Member Posts: 32

    half of the match I play is in The Game cuz survivor often use item to send me there and insta-drop pallets so theres not much chasing other than break pallets....

    Popular japanese DBD youtuber uploading strong strats for swf uploaded "how to win every match" kind of video and now thats the meta I guess.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    cuz there are ppl out there who also enjoy playing other killers and dont go always for kills only?

    Seems like you are rather new or have a lowerish amount of experience (Around 1-2k hours). Once you start getting used to that you dont care that much about winning. Infact I actually never met a 5-6k+ hours player who only cares about winning. Except competetive players ofc.

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    Shes fun to play, in my opinion, and for a very long time I had put off playing her due to me not wanting to suffer through that pain (im on console) But ever since i did adept nurse and her 2 other trophies, I really like playing her as sort of a side killer now and then

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    she make player's eye tire very quick

    first person view and darkass gamma plus teleporting, not a good combination

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 359

    I have trouble playing her on console. Maybe it's just me, but I feel her skill level is incredibly high, and it's easier for PC players who can make quicker moves with keyboard+mouse than with a controller.